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I'll be a whore too...ask Chazwozel anything.







*looks up at the thread title*


How much do you charge?



*looks up at the thread title*


How much do you charge?
20 bucks per 'internet' bullet. You can send it to my paypal account.




Do you enjoy exercising power over others?




Have you ever wanted to try human flesh to see how it tastes?




Why didn't you post this thread in the "introduce yourself" section? :-P



Do you enjoy exercising power over others?
Not really. To tell you the truth, I'd rather be a follower if it didn't pay so much less.

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

Why didn't you post this thread in the "introduce yourself" section? :-P

Son of a...

If a mod could move this thread, it would be appreciated.




Do you like money?



Have you ever wanted to try human flesh to see how it tastes?

Ask Chaz thread, buddy. Not ask Shego. And, no.

---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 PM ----------

Do you like money?
Money makes the world go round, you stupid clown. Drink it down. Money makes the world go round, and you're out on your ass.

Who doesn't like having mo' money?




Would you eat money if there would be nothing else left to eat on the whole planet?

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

Who doesn't like having mo' money?
In this thread, WE ask the questions... :tongue:



Would you eat money if there would be nothing else left to eat on the whole planet?

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

Who doesn't like having mo' money?
In this thread, WE ask the questions... :tongue:




Shake.....or bake?




What would you do for a Klondike bar?




Do you believe that goalies are typically stronger skaters than defensemen?




WTF is this shit?




WTF is this shit?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You did see that coming, didn't you chaz?



Shake.....or bake?
Never again, never again.... El Diablo and Magicman.

---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 PM ----------

What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Eat out Megan Fox's ass.




If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?



Do you believe that goalies are typically stronger skaters than defensemen?
Eh, that's a tough question. It's harder to skate fast on goalie skates, but it's harder to move laterally on player skates. I'd say each position requires strength in different areas. Goalies need to focus more on squats and lunge type exercises, while defensive players probably do more plyometrics for quicker speed bursts.

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

WTF is this shit?
It's Captain Picard.




Shake.....or bake?
Never again, never again.... El Diablo and Magicman.

This is the correct answer.



If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.




If you could talk to anyone past or present who would you choose?



If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.[/QUOTE]

omg. Gandalf!

Will you ever be nice to me ever again?




If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.[/QUOTE]

omg. Gandalf!
Yeah, why would you kill Gandalf?
(I'm not actually asking that question, you don't have to answer it)
((Though feel free, if you really want to))




If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.[/quote]

omg. Gandalf!
Yeah, why would you kill Gandalf?
(I'm not actually asking that question, you don't have to answer it)
((Though feel free, if you really want to))[/QUOTE]

And to add a question:
Is there anything in life that you regret?



If you could talk to anyone past or present who would you choose?
I would like a chance to talk to my brother again.

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------

If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.[/quote]

omg. Gandalf!
Yeah, why would you kill Gandalf?
(I'm not actually asking that question, you don't have to answer it)
((Though feel free, if you really want to))[/QUOTE]

And to add a question:
Is there anything in life that you regret?[/QUOTE]

I regret going to graduate school, when I feel I would have been happier as an M.D.

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

If you could kill one person in the world, consequence-free, who would it be?
Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.[/QUOTE]

omg. Gandalf!

Will you ever be nice to me ever again?

I am nice to you.




Would you alter your past if you were given the opportunity?


Le Quack

How small is your wang!

Hur hur!




Do you really dislike JCM, or is it more friendly rivalry, or what?



How small is your wang!

Hur hur!
Big enough that I don't need one of these to compensate:

but small enough that I like these:

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Do you really dislike JCM, or is it more friendly rivalry, or what?
It's always a friendly rivalry more than anything, although sometimes I think he's batshit insane.

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

Would you alter your past if you were given the opportunity?




just how awesome am I?




What was the hardest thing about grad school?

Do you miss it?



What was the hardest thing about grad school?

Do you miss it?
I loathed some of the people that worked around me. Dealing with passive aggressive dickwads can be hard. 9 hour exams sucked too. Once I started research in a lab, I thought things were a breeze (except pulling all nighters when shit didn't work).

The only thing I really miss about it is going out to drink, and some of my friends, otherwise I'm glad I'm no longer poor and working 24/7. I come home from work and I'm done with work! I get the weekends to myself too.

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

just how awesome am I?
Only a slight notched of awesomeness below me, but not as high as Jake.




just how awesome am I?
Only a slight notched of awesomeness below me, but not as high as Jake.[/QUOTE]




Do you know I think you're one of the coolest people on this forum? Do you know when I see "Latest Post: Chazwozel", I click, like, yesterday?



Do you know I think you're one of the coolest people on this forum? Do you know when I see "Latest Post: Chazwozel", I click, like, yesterday?




Do you consider this :

Do you know I think you're one of the coolest people on this forum? Do you know when I see "Latest Post: Chazwozel", I click, like, yesterday?

a man crush or more a bromance?



Do you consider this :

Do you know I think you're one of the coolest people on this forum? Do you know when I see "Latest Post: Chazwozel", I click, like, yesterday?

a man crush or more a bromance?



WTF is that shit?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Do you wear a lab coat and goggles when working?

Also, when someone calls you at work, do you ever tell them that you cannot talk right now because you are busy "doing science"?




With regards to your wife, did you blind her with...you know...science?




How is it that you have such awesome taste in music but such poor taste in pizza?



Do you wear a lab coat and goggles when working?

Also, when someone calls you at work, do you ever tell them that you cannot talk right now because you are busy "doing science"?
I wear shorts/jeans and a t-shirt when working (no flip flops though). Sometimes I pimp it out with a Hawaiian shirt. I only don the mighty lab coat when checking on the plebs. I rarely have to wear goggles, unless I'm working with shit that'll splash.

I don't pick up my phone for anyone other than my higher ups or my wife/family members when I'm at work.

---------- Post added at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

With regards to your wife, did you blind her with...you know...science?

---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

How is it that you have such awesome taste in music but such poor taste in pizza?
I could ask you the same thing.


---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------

How is it that you have such awesome taste in music but such poor taste in pizza?
I could ask you the same thing.





Who is the Riker to your Jean-Luc?




Hey! I wasn't sarcastic--you're seriously one of my favorite posters up in this thang.




Get a sub-forum!



Who is the Riker to your Jean-Luc?
That would be my good buddy since high school. I'll call him Mr. C. Now we're beer consultants for each other.




Why are you in my closet?




Are you in fact an interdimensional hamster being, sent to this dimension to take our jerbs and harvest our underpants for fuel?




Who is the Riker to your Jean-Luc?
That would be my good buddy since high school. I'll call him Mr. C. [/QUOTE]



Why are you in my closet?
I like to watch lesbians frolic about.




Why are you in my closet?
I like to watch lesbians frolic about.[/QUOTE]

*tries to picture Shego "frolicking"*



*sans fro*





*tries to imagine Shego, with a fro, licking*

No sir I don't like it.



I'll be a whore too...ask Chazwozel anything.
Talking about whoring... how much do whores charge over there?



I'll be a whore too...ask Chazwozel anything.
Talking about whoring... how much do whores charge over there?
Being one who's never been at the request of a 'lady of the night', I would not know, good sir. My guess is it depends on the city you're in, the amount of heroine said lady wishes to purchase that night, and whether or not she has all her teeth.




I'll be a whore too...ask Chazwozel anything.
Talking about whoring... how much do whores charge over there?
Being one who's never been at the request of a 'lady of the night', I would not know, good sir. My guess is it depends on the city you're in, the amount of heroine said lady wishes to purchase that night, and whether or not she has all her teeth.[/QUOTE]

I would think having one's member lightly gummed by a toothless woman could be a rather pleasurable experience.




I'll be a whore too...ask Chazwozel anything.
Talking about whoring... how much do whores charge over there?
Being one who's never been at the request of a 'lady of the night', I would not know, good sir. My guess is it depends on the city you're in, the amount of heroine said lady wishes to purchase that night, and whether or not she has all her teeth.[/QUOTE]

I would think having one's member lightly gummed by a toothless woman could be a rather pleasurable experience.[/QUOTE]

But I just hate having to wash the Sea-Bond off later.




But I just hate having to wash the Sea-Bond off later.





Is the hot pastrami on rye with mustard a more superior sandwich than that of the cheese steak?




Is the hot pastrami on rye with mustard a more superior sandwich than that of the cheese steak?
No! Cheese steaks are about the only redeeming factor left in Philadelphia.





Is the hot pastrami on rye with mustard a more superior sandwich than that of the cheese steak?
No! Cheese steaks are about the only redeeming factor left in Philadelphia.[/QUOTE]

What about the cream cheese???




You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

seej, would you consider answering that question with the response "with kindness"?




or "softly with your song"?




Are you gay? No response by you means "yes"!




seej, would you consider answering that question with the response "with kindness"?
:rofl: I answered it in my own thread. But, yeah I've done that before. It's delicious.



isn't that the second goodbye thread you made?


Kitty Sinatra

Are you still here?




Did my including you comedically in Halforums House Mark 2 have anything to do with your departure? If so I feel bad. I always thought you were cool, man. I'd hate to see you go.

I just thought you'd get a laugh out of the Sims character. :(


Fun Size

Fun Size

Did I miss something? Why are we talking about Chaz as if he's skipped out? Linksies?




I miss you. :(



He´ll be back.... last time he lost an arguement over Guitar Hero, and left calling all of us worthless crap (or something like it), he came back within a month.




He´ll be back.... last time he lost an arguement over Guitar Hero, and left calling all of us worthless crap (or something like it), he came back within a month.
I hope he does come back. He's always got some legitimate scientific information to impart. Add to the the fact that he tells it as he sees it and I see him as a valuable member of the community. I don't always agree with him, but I truly see his point.

If you're lurking, Chaz(wozel), We still love ya!



He´ll be back.... last time he lost an arguement over Guitar Hero, and left calling all of us worthless crap (or something like it), he came back within a month.
I hope he does come back. He's always got some legitimate scientific information to impart. Add to the the fact that he tells it as he sees it and I see him as a valuable member of the community. I don't always agree with him, but I truly see his point.

If you're lurking, Chaz(wozel), We still love ya![/QUOTE]Same here.

The only time he actually pissed me off was when he called Luiza names for no reason, but other than that he was a pretty valuable member.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Dang, I leave for a day or two and we lose an alpha. So...what now? Do we wrestle for new alpha till he comes back? Is it like high school wrestling, or the naked, oily Greek version?

I'm not interested in the title either way, I just want to know if I should avert my eyes or not.



I vote Green Lantern for alpha. Im sure he´ll put it in good use.



Dang, I leave for a day or two and we lose an alpha. So...what now? Do we wrestle for new alpha till he comes back? Is it like high school wrestling, or the naked, oily Greek version?

I'm not interested in the title either way, I just want to know if I should avert my eyes or not.
Naked and oily. Winner rips out loser's throat with bare teeth. Seats are a fiver apiece. Children go free. Bring friends.



He is still watching us.... I baited him by adding in the adios to his wiki, and the rumored temp-ban, and within minutes he was there. :p

Nobody can quit halforum, its a drug.

---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Now he´s in a wiki-editing war in 193.246.86.x, stienman´s and Drachenherz´s "ent" article", editing my name out over and over.

Did anything change at all with him leaving? I´ll see how long I can keep him there.




bring him back here !

he's one of the most interesting posters here.

come back you fucker



Can you live with yourself knowing your actions will have caused this week's fantasy football podcast to be skipped? Can you?!



Can you live with yourself knowing your actions will have caused this week's fantasy football podcast to be skipped? Can you?!
I think I laughed when I read this.

---------- Post added at 06:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 AM ----------

He is still watching us.... I baited him by adding in the adios to his wiki, and the rumored temp-ban, and within minutes he was there. :p

Nobody can quit halforum, its a drug.

---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Now he´s in a wiki-editing war in 193.246.86.x, stienman´s and Drachenherz´s "ent" article", editing my name out over and over.

Did anything change at all with him leaving? I´ll see how long I can keep him there.

You are not a fucking ent. An ent is an old respected community member who no longer posts. You're the forum clown shoe.




Is your style traditional or butterfly?



Is your style traditional or butterfly?
A little of column A and a little of column B




What's it like to say what everyone is thinking anyway? No reason for asking. Just curious.



What's it like to say what everyone is thinking anyway? No reason for asking. Just curious.

Haha, it's quite liberating. I like to take pins and pop the elephant in the room, so to speak.




Will you post a video of yourself hip-hip dancing for us?



Will you post a video of yourself hip-hip dancing for us?








Hey I came in as soon as I heard about Chaz whoring hims-...Oh.

Never mind, then.



Hey I came in as soon as I heard about Chaz whoring hims-...Oh.

Never mind, then.

No no I like where this is going...:wub:



Hey I came in as soon as I heard about Chaz whoring hims-...Oh.

Never mind, then.

No no I like where this is going...:wub:[/QUOTE]

No. :mad:

I have no question Chaz but I thought I'd tell you I actually thought of you outside of the forum today. I was starving and this event was having pizza so I snagged some pizza even though I didnt care about the event.It popped in my head that Im pretty sure you mentioned doing something like that before.




Hey I came in as soon as I heard about Chaz whoring hims-...Oh.

Never mind, then.

No no I like where this is going...:wub:[/QUOTE]

Awwww yiss



Hey I came in as soon as I heard about Chaz whoring hims-...Oh.

Never mind, then.

No no I like where this is going...:wub:[/QUOTE]

No. :mad:

I have no question Chaz but I thought I'd tell you I actually thought of you outside of the forum today. I was starving and this event was having pizza so I snagged some pizza even though I didnt care about the event.It popped in my head that Im pretty sure you mentioned doing something like that before.[/QUOTE]

Yes! In grad school and even where I work now, vendors will come in and try to sell their products. They hold demo shows outside in the hallways with pizza, donuts, cookies etc... I usually will grab a bunch of food look at a pipette and leave.

One time the one of the vendor whores asked me if I was interested in trying one of their centrifuges or something. I was like nah, and walked away with a handful of bagels and cookies.




That's awesome. We get oil companies that come by, sucker punch us in the nuts, then whisper in our ears that we're a bunch of liberal whiners killing private industry, and oh yeah, we better have that next shipment of grad students ready this spring because they need more button pushers in Saudi Arabia.




Hell, I still bogart snacks from vendors every chance I get. I don't think it's something you outgrow after grad school.

In grad school our dept. chairman got pissed that we were taking away pizza leftovers after our journal club meetings (don't know what he wanted with them, but whatever). I made a point of stuffing a full pizza box in the bookshelves, which I would retrieve a while later. The perfect crime. Mwuahahahahahaaaaa......
