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I remember this book...




I remember I picked up this one book when I was around 13 or so. It was called the dream warriors or something incredibly cliche like that. Mostly I picked it up because it had guys in neat looking power armor on the front.

The plot mostly revolved around the main character's son who was possessed by a demon who would take over and kill things when the kid dreamed of his mother's grave and during one of these he disabled his father. Later on the father and all his friends in the assisted living facility get visited by something that explains to them their powers and gives them the armor. One guy gets missiles that implode, another gets some kind of disc thrower that he can use to guide the discs and another two get to be the batteries and store energy for the group.

Anyway has anybody else run across this book? For some reason it just came to me and I was kinda wondering if it was part of a series or something.




-> Media Madness forum.

The book sounds like 1/2 The Omen and 1/2 X-Men :p




Was it a novel or a manga/comic book?





And sorry if it belongs more in the Media madness forum. I figured it would be real quick on the general and then drop down. Unlike in the MM part where it would... linger.



and another two get to be the batteries and store energy for the group.
I would be pretty pissed if that was my job in life. Like, seriously? Couldn't I just have gotten an AK at least?
