I need help finding a scheduling software (graphical would be nice)

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Convention is around (project akon 21)the corner and I got some late edition of volunteers. I know that MS Project would be nice to have, but alas, I am not going to spend a ton of money for a single event (once a year)

Is there any recommendation for a scheduling software that works similar to MS Project? or at least I can enter my resources? I check out mimosa but that is more of a classroom style.

I got about 30 volunteers and 4 days to fit them all with 16+ hours shift each. I could use note cards, but I figure a software would be much faster and able to schedule people around if things changes in the last minutes.




It's free...
Yea the free version is the school edition which design to schedule classes. It is not as robust I would like it. I can't assign resources (i.e. 30 volunteers with their schedule) and use drag drop to the time of the project (our convention time)

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

Is Openworkbench too heavy an alternative?
I'm downloading it and taking a look at this.

edit: it is kinda what I'm looking for :) it is pretty robust and need to find where all the stuff are.


Get a secretary!
LOL. Yea. I am using volunteer. I barely have enough for staff much less an assistant. I did it with pencil and note cards, but that took a while (got it done) I couldn't figure out how to add resources and time restriction to each person (much harder than project but alas, I don't have a license for it.)
I was going for the "Get a blog" schtick. I think I am going to start doing a "Get a ..." thing now, and annoy the piss out of everyone.
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