I'm buying a bordello

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The seller approved this morning and we have the signed acceptance. We still have to wait for the bank (short sell) but this is better than I have done on any of my recent house hunting ventures.

Check out that Shag!


Wasabi Poptart

If that was dark wood paneling instead of mirrors and gaudy wallpaper, it would be my parents' house circa 1974. Actually, they had curtains that looked like the wallpaper and black "pleather" furniture.
Are you going to fix up the interior? How much is it going to cost to do that?
Long answer: So the house was built in 66 and it was "top of the line" at the time and hasn't really been upgraded since. It has an intercom system that plays AM, FM, and 8-track (just joking about the 8-track, I think). It has the "central vac" system where each room has a hook up to plug a hose into. The kitchen has an in wall oven unit and a counter top stove (that has been updated with a top of the line model in the last couple years). Right now the only thing that "needs" to be fixed up is the carpet in the sleeping area (the house is divided into separate areas, you can close the guest area "foyer, dining room (which is the one with the mirror), family room kitchen of from the sleeping area (4 beds, 2 baths) by closing one door). The shag in the pictures is actually in really good shape, and we don't plan on ripping it up immediately. There is carpeting in the kitchen, and that would have to go right away. Our "immediate" updates (next 2 years) are budgeted for about 5k. The rest of the house would be long term projects. We are planning on staying in there awhile.

Short Answer: Some fixing, about 5k.

My gawd. Please change the decor. For the love of all that is holy.
Whatever, man. Keep it. It's.... it's mesmerizing.[/QUOTE]

The Red shag is staying for awhile.

I HAVE to know if that's a giant two-way mirror or not[/QUOTE]

Sadly, it isn't. The garage is on the other side of that mirror, and the wall is quite solid.

The outside looks way too much like my hometown church.
It does have that look. It's alot of windows and stone for the exterior. The dark rock to the left of the garage is actually an atrium area. We are planning on putting a hot tub in there. :)
The place is just under 4000 sq feet (and less than $200k). I don't think it was really a bordello, but that was my first thoughts when I saw the pictures.

Not sure if that means it's any less tainted. It looks like the previous owner was with a talent agency. In the basement there was a sign that said "audition this way" with a couple boxes of head shots and what appeared to be a "casting couch". I'm hoping the sign is still there when we move in. :p
It looks like the previous owner was with a tallent agency. In the basement there was a sign that said "audition this way" with a couple boxes of headshots and what appeared to be a "casting couch". I'm hoping the sign is still there when we move in. :p
Pics or it didn't happen. :cool:
I'm buying a bordello (new pics)

New pictures.
Sorry, no casting couch but I got a picture of a scary bed that's still there.

Also for those who follow ghost investigation, LOTS of orbs.

lastly, check out the kitchen and family room.

Not going to lie, I would feel way more at home someplace like that than any modern sterile styled home.

That house is fucking awesome.
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