I'm warning you, don't read this thread!

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Kitty Sinatra

Fine. I won't read this thread.

But I will occasionally post random shit in this thread that will have no relation to the previous posts, unless by some freak chance of ESP or some other supernatural phenomenon my BS matches up with the forum's BS.

Kitty Sinatra

Oh man, I'm rocking Midnight Club like not at all. I get on my best bike, race for pinkslips against a car so far below in power . . . and I lose. So I get on my other best bike and win that first bike back. Try for the car again and lose another time. So I hop back on another bike to win back the bike I just lost - and I lose this one! Fucking hell. So I bought yet another best bike to win back the other 2 I've lost.

I finally won the car I was originally trying for. Gah!

Kitty Sinatra

This thread is about to be marked as read, but that won't be true. Halforum lies to me.
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