Export thread

I will answer every question asked of me in this thread honestly.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Shoot! I promise that I'll be 100% honest to the point of trying not to get this thread moved to flame wars. But if that's how it goes, that's how it goes. I know a lot about sports, poker, movies, TV, and living in Texas for a year.




Are you telling the truth?




If you could make a movie, what would it be about and who would you want for it?



alright, I'll bite.

Whats the wort thing about living in texas


whats the weirdest thing you've ever done during sex




How do you handle being awesome on a daily basis with such ease? Having recently attained awesomeness, I have come to find it tiring.




To add on to Silv, what's the best thing about living in Texas? (try to pick something, even if you hate it, heheh)



the bit i've been there, im going to guess the food



What was the worst moment of your life? Why?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Are you telling the truth?
I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

If you could make a movie, what would it be about and who would you want for it?
I have about 5 different ideas floating around in various levels of detail, from just like a paragraph to ~10 pages of screenplay written. I think my favorite that would be the most fun to make is a crime/heist movie that's a little bit stupid John Woo/Michael Bay action and a little bit like Heat. I'd want Mann to direct, no doubt, and as far as actors... most of this one was scribbled on notebook paper, but I remember I did fantasy cast most of it out. I think Anthony Hopkins was the older FBI agent and someone like Matt Damon was the younger. I might look for it later to see.

alright, I'll bite.

Whats the wort thing about living in texas


whats the weirdest thing you've ever done during sex
I really love Texas, and I live in Austin, so I don't get much of the horrible cowboy stereotypes. But I have to say the traffic is pretty universally terrible in the cities I've visited or driven through. Public transportation is generally just regarded as an amusing idea too for the most part.

For the second, I'm not going to elaborate more past the phrase "that time of the month".

How do you handle being awesome on a daily basis with such ease? Having recently attained awesomeness, I have come to find it tiring.
You know, I just take it one day at a time.




I'd like to see that. I love Anthony Hopkins. :D




Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 but hot dog buns come in packs of 8?




Why dont you surf?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

To add on to Silv, what's the best thing about living in Texas? (try to pick something, even if you hate it, heheh)
For me, it's the weather. Middle TN wasn't super cold by any stretch of the imagination, but I really enjoy the warmth and lack of rain. Also the lack of any sort of severe weather whatsoever. Too far inland for hurricanes, too far south for tornadoes, and too far south for much icing/snow.

What was the worst moment of your life? Why?
I have had it fairly easy, if I had to pick just one singular moment, it would be the last time I got broken up with. It came out of nowhere, and I was super into the girl. It was the closest thing I've experienced to emotional trauma. Even hours later, I couldn't remember the conversation since it felt like I got hit by a car.




Best moment of your life?

Otters or french toast?




Why dont you surf?



now im curious. How old are you?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------

For the second, I'm not going to elaborate more past the phrase "that time of the month".
haha, going for the red wings eh?




Are you really that bored?


Fun Size

Fun Size

What is the absolute worst movie that you irrationally enjoy?

Follow up: Same question, but for porn.



When will you run for President?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 but hot dog buns come in packs of 8?
Vast conspiracy in place by the largest corporations. Although, I do have in my fridge now an 8-pack of dogs.

Why dont you surf?
Personally, I have no balance. But that's not why I picked the name. It's a phrase from a movie quote that just stuck with me, and struck me as a funny screen name.

Best moment of your life?

Otters or french toast?
Graduating high school? college? first kiss? no, fuck that. I won the Sophomore class Vice Presidency in high school when I was running against four of the smartest and hottest popular girls in my class. Granted, I was pretty popular across different cliques in my class back then, but I still thought I had no chance whatsoever. Now, you might say, "oh, that's no big deal, they split the vote, it's easy to win". To that I tell you that after the main election, there was a run-off with myself versus just one of them, that I SOMEHOW won. I wish it would have been some national important election to break down the demographics, because I have NO clue how that happened. But it was just an awesome instance of defying the odds and winning something when nearly everyone was saying I was wasting my time and would never win. Then the next year, I resigned because the SGA Junior year had real work to do (putting on prom) and rode off into the sunset. :toocool:

French Toast. I've never tasted otter.




Ok, now for a real one that I'm actually really curious to hear the answer for:

What are your top 10 favorite movies? (I know that's a hard decision to make at times, so it doesn't have to be in any specific order, also doing Top 5 is just too restricting from what I've seen in the past)

Top 5 favorite games?

(These questions are really just to gauge how well I think I know you so far)




What Star Trek captain is your favorite?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

now im curious. How old are you?

haha, going for the red wings eh?

22, and the Detroit Red Wings are probably my most-hated sports team. Is it Hockey Season yet?

Are you really that bored?
Well, I'm still posting, aren't I?

What is the absolute worst movie that you irrationally enjoy?

Follow up: Same question, but for porn.
There are a lot of horror movie contenders for this. Also- Bad Boys 2, Shoot 'Em Up, Will Ferrell Comedies, John Cena's movie career, BUT above them all has got to be Showdown in Little Tokyo. I could write an essay on just how bad this is and just how hilarious it is.

It's hard to answer the second question since I only watch good porn.

When will you run for President?
Well, I can't until the 2032 election, so that's the earliest. I don't know if I'd want to. I was really interested in going into politics in my youth and Young Republicans days, but I think I'm way too cynical now. If I ever get successful/get my life more on track, I might try some sort of local politics once I set down roots somewhere. As it is now, I'm too much of a rollin' stone to worry about improving and helping where I live.




Favorite food?



now im curious. How old are you?

haha, going for the red wings eh?

22, and the Detroit Red Wings are probably my most-hated sports team. Is it Hockey Season yet?[/quote]

I see someone is jealous of our greatness. :D Stars fan?




Aren't you too young to know everything already?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Ok, now for a real one that I'm actually really curious to hear the answer for:

What are your top 10 favorite movies? (I know that's a hard decision to make at times, so it doesn't have to be in any specific order, also doing Top 5 is just too restricting from what I've seen in the past)

Top 5 favorite games?

(These questions are really just to gauge how well I think I know you so far)
The Godfather
The Godfather: Part II
12 Angry Men
Annie Hall
The Third Man
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Silence of the Lambs
No Country for Old Men
2001: A Space Odyssey


This is all the movies I've seen with rankings/numerical scores. They aren't perfect, a good chunk of them I rated before I really got my "system" down, and I'm too lazy to go through 1000 movies to get it exactly right. But it's a good general list.

Games? I am not too hardcore of a gamer. I'm going to go with series in place of specific games really.

Rock Band/Guitar Hero(1/2)
Super Smash Bros
Grand Theft Auto
What Star Trek captain is your favorite?
Kirk(Shatner). Sisko a close second.

Favorite food?
My taste is too spastic and I go on runs eating a lot of the same thing over and over. Right now it's Chili, texas-style.




Yeah, everything I assumed makes sence. Thanks for clearing that up.




What is the guiltiest of guilty movie pleasures you have? Come on, let's hear all the shit you love but everyone fucking hates.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I see someone is jealous of our greatness. :D Stars fan?

Aren't you too young to know everything already?
I do frequently wonder if I'm just being young/dumb/arrogant, but then I just dismiss it and keep on truckin' anyways.



Given your icon, I'm going out on a limb to assume you're a wrestling fan. With that said:

Favourite wrestler of all time? (/Kanye mode: Of ALL TIME!)
Favourite match?
Favourite moment?

Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What is the guiltiest of guilty movie pleasures you have? Come on, let's hear all the shit you love but everyone fucking hates.
Horror movies. I can't wait to see Sorority Row and Halloween 2 and Jennifer's Body(although I suspect this will be more annoying than fun). I'm super-hyped for the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, and Friday the 13th(2009) is one of the very few Blu-Rays I bought on day one instead of renting.




What made you create this thread?




Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.
I was thinking the same thing actually..... just wondering whether we should just open new threads or a subforum or something....




Well we have an "introduce yourself" area. That might be a good place for it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Given your icon, I'm going out on a limb to assume you're a wrestling fan. With that said:

Favourite wrestler of all time? (/Kanye mode: Of ALL TIME!)
Favourite match?
Favourite moment?

Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.
I've definitely fallen out with wrestling, BUT

Chris Jericho. His antics in WCW with the Crusierweight belt were what got me into wrestling in the first place. He was a pretty good blend of being ridiculously entertaining and a great wrestler too. Finding his older ECW stuff was icing on the cake.

Match: Benoit vs HHH vs HBK. This is one of a few match outcomes ever that actually shocked me. I lost my mind when HHH tapped out.

Moment: Y 2 J. Biggest mark-out moment of my entire life.

AND yeah, I started to make a thread called "halforum interviews" or something to see if someone else would want to take a bunch of questions. But then I realized that I have nothing to do all day and am an egomaniac, sooooooo.....

What made you create this thread?
See above. Also boredom.

Yeah, maybe this should have gone in the introduce yourself place? but fuck, no one reads there




Well we have an "introduce yourself" area. That might be a good place for it.
Excellent idea!




Aren't you too young to know everything already?
I do frequently wonder if I'm just being young/dumb/arrogant, but then I just dismiss it and keep on truckin' anyways.
Probably for the best. I know as I got older, I found I knew less and less and it made me want to learn more and more.




Could you ask yourself a question about, ehm, yourself for me? I'm just too lazy right now to think of a decent one. :Leyla:




Yeah, maybe this should have gone in the introduce yourself place? but fuck, no one reads there
I thought we already discussed the merits of using "New Posts" button instead of just checking the General Forum....




Well we have an "introduce yourself" area. That might be a good place for it.
Excellent idea![/QUOTE]

I just had a mental image of Shego adding more info (too much info) about us to her rolodex...


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Could you ask yourself a question about, ehm, yourself for me? I'm just too lazy right now to think of a decent one. :Leyla:

Self, what are you wearing right now?

an ironic white "United We Stand" US flag t-shirt my grandma got me right after 9/11 and The Simpsons pajama pants featuring Homer from high school and "Old School" written on them over and over




I just had a mental image of Shego adding more info (too much info) about us to her rolodex...
Quiet you! :sevil:




What are you most afraid of?




Wait, another question just popped into my thoughts that I've always wondered about you:

Why have you been one of the biggest speakers against Gay bashing and negativity towards Gays in general?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What are you most afraid of?

Shego if I can turn the tables, I'm curious what you assumed about me?

---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ----------

Wait, another question just popped into my thoughts that I've always wondered about you:

Why have you been one of the biggest speakers against Gay bashing and negativity towards Gays in general?
Because it's terrible that people are routinely discriminated against, made to feel like shit and inferior, and denied civil rights only because of who they love.




But why Gays? There are quite a few minority groups that have issues. You've really stood your ground on the subject a few times. I was just curious what your motivation was.

As for what I assumed?
You're a "hardcore" movie fan who would rather watch a classic than a new "epic", who's a casual mainstream gamer . I was curious if there would be any "surprises" in your movie or game choices, but I pretty much nailed it before you answered.




When can I tap that?




When can I tap that?
Damn... no idea how anyone can follow that perfect question...



whats your price? Like how much would you have to be paid to do something (within the law) that is totally against what you belive in.




Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.
I was thinking the same thing actually..... just wondering whether we should just open new threads or a subforum or something....[/QUOTE]

Let's have 'em!

Also: isn't "Jennifer's Body" being billed as more of a comedy with horror elements than a straight horror? I imagine it's something in the vein of Idle Hands.


General Specific

General Specific

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)




What do you want to do with your life?




What members do you hate the most on Halforums




What members do you hate the most on Halforums
this could be interesting. Flamewar, anybody?

---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

Btw, whats your hits per minute when you are typing? You're answering those questions pretty darn fast...

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

MEGA POST INCOMING. Halforums didn't work for a while.

But why Gays? There are quite a few minority groups that have issues. You've really stood your ground on the subject a few times. I was just curious what your motivation was.

As for what I assumed?
You're a "hardcore" movie fan who would rather watch a classic than a new "epic", who's a casual mainstream gamer . I was curious if there would be any "surprises" in your movie or game choices, but I pretty much nailed it before you answered.
Well, I am all for civil rights for everyone. I don't think it's that I really prefer them to others, but I can't recall the last state constitutional amendment barring Hispanics from marriage.

I actually watch a shitload of new movies! I have No Country in my top ten from just a couple years ago. The last couple years I've seen over 50 new movies a year.

When can I tap that?

whats your price? Like how much would you have to be paid to do something (within the law) that is totally against what you belive in.
This is too vague, there are levels. Like. I'd yell FREEBIRD at a concert for $5. But I wouldn't earnestly protest at a Tea-Party for $5. There's a lot of levels of money and things I don't believe in!

Also: isn't "Jennifer's Body" being billed as more of a comedy with horror elements than a straight horror? I imagine it's something in the vein of Idle Hands.
Well, the thing is I imagine Diablo Cody's humor might not land. At least, that's what I'm worried about.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)
Being an atheist, it's because it means game over. Nothing more. Don't get to do anything else for the rest of your life. And probably nagging worry that I chose wrong and will burn in hell forever.
What do you want to do with your life?
I wish I knew. Right now, I just want a steady job where I don't have to worry about money, and have enough to go do fun things on a regular basis.

What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.

Btw, whats your hits per minute when you are typing? You're answering those questions pretty darn fast...
I can type around 100 words per minute on best conditions.




If you could choose any one religion to follow, which one and why?




What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.[/QUOTE]
You mean the ones where you'd call someone out by name in the thread title, then erase your post before they could read it? :rofl:




What changes would you make here if you were the Admin?




You are given the possibility to go back in time to 1933 and meet Adolph Hitler. What will do you?




If you could kill anyone past or present who would you kill?





Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)
Being an atheist, it's because it means game over. Nothing more. Don't get to do anything else for the rest of your life. And probably nagging worry that I chose wrong and will burn in hell forever.
Good answer to the kanye one. :)

Ahm, what life? If it's over, it's over.

And, just to throw this in, I guess you'll go to hell not because you chose wrong, but because of how you've lived your life.


(not that I believe in Hell in the biblical meaning, more like a place of (seemingly eternal) regrets about what you did or didn't... ^^)

Thx for this thread, btw.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

If you could choose any one religion to follow, which one and why?
This question's a little weird? Like one where I'd have to adhere to everything strictly that it preaches? You can only really follow a religion if you have faith in it, and I have no faith in a higher power, so I can't really go from that perspective.

As far as one to follow if I was just faking the faith part of it, probably Southern Baptist. Got crazy sermons, no communion, and unfortunately, any religion other than Christianity can cause you problems in (god bless) the USA.

What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.[/QUOTE]
You mean the ones where you'd call someone out by name in the thread title, then erase your post before they could read it? :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Huh. I never erased any of my posts in Flame Wars. I have no clue what you're talking about.

What changes would you make here if you were the Admin?
I'd combine everything together, kick out the porn subforum, still allow sex talk, just no outright naked pictures, keep the flame subforum. I dunno how to drive traffic/new members here at all, but I don't know much about webcomics and would stay away from that.

You are given the possibility to go back in time to 1933 and meet Adolph Hitler. What will do you?
Shake his hand.

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

If you could kill anyone past or present who would you kill?
I dunno, I'm not a fan of messing with history. And the only person that really pops to mind now really is Osama Bin Laden, given he's not already dead.




If you could travel to any place in the world for free but you would have to stay there for the next 3 years where would you go?




What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.[/quote]
You mean the ones where you'd call someone out by name in the thread title, then erase your post before they could read it? :rofl:[/quote]

Huh. I never erased any of my posts in Flame Wars. I have no clue what you're talking about.[/quote]
There were one or two aimed at me, and when I looked at them, the posts were just a single comma. If that was indeed your original intended message, it must be incredibly profound and I will attempt to grok it in fullness.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

If you could travel to any place in the world for free but you would have to stay there for the next 3 years where would you go?
New York City




Ninja or pirate?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Ninja or pirate?




Do you sit or stand?


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

If you could travel to any place in the world for free but you would have to stay there for the next 3 years where would you go?
New York City[/QUOTE]Granted, but Jerry Bruckheimer is now the mayor.

Wait, wrong thread.



I see someone is jealous of our greatness. :D Stars fan?
Predators! [/QUOTE]

What does it feel like to root for second-place-in-the-division, out-in-the-first-round-of-the-playoffs futility? :D




Besides yourself, which forumer do you like the most? hate the most?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Do you sit or stand?
I do both when appropriate

What does it feel like to root for second-place-in-the-division, out-in-the-first-round-of-the-playoffs futility? :D
It's gonna be worth it when they finally win. With a team like the Red Wings, everything not called a Stanley Cup is a complete failure.

Besides yourself, which forumer do you like the most? hate the most?
I'm fond of ZenMonkey and ElJuski :)
I miss The Messiah.




What was the last movie playing in a theatre that you left because you couldn't stand to watch any more?




whats the weirdest thing you've ever done during sex
For the second, I'm not going to elaborate more past the phrase "that time of the month".[/quote]

What's your purity test score? Which version of the test?

Boxers of briefs?

Bicycle or run/jog?

Sprite or 7-up?

Coke or pepsi?

If you could go back in time and erase (ie, it never happened) 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, which and why?

Most annoying thing or aspect any of your previous (or current!) roommates has done/been?

Would you rather lose your sight, or both hands?





If I ever do one of these, it's going to be one question per post....




If I ever do one of these, it's going to be one question per post....
When will you do one of these?



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What was the last movie playing in a theatre that you left because you couldn't stand to watch any more?
An American Carol. I got to the movie I meant to see 30 minutes early, and slipped into An American Carol to kill time, I didn't last 10 minutes.

What's your purity test score? Which version of the test?

Boxers of briefs?

Bicycle or run/jog?

Sprite or 7-up?

Coke or pepsi?

If you could go back in time and erase (ie, it never happened) 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, which and why?

Most annoying thing or aspect any of your previous (or current!) roommates has done/been?

Would you rather lose your sight, or both hands?

I can't remember my score from it or any idea of which one I took.


Run/jog, I don't know how to ride a bike.

Neither, I don't like both of those.

Coke, I'm from the South.

Pearl Harbor had good consequences- the USA entering World War 2. 9/11 had terrible consequences - the USA entering Iraq. So, I'll take out 9/11.

My old roommate(college) had the loudest keyboard in recorded history. It kept me up and woke me up a lot. I don't know what was about it, but the sound of it wouldn't let me sleep and woke me up. I couldn't really ask him to not be on the computer or do homework or whatever in our shared room when I was asleep, so I just dealt with it.

Both hands, easily.



What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?
Jerk off as I watch the smug nerds owning World War Z or that max brooks book get horribly murdered anyways




Beef or pork?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Beef or pork?
Ain't nothin on a pig that can hold a candle to a sirloin steak.




Beef or pork?
Ain't nothin on a pig that can hold a candle to a sirloin steak.[/QUOTE]






My question is: When can I tap dat?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

My question is: When can I tap dat?
When you make a joke that isn't A) stupid and B) already been made in this thread.



My question is: When can I tap dat?
When you make a joke that isn't A) stupid and B) already been made in this thread.[/QUOTE]

so you're saying we can tap it when....?




How you feeling about all these copycat threads popping up?




I have a bunch of red pussy dots around my genitalia, should I see a doctor?




I'm fond of ZenMonkey and ElJuski :)
D'aww. :eek:

I miss The Messiah.
D'ohh! :bush:



What is the meaning of life?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

so you're saying we can tap it when....?
whoa, I didn't know this was a group thing, deal's off.

How you feeling about all these copycat threads popping up?
equal parts flattered that I started a trend and interested to read some of them to learn stuff about ya'll

I have a bunch of red pussy dots around my genitalia, should I see a doctor?
I hope you have good insurance!

I'm fond of ZenMonkey and ElJuski :)
D'aww. :eek:

I miss The Messiah.
D'ohh! :bush:[/QUOTE]

Hey! I was listing him separately as my least favorite person. I missed laughing at his posts, as awful as they were.

What is the meaning of life?
To have as much fun and enjoyment as humanly possible. To work towards being able to do exactly what you want for the most amount of time.



What do you think of the latest Muse release?




Has anybody in this thread asked you a question yet that made you uncomfortable answering it?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What do you think of the latest Muse release?
I'm a big muse fan. It sounds great.

Has anybody in this thread asked you a question yet that made you uncomfortable answering it?
The weirdest sex one. I am really not a dude that likes to brag about conquests or go into gory details on that stuff.




The weirdest sex one. I am really not a dude that likes to brag about conquests or go into gory details on that stuff.
Gory details about a sexual encounter? Now this thread is getting interesting! :D







The weirdest sex one. I am really not a dude that likes to brag about conquests or go into gory details on that stuff.
Gory details about a sexual encounter? Now this thread is getting interesting! :D[/QUOTE]

gory details

Attracted like vampires by blood.

Oh yeah, I forgot, it IS about blood...




Well there was that one time at a bloodletting party.... :twisted:




Well there was that one time at a bloodletting party.... :twisted:
there are PARTIES??? :eek:

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

How long do you think will it take until this thread derails into flaming and bitching?




What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?
Jerk off as I watch the smug nerds owning World War Z or that max brooks book get horribly murdered anyways[/QUOTE]

Pssst, Max Brooks wrote World War Z too.




What are YOUR plans for ITLAPD?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?
Jerk off as I watch the smug nerds owning World War Z or that max brooks book get horribly murdered anyways[/QUOTE]

Pssst, Max Brooks wrote World War Z too.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I'm not up on my nerd-anarchist zombie outbreak fantasies.

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ----------

What are YOUR plans for ITLAPD?
Gonna watch football, keep on living my life.

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

[/COLOR]How long do you think will it take until this thread derails into flaming and bitching?
I don't really have a guess




...you rooting for the Pirates?

Is that even a football team?



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

...you rooting for the Pirates?

Is that even a football team?

The East Carolina Pirates have a big game against #24 North Carolina, but I don't really feel strongly about either team this year.




3 pet peeves of yours?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

3 pet peeves of yours?
People saying "oh that movie was just what I expected, so I loved it! what were you expecting, Shakespeare???"

"turn your brain off and enjoy it"

"oh, it's just a popcorn flick!!!"



What do you do aside from watching movies all day?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What do you do aside from watching movies all day?
Read internet forums, watch TV, watch sports, nap, eat, read stuff about movies.




What do you do aside from watching movies all day?
Read internet forums, watch TV, watch sports, nap, eat, read stuff about movies.[/QUOTE]

Must be nice not to have to work or go to school..... :bush:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What do you do aside from watching movies all day?
Read internet forums, watch TV, watch sports, nap, eat, read stuff about movies.[/QUOTE]

Must be nice not to have to work or go to school..... :bush:[/QUOTE]

I wish I had work past intermittent temp agency stuff




I wish I had work past intermittent temp agency stuff
You're.... a temp?! :eek:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

unfortunately :(




Pardon me while I laugh a moment... :rofl:

And then sympathize as I did the same thing before my previous job. :eek:rly:







How would you define a "spiritual lifestyle"?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

How would you define a "spiritual lifestyle"?
I really don't know how to? I don't know much or care much about theology




Describe your ideal vacation.




How would you define a "spiritual lifestyle"?
I really don't know how to? I don't know much or care much about theology[/QUOTE]

Many people find their own distinction between theology and spirituality.
Is there anything about the state of the world that you would like to see changed for the better?




How would you define a "spiritual lifestyle"?
I really don't know how to? I don't know much or care much about theology[/QUOTE]

Why do you think that spirituality = theology? (or is dependent on theology)


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Describe your ideal vacation.
Probably some sort of road trip, never staying in the same city longer than a day or two. Specifically, I'd guess backpacking through Europe would be insanely fun and rewarding.

Many people find their own distinction between theology and spirituality.
Is there anything about the state of the world that you would like to see changed for the better?
There's no magic wand I can think of to wave that wouldn't make everything boring or remove free will. I mean, some infinite and free food source that is available everywhere would be nice.

Why do you think that spirituality = theology? (or is dependent on theology)
I really don't give it much thought I guess. I lump both terms over stuff that's made up.




In what Reality TV show you could possibly see yourself performing/competing?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

In what Reality TV show you could possibly see yourself performing/competing?
Are televised poker tournaments counted as reality TV? If so, then that. I honestly don't know about enough reality TV to make a guess. The only one I watch is Top Chef and I can't cook.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner





What's the colour of your poo after drinking larger amounts of wine?

(Why am I even asking this??)



Why is Andi even asking that?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What's the colour of your poo after drinking larger amounts of wine?

(Why am I even asking this??)[/QUOTE]

don't know don't care

Why is Andi even asking that?
don't know don't care

I feel terrible today




Don't you look at your wipe? :rofl:




Why didn't Kissy make the change to the new forums?
Why do you stay here?
Why did ou stay here in the beginning?
What's the first thing you think of in the morning?
Do you tihnk Shego's for real or a joke?
Would you want to be a moderator here if you were given the chance?
Is there anything you wouldn't do (short of suicide) for $10.000.000?




Do you tihnk Shego's for real or a joke?

My question:

Do you prefer one question per post or the multi-question posts?




Do you tihnk Shego's for real or a joke?

It's a valid question :-P


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Don't you look at your wipe? :rofl:
Maybe I ain't done that yet today!

Why didn't Kissy make the change to the new forums?
Why do you stay here?
Why did ou stay here in the beginning?
What's the first thing you think of in the morning?
Do you tihnk Shego's for real or a joke?
Would you want to be a moderator here if you were given the chance?
Is there anything you wouldn't do (short of suicide) for $10.000.000?
He said he was done here because of something I think a week before the move, but he might come back I ain't his keeper.
The juice is still worth the squeeze.
It was something different new, and the novelty of it being a bizarro universe forumopolis.
My dream, probably. I try to roll over and grab my laptop and type it up and/or tweet it before I forget it.
I hope joke.
Why not, there ain't much moderating to do here really besides move things to the flame war subforum.
I don't think I could kill a bunch of babies or nice people. And nothing that would make me old when I get the money (i.e. go to jail or 30 years). Although I'd do that if I could time machine back. Also nothing that would impair my quality of life real bad (losing limbs, blind, deaf)
Do you prefer one question per post or the multi-question posts?
I like answering questions, it's cool, it doesn't annoy me to answer a lot of questions. So I'm equal on them.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Another day, another bored as fuck. Don't feel like going anywhere today since it's raining rull hard. Any more questions? Shouldn't this get moved to introduce yourself at some point? I haven't read many of the threads over there, are there any good ones?




What up, Chuck.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What up, Chuck.
Me, for no good reason. Man, I've posted a bunch of threads in movies and TV :eek:

So you gave up on the XKCD challenge, eh?




What up, Chuck.
Me, for no good reason. Man, I've posted a bunch of threads in movies and TV :eek:

So you gave up on the XKCD challenge, eh?[/QUOTE]

Yeah basically. I ran out of interesting things to say. And like a lot of people pointed out, it's not been a good month for either xkcd or Achewood.

xkcd is still in my bookmarks, and if they have some kinda magnum opus in the next week, I'll bring the thread back. But somehow, I don't see that happening.

...How did this thread become about me!?

Chucky D, who's your favourite Achewood character, and your favourite quote of theirs?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Chucky D, who's your favourite Achewood character, and your favourite quote of theirs?
Gotta be Philippe, and I'm not good at "bests", but I'll take RAP MUSIC, MY DROOGS! if only for the panels after it.




Excellent choice. :)


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner


move this to the other forum if necessary




Ohhh I'm so glad this one got revived! I have a follow-up question to the pet peeves one.

Ok, so say someone enjoyed a movie that you considered completely horrible.. let's say TF2. If there anything a person could say to explain why they liked it that you would accept, since "turning your brain off" and "I got exactly what I expected" annoys you?

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

PS--Phillippe's my favorite, too. ^_^

---------- Post added at 04:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

Also, I vote that this thread stays in general, since you're the one who started the whole "ask me anything" thread craze. :p


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Ok, so say someone enjoyed a movie that you considered completely horrible.. let's say TF2. If there anything a person could say to explain why they liked it that you would accept, since "turning your brain off" and "I got exactly what I expected" annoys you?

It's not the fact that they got what they expected that annoys me. It's saying that like. As a deflection of what they're really saying, that they enjoyed a bad movie. That's okay! I own 12 Friday the 13th movies! If someone honestly thought that Michael Bay's manic editing adds to the movie, and if they really think that the humor in the movie is funny, that's just different strokes.



It's not the fact that they got what they expected that annoys me. It's saying that like. As a deflection of what they're really saying, that they enjoyed a bad movie. That's okay! I own 12 Friday the 13th movies!

Im not the only one!!!:tear:


Steven Soderburgin

yo should i start posting here again or what

this question is open for everyone tbh

answer honestly

only posting this because i'm bored at work and really pissed off at other forums right now


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

yo should i start posting here again or what

this question is open for everyone tbh

answer honestly

only posting this because i'm bored at work and really pissed off at other forums right now
Read the DADT thread in politics and make the decision with your gut man.

I do have to say that Chazwozel posted a goodbye thread so I mean the place is a little bit better.


Steven Soderburgin

hahahaha do you have a link to the chazwozel goodbye thread because i bet that shit is hilarious

also what is your favorite feature of these new swank ass forums

i like multiquote because i mean ITS ABOUT FUCKIN TIME AM I RIGHT


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

hahahaha do you have a link to the chazwozel goodbye thread because i bet that shit is hilarious

also what is your favorite feature of these new swank ass forums

i like multiquote because i mean ITS ABOUT FUCKIN TIME AM I RIGHT
it's in the hall of shame or something, I really don't want to look for it

I like multiquote too. I liked the arcade for a little bit, but then jake and gasbandit totally cheated to take away my only trophy and I got sad and never went back :(

wait, check out this fucking smiley, I have a new favorite feature :tina:






Fuckin' Bat-nipples, man.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

what about batman and robin



I was going for clever, it wasn't that clever really, so I'm just going to skip the explanation.





Yes, Kissinger, come back.

Also Chaz. And Rittz.

And everyone else.




What do you think of the prospect of the new Dallas remake? Also, have you been keeping up with the Kardashians?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What do you think of the prospect of the new Dallas remake? Also, have you been keeping up with the Kardashians?
The TV show Dallas? I have no idea. I haven't ever seen an episode, the only thing I know about it is "who shot J.R.?"

All I know is that Kim is hella hot and I think Khloe got married or dates Ron Artest.



who is your favorite director? or top 5

have you ever been outside the US? and where?


Steven Soderburgin

hahahaha do you have a link to the chazwozel goodbye thread because i bet that shit is hilarious

also what is your favorite feature of these new swank ass forums

i like multiquote because i mean ITS ABOUT FUCKIN TIME AM I RIGHT
it's in the hall of shame or something, I really don't want to look for it

I like multiquote too. I liked the arcade for a little bit, but then jake and gasbandit totally cheated to take away my only trophy and I got sad and never went back :(

wait, check out this fucking smiley, I have a new favorite feature :tina:[/QUOTE]
holy fucking shit that smiley owns
Yes, Kissinger, come back.

edit - fuck we still got that whack ass stacked quotes shit?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

who is your favorite director? or top 5

have you ever been outside the US? and where?
Geez. When I think favorite director I will probably spit out the following instantly


Never left the states, I've been around almost every different region and inbetween except for the Pacific Coast.


Steven Soderburgin


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner


I'm sorry he never made any black and white movies


Steven Soderburgin


I'm sorry he never made any black and white movies[/QUOTE]

He has if you're referring to the moral conflicts therein CLICK CLICK BOOM



What's your favorite soda/beverage?

What would you like people to say about you when you're all dead and such?

What is your preferred midday meal?

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

What's the score? I'm dyin' here man.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What's your favorite soda/beverage?

What would you like people to say about you when you're all dead and such?

What is your preferred midday meal?

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

What's the score? I'm dyin' here man.
Dr. Pepper

Man, I don't wanna think about that. I don't want people to talk about me when I'm dead, that's weird.

This is a cop-out since there are so many different varieties, but I believe the sandwich is the perfect lunch.

Hold out my hand. If one like, appeared there, I'd eat it, but I am not exactly going to go do much more than that to find one. I don't really do desserts too much.

The Score is a mediocre heist movie I've never seen.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

will this thread get more popular than Cajungal's?









If you thought it would help your thread to get more popular, would you take requests for your internet soliloquies?

I want you to do the trial speech from "A Few Good Men".





Have you ever played Chrono Trigger either for the SNES or the DS?




I'd like you to do Kiera Knightly's speech from Pirates 3, please. Please, Charles?




Or will you learn to play the ukulele and sing for us?




I wanna hear your Christian Bale Batman voice AS you narrate Keira Knightley's speech.




I wanna hear your Christian Bale Batman voice AS you narrate Keira Knightley's speech.
While playing the ukulele and typing a critical review of Transformers with your feet.






Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner


If you thought it would help your thread to get more popular, would you take requests for your internet soliloquies?

I want you to do the trial speech from "A Few Good Men".

MAYBE. If I can get Kissinger to play Tom Cruise.

Have you ever played Chrono Trigger either for the SNES or the DS?
I vaguely remember playing it a LOOONG time ago. Like when it first came out. I don't remember anything about it.

I'd like you to do Kiera Knightly's speech from Pirates 3, please. Please, Charles?
MAYBE. I'll think about it. I dunno what speech you're referring to, and don't have youtube at work.

Or will you learn to play the ukulele and sing for us?
I'm pretty good at Rock Band
I wanna hear your Christian Bale Batman voice AS you narrate Keira Knightley's speech.
this is getting complicated.....

I wanna hear your Christian Bale Batman voice AS you narrate Keira Knightley's speech.
While playing the ukulele and typing a critical review of Transformers with your feet.[/QUOTE]





You're not?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner




Check the tag I added minutes ago.




You obviously didn't read the fine print when you registered. Now DANCE FOR US!




I don't know what you are all talking about :5:




Do you want to be married one day?

If yes, do you think you'd want children?

If you were getting an exotic pet, what would it be?

Is football your favorite sport? If yes, why? If no, what is, and why?




*knock knock* Oy, Charles! Why aren't you answering our questions/dancing for us?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Do you want to be married one day?

If yes, do you think you'd want children?

If you were getting an exotic pet, what would it be?

Is football your favorite sport? If yes, why? If no, what is, and why?
I really don't know about the marriage. I'd like to think there's someone out there that I'll be in a relationship with FOREVER, but I don't think I've met them yet.

I am not really interested in fathering children right now. In fact, I'd get a vasectomy if I could afford it easily! If I change my mind, I'll adopt.

Does a snake really count as exotic at this point? If so, yes. It's the only thing really.

Hockey is my favorite sport, since it's a lot more fluid, less stoppages, etc. I like the flow of the game a little better than football.

*knock knock* Oy, Charles! Why aren't you answering our questions/dancing for us?

I got offline for the night like RIGHT after that post last night. And somehow "new posts" this morning failed me.




What would you name your snake? What kind would you get?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What would you name your snake? What kind would you get?
I would probably do something insanely dorky like name it after the official names of the snakes in Super Mario Bros. 2 or a pokemon, or some harry potter in the snake clan.

No clue what kind.




Do you like me? :eek:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Do you like me? :eek:
I think you're a good poster most of the time, and you have phenomenal taste in TV, which can be more important than being a good poster




Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.
I. I am kinda blanking on this one. I haven't asked many questions in the AMA threads to be honest.

If we got a halforums texas meet together somehow, would you come?
Nintendo or Sega?
What's your favorite thing about living in Texas?




Gonna do to you what I did with Cajun and get a few questions out of you.

What are the top 3 question's you'd ask me if I had a "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth" thread.
Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?




1: You know, I've really considered it, especially since I'm going to be moving even closer to the groups in SA/Austin/Dallas. Although, if I'm not mistaken, most of the Texans are "danglers" so I'm not sure if I'd be interested enough. :slywink:

2: Funny that you ask, through the SNES N64/Sega Gensis/CD 'wars' I was pretty Pro-Sega. It had the better Mortal Kombats, it had better RPGs, and it had really interesting "original" IPs.

3: No major natural disasters? Honestly there isn't much, I'd like to leave as soon as it becomes possible if I could. Though I do fantasize over how long it'd take to catch me if I were to go out into the true rural countryside areas and get "creative" with the few houses out there.




Do you like me? :eek:
I think you're a good poster most of the time, and you have phenomenal taste in TV, which can be more important than being a good poster[/QUOTE]

Awww yeah, life is once more validated! Suicide hotline, I dont need your sweet sweet nothings whispered into my ear tongiht!




Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?
I gave my reason in the Cajun thread. Also, there are a few people here I'd really am interested to get opinions on, instead of the masses on whole.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?
I don't care if someone hijacks my thread..... and it's still asking me questions.....




Why the fuxck would you just not make your own thread then, instead of hijacking other folks?
I gave my reason in the Cajun thread. Also, there are a few people here I'd really am interested to get opinions on, instead of the masses on whole.[/quote]

Attention whoring cowardice! Gotcha. :boink:

Back to topic...whats your favorite beer?




Attention whoring cowardice! Gotcha.
So I make a thread, I'm an attention whore. I don't and it's attention whoring cowardice?





Attention whoring cowardice! Gotcha.
So I make a thread, I'm an attention whore. I don't and it's attention whoring cowardice?


Sorry, I forgot to put the poke smiley in there for the joke. My bad :)




Oh I knew there was no way you could be serious on that last one. No worries. :slywink:




Oh I knew there was no way you could be serious on that last one. No worries. :slywink:
Heh, considering I jsut mde a joke question about liking me right before hahaha


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Back to topic...whats your favorite beer?

Probably Warsteiner or Yuengling(which I can't get in Texas FUCK MY LIFE). I've taken a liking to Dos Equis and Shiner Bock down here in Texas too.

This should be kind of offset with the admission I have not tried that many different kinds of beers :(




Excellent. I hate beer snobs.




Which actor do you prefer (as per acting ability)... Russell Crowe or Tom Cruise?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Excellent. I hate beer snobs.
There was also this Russian beer that I can't pronounce or attempt to spell that I purchased a keg of once since it was the cheapest keg in the store. I was bracing myself for it to be worse than PBR, but it was actually pretty good.

ALSO I am kind of a mildish beer snob, I'm not a huge fan of Bud/Miller/Coors/PBR/Natty Light at all :sick:

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

Which actor do you prefer (as per acting ability)... Russell Crowe or Tom Cruise?
This is kind of a random pairing, but one that is oddly hard for me to choose right off the top of my head. Let me pull up both their IMDBs real fast.

Tom Cruise by a hair. He has a couple more great performances, and also has the ability to make fun of himself, which I could never see Crowe do, which gives a couple points in his favor.




How do you feel about Memento not getting an academy award nomination in 2001 for best picture? Did you like the movie? What did you think of Guy Pierce's performance?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

How do you feel about Memento not getting an academy award nomination in 2001 for best picture? Did you like the movie? What did you think of Guy Pierce's performance?
It's actually my favorite movie from 2001. The only nominated movie from then I've seen though is Fellowship of the Ring, so I hesitate to be righteously angry about its snub.

I loved Pearce's performance in the movie. It was definitely good, and the movie hinged on him a great deal. You didn't ask, but as far as Best Actor that year, I'd still take Denzel over him in a second.




You didn't watch a Beautiful Mind?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

You didn't watch a Beautiful Mind?
Nope. Would it swing the Cruise/Crowe debate? Looking over, I've missed a couple "big" performances by each guy, so I figured they'd cancel out.




It’s a great movie and quite deserving in its nomination but not so much for its win. Crowe did his thing and was spectacular at it and his support actors were just incredible. Definitely a movie to watch, even if you’re not a Crowe fan which I believe you may not be. If you do want to catch a few of his movies, definitely see this along with L.A Confidential, The Insider and the much underrated Cinderella Man.

Who are your favorite actors btw? Why? Which movies?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Who are your favorite actors btw? Why? Which movies?
I think my favorite actor, just as an actor, and not for his body of work is probably Nicholas Cage. Okay stop laughing, hear me out.

Nicholas Cage knows exactly what movie he's in at all times. He is perfect at acting right at the level of the movie. He trolls movies like Ghost Rider, National Treasure, Wicker Man. And he wins fuckin' Oscars for Leaving Las Vegas and Adaptation(wait shit!) and Bad Lieutenant(cross fingers).




Hey Charlie! What's the scariest thing you've ever read/watched/seen in real life?




Charlie have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Hey Charlie! What's the scariest thing you've ever read/watched/seen in real life?
Fun fact: My subdivision/neighborhood/piece of Nashville suburbia growing up was built on a slave plantation. Not too deep in the woods around was an honest-to-god Slave Graveyard. It was CREEPY AS FUCK, and I visited it and did stupid kid stuff (not like desecrating the graves or that) most halloweens, and some other random dark and boring nights. SO, basically what I'm getting at is that these woods around the back of my house/the neighborhood are already kind of creepy.

So one day, a friend and I are exploring the woods. And we find what looks like an old house foundation. Not a structure, just the foundation, and a large stone chimney. There's some aluminum siding all put together looking into a shack. We get kind of scared, but go poking around, and it looks fairly lived in. Some random food stuffs around the area. Some clothes too. We get a little weirded out, feel like we're being watched or wandering into some sort of Jason Voorhees trap, but we can't see anyone or anything around us. We eventually scamper back home.

Not long later. Maybe a couple days, a week tops, we come back with 3-4 more people to show this to them. We get to the foundation thing, and the aluminum siding/pieces or whatever are all flat. All over the stone foundation. No clothes, no trash, no foodstuff or evidence of life like before. No sign of life. We're kind of weirded out now. The other friends don't believe us, and go to work playing with the aluminum things to make a secret clubhouse. First friend and I are kind of like uhhhh... looking around for any sign of whoever made the first shack, but there's nothing else. So we join in. We make a decent-ish clubhouse, and go there over the next couple days. A couple of us, including me, decide to spend a night out there. Until the day we showed up, and the shack was apart again. All the stuff flat on the foundation, not in a way that would have fallen down from wind or an animal or something knocking into it. Deliberately taken apart. This was enough to convince the other kids that something weird was happening and we didn't want to run into whoever or whatever was fucking with the shack.

Looking back it could have been shiftless, harmless hobos, or even more likely, another group of kids investigating the woods, but that scared the fuck out of me back then.

Charlie have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?
I've been within a 1/4 mile of a tornado three times.




Tornado : "wait! shit!"



... Adaptation(wait shit!)...
I don't understand, do you like Adaptation?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

... Adaptation(wait shit!)...
I don't understand, do you like Adaptation?[/QUOTE]

He didn't win an Oscar for Adaptation, but should have.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I'm bored, the only other interesting thread got locked, WHAT UP halforum?


Steven Soderburgin

MAYBE. If I can get Kissinger to play Tom Cruise.
I'm down




Make it happen.




Are you part of the negative minority? 2nd part..who is in this negative minority that is bringing about the doom of this forum?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Are you part of the negative minority? 2nd part..who is in this negative minority that is bringing about the doom of this forum?
I dunno, I haven't noticed anything different since it was last November.




What forum minority ARE you a part of?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What forum minority ARE you a part of?
:cool: Cool people :toocool:







Frankie Williamson

Do you wike me?

box - yes

box - no


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Do you wike me?

box - yes

box - no
I honestly don't have much of a strong opinion either way of you! So that qualifies as a "like" I think.




Can we hang out?

Pretty please?




Why haven't you posted more videos? :(




Which poster would you HUG if given the chance?




Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Can we hang out?

Pretty please?
Sure, if you come to Austin or I go to upstate NY

Why haven't you posted more videos? :(
Laziness, haven't made them-ness, and psychological trauma at chaz calling me Woody Allen

Which poster would you HUG if given the chance?


I'd hug myself since it's really cold in the office for some reason. BRRRR




He just meant that it would be funny to watch you chase a lobster across a kitchen floor. And it would.


Steven Soderburgin

So what do you think of these new rules?




Can we be best bros?




psychological trauma at chaz calling me Woody Allen
Does the trauma stem from your antisemitism?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

So what do you think of these new rules?
They're fine, we'll see how the points stuff goes down.

Can we be best bros?
I ain't some kind of bro slut, you can't just jump right into best bro status, I'm not that easy.....

psychological trauma at chaz calling me Woody Allen
Does the trauma stem from your antisemitism?[/QUOTE]

I was being facetious BUT I was actually called jew-nose for a while growing up


Steven Soderburgin

I was being facetious BUT I was actually called jew-nose for a while growing up
Your dad is a mean one.




Can we be bros now?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Can we be bros now?
Sure why not




If you had the opportunity to be a woman for a week, would you do it?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

If you had the opportunity to be a woman for a week, would you do it?
Yeah! It seems like it would be really interesting to see how you're treated differently. All the subtle prejudices and whatnots.




Can we be bros now?
Sure why not[/QUOTE]

Awww yiss


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Bumping this even though I ain't doing no secret santas




Okay mr CDS
1) Ever met an aussie in your travels? What did you think?
2) Ever tried an aussie beer? What was it and what do ya think?
3) Is this a knife?
4) Name a movie that you really love but would never tell anybody that you feel that way about it.
5) Worst Movie you have ever seen?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Okay mr CDS
1) Ever met an aussie in your travels? What did you think?
2) Ever tried an aussie beer? What was it and what do ya think?
3) Is this a knife?
4) Name a movie that you really love but would never tell anybody that you feel that way about it.
5) Worst Movie you have ever seen?
1) Yeah, at college there was an Aussie guy that came to where I worked a lot and shot the shit a few days. I remember that we talked about Rugby some, but it was a bit ago.

2) I haven't tried any aussie beer. I'm curious about Foster's, it's the only one I know of off the top of my head/have seen ads for.

3) No, THIS is a knife

4) I'm pretty open about my shitty movies I enjoy! I was championing 2012 in a couple different threads. I guess Rounders is somewhat of a secret favorite movie of mine. It's not much more above a standard "sports" movie, but I love poker, it got me into poker, and John Malkovich is goofy as hell in it.

5) There's a 3-way tie between Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, and Meet the Spartans




This is an interesting thread, and you have a good attitude about it. Also, I enjoyed the podcast I did with yall a while ago.

That said, here's question 1

Mind if I take this up a notch?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

This is an interesting thread, and you have a good attitude about it. Also, I enjoyed the podcast I did with yall a while ago.

That said, here's question 1

Mind if I take this up a notch?
I go up to 11.




This is an interesting thread, and you have a good attitude about it. Also, I enjoyed the podcast I did with yall a while ago.

That said, here's question 1

Mind if I take this up a notch?
I go up to 11.[/QUOTE]

K. I'm gonna push this then.

I'll start slow, but its gonna speed up. Let me know if I go too far.

You can be pretty condescending and arrogant on some views here. Are you like that in person or is it taken down a notch?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

You can be pretty condescending and arrogant on some views here. Are you like that in person or is it taken down a notch?
I usually tone it down with people I don't know. Like if someone I just met mentions how much they love Transformers 2, I'll just let it slide or maybe say something like "a lot of things happen in that movie, that's true". But once I get to know someone well I will get into a lot of arguments more strenuously with them.




Ok cool.

Lets kick it to the next gear.

How long has it been since you have had sex?

Edit: Sorry for dp, nasty database error last night.




:rofl: "A lot of things happen in that movie."

How diplomatic. I love it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Ok cool.

Lets kick it to the next gear.

How long has it been since you have had sex?

Edit: Sorry for dp, nasty database error last night.

I feel kind of tacky measuring it out in like exact days. I know that's kind of lame and a cop out, but less than a month.

:rofl: "A lot of things happen in that movie."

How diplomatic. I love it.
I can not be a raging prick sometimes :tina:




Right on. Good man. I like how the first and second answer correspond. I'm gonna throw some harder ones in a bit. I know I keep pausing to tell you that, but all the questions so far have been slowballs, so I don't want to ramp up to Nolan Ryan style and get in trouble for it.

So, ready for 4th gear?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I can answer questions





Have you ever had a homosexual encounter?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner


Have you ever had a homosexual encounter?
Not sure exactly what the definition is, but I haven't done anything past a hug and maybe some drunken "I LOVE YOU GUYS". Also have been hit on and propositioned by a dude before.


Steven Soderburgin

Yo, dawg, you need me to vacate the apartment tonight or what?




How are you enjoying our current bro-itude?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Yo, dawg, you need me to vacate the apartment tonight or what?
Um. I guess that'd be appreciated unless you have something you want to do :3

We are gonna watch Mad Men season 2 intermittently too so spoiler alert

How are you enjoying our current bro-itude?
We haven't talked since like a couple weeks ago itt


Steven Soderburgin

Chippy, I'll be bros with you if CDS can't commit the time or the energy.




Chippy, I'll be bros with you if CDS can't commit the time or the energy.
Aw yiss


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Chippy, I'll be bros with you if CDS can't commit the time or the energy.
don't be birdbrodoggin me




Uno mas

Have you ever intentionally injured an animal?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Uno mas

Have you ever intentionally injured an animal?
I kill a lot of small insects and stuff, but I don't think I've ever hurt an animal on purpose. Maybe like swatting a dog in training, but nothing approaching abuse. If humans count as animals, I have hit someone in anger before, but I don't think it really qualifies as "injuring" them.




Nah, humans don't count.

Do you have any bigotries or prejudices against one group or another.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Nah, humans don't count.

Do you have any bigotries or prejudices against one group or another.
I would like to say no, but I'm not going to lie - I bristle very hard if someone talks about reading Twilight unironically. I don't outright hate all Twilight fans, I just tend to automatically assume things when I hear that. I am the same way also with religious people sometimes. I mean, I'm working on it. I feel bad being "that atheist" that thinks he's better/smarter than all the sheeple sometimes. I know it's a really shitty attitude to have, but those thoughts still pop up when I get into political arguments or hear news stories about "the religious right". Also, this is kind of horribly ironic, but I really don't think I could be friends with or tolerate being around a racist person much.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I don't mean this in a dubya bush BRING IT ON way, but was that it for the tough questions?




have you ever taken a meyer-briggs test? (if not, you can take one here)
what did it say about you/what was your type?
do you agree with that?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

have you ever taken a meyer-briggs test? (if not, you can take one here)
what did it say about you/what was your type?
do you agree with that?
I took it back in freshman year of college, and I can't remember what my results were. The only thing I remember for sure was that I was introverted. That was definitely true starting out in college.

I am a little wary of such tests since I feel like my answers could be wildly different depending on my mood. I'll possibly go take one tomorrow during the day, I'm feeling super tired and just wanna zone out and watch football and go to sleep.


Steven Soderburgin

What are your top 10 movies of the year?

Of the decade?

Actually, never mind, I'm going to post some threads.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What are your top 10 movies of the year?

Of the decade?

Actually, never mind, I'm going to post some threads.

You never posted the top 10 movies of the year thread!

Here's 2009. GRANTED I have a lot I want to see and December is usually stacked with great movies. BUT here it is now, 1-10

A Serious Man
Inglourious Basterds
The Hurt Locker
In the Loop
The Informant!
The Brothers Bloom
Observe and Report


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

seriousjay is a bad influence on me, I'm bumping my own thread




Wat did you do for New Year's?

How are things going with you and your lady prospect?




seriousjay is a bad influence on me, I'm bumping my own thread
What are your top 10 movies of the year? A Serious Man

Why so sRs?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Wat did you do for New Year's?

How are things going with you and your lady prospect?
Went to Houston and watched a lot of bad movies and ate a lot of delicious food.

I don't really have a lady prospect/person I'm dating right now?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Why so sRs?
Since that time, Basterds has creeped up to be a much closer #2, but I think the Coen Brothers' latest is still my favorite movie of the year. And I still have a lot of movies to watch from 2009.




Will you see "The invention of lying?" It was awesome.

Best bus ads ever.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Will you see "The invention of lying?" It was awesome.

Best bus ads ever.
Maybe. That's the one with Ricky Gervais? It's not in my list of gotta-see, but I probably will see it eventually.


Zumbo Prime

Where did you hide the bodies?




Why so sRs?
Since that time, Basterds has creeped up to be a much closer #2, but I think the Coen Brothers' latest is still my favorite movie of the year. And I still have a lot of movies to watch from 2009.[/QUOTE]

Me too. A Serious Man is... it's just amazing. I need to see it a few more times to dig into it a little deeper. I appreciate so much about it, I actually think it's their best film since Fargo which I felt like it had a lot in common with. Is that weird that I related it to Fargo? Consider that my question for you. Do you find it odd that one would relate A Serious Man to Fargo?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Where did you hide the bodies?
If I had to hide bodies, I would probably (not surprisingly) do some combination of similar scenes in Breaking Bad and Dexter

Why so sRs?
Since that time, Basterds has creeped up to be a much closer #2, but I think the Coen Brothers' latest is still my favorite movie of the year. And I still have a lot of movies to watch from 2009.[/QUOTE]

Me too. A Serious Man is... it's just amazing. I need to see it a few more times to dig into it a little deeper. I appreciate so much about it, I actually think it's their best film since Fargo which I felt like it had a lot in common with. Is that weird that I related it to Fargo? Consider that my question for you. Do you find it odd that one would relate A Serious Man to Fargo?[/QUOTE]

It's not weird at all. They're both set in the north-ish/midwest. They're both in kind of small towns, and each kind of paint the same kind of bleak color palette(am I using that word right?). And also, obviously, both share a lot of Coen Bros trademarks.




Since that time, Basterds has creeped up to be a much closer #2, but I think the Coen Brothers' latest is still my favorite movie of the year. And I still have a lot of movies to watch from 2009.
Me too. A Serious Man is... it's just amazing. I need to see it a few more times to dig into it a little deeper. I appreciate so much about it, I actually think it's their best film since Fargo which I felt like it had a lot in common with. Is that weird that I related it to Fargo? Consider that my question for you. Do you find it odd that one would relate A Serious Man to Fargo?[/QUOTE]

It's not weird at all. They're both set in the north-ish/midwest. They're both in kind of small towns, and each kind of paint the same kind of bleak color palette(am I using that word right?). And also, obviously, both share a lot of Coen Bros trademarks.[/QUOTE]

I really appreciate the lack of huge stars in it as well. I love Clooney and the other regulars they use but it's much harder to disassociate the star from the character in those cases. With Fargo and ASM they chose less obvious people which I think makes it easier to immerse yourself in the movie.




Here's the deal. Me and you on a hot night in Oklahoma in a small room with one TV with a built-in DVD and a mini-fridge ready for something crispy.



(I will accept swim trunks because since it is hot maybe we can like hit up a pool or some shit the next morning)


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I really appreciate the lack of huge stars in it as well. I love Clooney and the other regulars they use but it's much harder to disassociate the star from the character in those cases. With Fargo and ASM they chose less obvious people which I think makes it easier to immerse yourself in the movie.
I don't mind big stars as long as they're not playing themselves. Serious Man wouldn't be any worse with someone like ... well, I'm really blanking on another person that would be good in the lead role. So maybe it wouldn't? who knows!

Here's the deal. Me and you on a hot night in Oklahoma in a small room with one TV with a built-in DVD and a mini-fridge ready for something crispy.



(I will accept swim trunks because since it is hot maybe we can like hit up a pool or some shit the next morning)
I have no clue what "ready for something crispy" means. But I think you're alluding to DVDs, so I'll say Ghostbusters.




Oh, I don't mind having big stars in movies in general but certain films work so much better without the baggage of a familiar face.




mannn I'm talking about cold drinks, bro.

And okay, you can bring Ghostbusters...I GUESS.




I knew what you meant, Juice.

*solemn man-hug*




I knew what you meant, Juice.

*solemn man-hug*
We need to solemn man-hug more.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

when I think of cold things getting crispy, I'm thinking about lettuce




mannnnnnnnnnnnnn well you could bring that too I GUESS




Through good times and bad, there's lettuce.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

lettuce change topics please.




Wakka wakka hey.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Tip your waitresses. Or ask me something. whatever.




What's your standard order for the following:

-Taco Bell
-Favorite Bar


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What's your standard order for the following:

-Taco Bell
-Favorite Bar
Never been to B Dubs(is that buffalo wild wings, i googled). And I don't really have a favorite bar anymore. Since moving to Austin, I really have no money to drink out anywhere regularly. I am gonna say pre-emptively, hopefully I'll get rich, and there's a really swank place literally across the street from my apartments with some crazy drink specials. And since moving to Texas I am an uppity bitch about Taco Bell, fuck that place. So, clown and only clown.




I was in Austin a couple months ago and thought Lovejoy's downtown was a damn fine place to have a few brews.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am super drunk and this thread is now infused with hyper-honesty




Who would you screw if you had the chance?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Who would you screw if you had the chance?
I dunno how to answer this, I mean there's a billion gorgeous celebrities that I would like to pork. I really don't have one to come to mind immediately. I'm sorry for the boring answer.

I am not bumping this just to answer the question but also because I am gonna start imbibing libations and might become more CANDID as the evening goes on. You've been warned.




In the upcoming remake of the Godfather what actors and actresses do you expect/think/hope get what roles?




When was the last time you cried and why?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

In the upcoming remake of the Godfather what actors and actresses do you expect/think/hope get what roles?
Leonardo DiCaprio as Michael Corleone
Mark Ruffalo as Fredo Corleone
Jack Nicholson as Don Corleone
Michael Shannon as Sonny Corleone
Kate Winslet as ... fuck. I'm blanking on Diane Keaton's character. Was it Diane?
Megan Fox as Apollonia

---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

When was the last time you cried and why?
Outright wept? Like tears down face and snotty nose? Was probably when my ex girlfriend broke up with me in August. I teared up a decent bit just today talking about the Wire with a friend of mine, about a really dramatic moment/character death.

edit/expansion : I tear up a lot. At the end of a lot of dramatic movies, whenver I get a rush of emotion, good or bad, my eyes well up a little bit. Maybe a single tear actually rolls down, but I feel all like moved and shit.



What was the worst thing you've ever done? What was the best thing you never did?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What was the worst thing you've ever done? What was the best thing you never did?
In middle school, my best friend started dating this girl. I got really jealous of her and him spending too much time with her and ignoring me. I had recently read the Shakespeare play "Othello" and decided thatIago was the hero of the story. I basically manipulated them and made them break up through a lot of smoke and iago-ian moves and mirrors.

the best thing I never did was probably take the leap of faith and try to be a pro poker player with no safety net. follow my dreams/passions and all what not.




What was the worst thing you've ever done? What was the best thing you never did?
I wish someone would ask me this question.
