If you use Verizon FIOS, you can't post on Halforums

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Staff member
According to Verizon's new Acceptable Use Policy for their FIOS internet service:

The following are examples of conduct which may lead to termination of your Service. Without limiting the general policy in Section 1, it is a violation of the Agreement and this AUP to:...
(e) post off-topic information on message boards, chat rooms or social networking sites;
Considering that off-topic comments are pretty central to Halforums, I don't think Verizion FIOS users can post here safely. :rofl:


According to Verizon's new Acceptable Use Policy for their FIOS internet service:

The following are examples of conduct which may lead to termination of your Service. Without limiting the general policy in Section 1, it is a violation of the Agreement and this AUP to:...
(e) post off-topic information on message boards, chat rooms or social networking sites;
Considering that off-topic comments are pretty central to Halforums, I don't think Verizion FIOS users can post here safely. :rofl:
LOL!!!!!! man so FIOS customers better stay off forums altogether.
Turkitron said:
In the year 9595, a race of deformed turkey was genetically developed by chicken scientists as revenge against his bird brother. These turkeys would exit the womb doused in gravy; gravy filled with the giblets…from a monkey. The French craved it and as a result, Turkey became the only food source for France…which is now called RoboFrance29. I was later killed by the chickens. So, of course, you can see why I’m angry at those chickens….

Damn anti-taco-legislation-disestablishmentarianism!
I can't decide between the dark wooden cd cabinet with glass front ,or the light wood cd cabinet without front. Anyone any suggestions?
Soon I will have my revenge, and then they will rue the day!
Cheer, cheer for Trans Poly U,
Rise, our creations, here's what to do,
Show their folly, watch them fry, as
We call the lightning from the sky.

What tho' the odds be great or be small,
Trans Poly U will rule over all,
This entire world will fall, and
Worship Trans Poly U.

2, 4, 6, 8,
You can't beat what we create!
It's all right, it's all good,
Those blind fools never understood.
That's okay, they won't score,
That's what this new Death Ray's for.
Punch 'em inna head, kick 'em inna ditch,
Forget the Hail Mary -- throw the switch!

Cheer, cheer for Trans Poly U,
This is a day that their team will rue,
They run plays, but we've got plans, we'll
Make them give in to our demands!

All of them laughed, but soon they will see,
Ruling the world is our destiny,
Starting with this game will do, so
Fight on, Trans Poly U!
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