I like you, Halforums

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I like you, Halforums. You're good people. I don't think I could've made this post on the Image boards because of some creepier individuals we had back then, but as this place stands, I like everyone here in some capacity. I think we should all appreciate this place we have, the people in it, and the guy who makes it possible, Dave. Even if he's still trying to discover fire.

Mods like Espy and North, your positions here must be the easiest modding on the internet. There's pretty much only one person who needs your attention, and he makes fireworks so that you'll know about it. We should all appreciate that.

There are too many people here to list all of them and what's great about them, and I don't want anyone feeling left out, or Jay complaining about forum porn stars since we no longer have a NSFW sub-forum. I'm not going to stop my snarkolepsy just by saying how great everyone is, but in my real life situations, my friends and I make jabs at each other and it's a sign of good company. This place hasn't had much drama in a while and I think others are understanding lately that no one really means hard feelings; we just all have a lot to say, whether it's about politics or which movies are best or how long a thread should go before it's locked, or how many times we can outright insult each other before being temp-banned. But we wouldn't stick around if this community weren't worthwhile, and I think we can all agree that it is. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.


Staff member
Discovering fire? :(

HAW HAW! Just kidding. I love youse guys, too.

And for the record...

1) The NSFW stuff is still there. It's just in hiding until we get the age verification back.
2) The arcade is coming back. I've been told it's going to be soon. Course, I've been told that before, but what can I do? If I knew how to program I wouldn't have to wait on others.
Many of you helped with my trip to Virginia a few years back. You guys basically gave me my rental car for the weekend. And even though that whole experience ended up turning to shit, I've never forgotten what Halforums did for me. I will find a way to repay your kindness someday, when I'm not as poor as fuck.
Aahhh, ok! I have a short memory for stuff even directly involving me, so forgive me for not instantly remembering that!

You all are very fine people and I would share a drink with any of ya.
Cuz you so creepy son. :p

You know, I feel that way too, even though it was pre-Halforums days I think, but this place was a great outlet for me during my wife's deployments. I mean, I had a social life and was busy with school and stuff but there were some real connections here that helped me get through a VERY hard time in my life.
And we all cheered when you broke the bed.
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