I think I just saw a former forumite on the news.

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Kitty Sinatra

I was watching a news segment about Twitter's new ads, and the story quoted a tweet from Scarlet Varlet.

Was this our Varlet?


Staff member
I don't know, you didn't quote the news story, the section that was pertinent, or anything other than the name of the guy.


Staff member
Was it just one of those annoying CNN things where they take quotes from Twitter and it just happened to be SV?

Kitty Sinatra

Was it just one of those annoying CNN things where they take quotes from Twitter and it just happened to be SV?
yeah, but it wasn't CNN. It was the local London, Ontario station. I guess they thought our ScarletVarlet's line was clever: "Ads coming to @Twitter. I wonder how many tweeters will be going FROM twitter."

And it was our guy, thanks Zarvox.

ore than anything, though, when I saw that I thought, "hmm, where has our Varlet been? I ain't seen him in ages."


I don't know, you didn't quote the news story, the section that was pertinent, or anything other than the name of the guy.
And yet it was enough for Zarvox to totally help. :p


Staff member
Nothing until what you just said in that last post meant NOTHING to me! But then you gave me context, and I UNDERSTOOD!


Philosopher B.

He posted a ton in the Straub sections of HalfPixel, so I kinda assumed without Straub around he might've got disinterested.


Twitter and Facebook are not news! :explode:
Errr yeah they are.

Social networking is here and happening. Ignore it at your peril. The first two stories illustrate exactly that, people not considering the impact or power of social media. The last an example of how businesses or (in this case) politicians and their staff can and will use social media to guage the public perception of their messages. Sorry.
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