I'm bored, so yeah... ask me blah blah blarg

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Do you still have your epic beard?

Do you shave it off?

"Are you a big Poe fan?", quoth the Raven.

What was your job that you lost, and where are you looking now?

What's your favorite cartoon from when your childhood?

What is your curse-word of choice?
1) Do you still have your epic beard? Do you shave it off?

Of course I do. I'm job hunting now, so it's rather close-cropped, but I will never shave it off!

2) "Are you a big Poe fan?", quoth the Raven.

I am, but that's not actually how I got my name. It goes all the way back to the early days of Battle.net. In Diablo, I was simply Raven, and when I started getting into Starcraft, I joined a clan called the Prisoners of Eternity, and my handle changed to Raven_PoE. I started using that handle online (usually because Raven was taken) and in most places the formatting would be dropped, leading to it being unrecognizable as a tag. So Raven_poe and eventually just Ravenpoe or Poe became what people knew me by. Even my close personal friends, to this day, still call me Poe.

3) What was your job that you lost, and where are you looking now?

My job title was the always vague "Sales Associate," working at an independent retailer contracted for Verizon Wireless (but not directly employed by Verizon). I sold propane cellphones and cellphone accessories, as well as tech and customer support in person and over the phone. I'd worked there for five years, and enjoyed the job, but honestly wasn't too upset when I was laid off. Things had been going downhill since another company bought us out and changed a lot of our policies. I'm currently looking EVERYWHERE. I'll stock shelves at Winn-Dixie, I don't care. I can always look for a job I actually like while doing so, and any income is better than non/unemployment.

4) What's your favorite cartoon from when your childhood?

Here your grammar mistake is preserved forever, no editing can change it. MWAHAHA!

Favorite cartoon from early childhood was an old syndicated cartoon/extended action figure commercial from the 80's called The Centurions. Power XTREME!

Edit: fuck, I can't find a single one that doesn't have embedding disabled. Just watch on youtube.

Later in childhood, it's hard to say. There was a really solid lineup of amazing cartoons waiting for me when I got home from school, all of them favorites. Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Batman: The Animated Series and Gargoyles. I've already spoken at length the strange effects gargoyles (particularly Demona) had on me in my childhood development.

5) What is your curse-word of choice?

I don't curse a lot, at least not in the way most people do. I say fuck a lot, because it's just a very versatile word, but mostly for comedic value or because it just fits the situation. I try to be more creative with expletives, and have them fit the situation at hand.
What's consistently funnier: bathroom humor or other's comic misfortune?
Why not both?

What's the best insult you've ever come up with and successfully used?
Surprisingly enough, I don't insult people often. At least not in an insulting way. But there was one in highschool, in retaliation to a jerk that was trying to get a rise out of me with your typical, unimaginative mother insults.

Spoilered for strong language:
"Oh yeah? Well your mother had two cunts, and you're one of them."
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