I just registered a domain name!

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Staff member
I've been wanting to registers a domain name for a long time. Quite a long time, but I could never figure out exactly what I wanted. Now I have it. I have the ultimate domain name for the soon to be (~6 months to never) best website ever.

I call it....


Awesome? I think so. Filled with the hatrolytes that plants need? Oh yes.


Gahhhhhhh! I clicked it and I was attacked by all sorts of ads. Wash it off! WASH IT OFFFFFF!

well... attacked may be a bit strong, but that's all there was there currently.


Staff member
Hmm. Haterade.com might've been a little cooler, but the gaming at least lets people know what it's about.

So, uhhh.. whatcha do with it? Right now it's just kinda sitting there.


haha.. That's funny. I'm talking with my gaming buddy about a redesign on a number of his domains and a better way to restructure them. He's got about 24 domains when he only needs about 6 or 7 (he just cut it down to 6 domains to keep and let the rest die out).

I miss having my own domain & host to test out theory and learn. :(

So! What are your plans with your domain?


Staff member
Not sure just yet. I really wanted haterade.com, but unsurprisingly that bitch was already taken. I think I'm going to make it a game review blog/website, but with maximum haterade.


Staff member
Well, be sure to make it a hilarious review site to make people actually care. Nobody likes "real" reviews. =P

(Examples: ZeroPunctuation, Angry Video Game Nerd, ThatGuyWithTheGlasses)


Staff member
Thinking of something along those lines, but waaayyy more over the top, with just enough truth to keep it interesting.
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