Information has come to my attention...

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Found this gem on another mailing list: ... d=10591729

A disgruntled Inland Revenue employee who intentionally drove through the organisation's Christchurch building has appeared in court.

Theobald said he had received a letter from IRD's human resources saying: \"Information has come to my attention which indicates that you may have intentionally driven a car through Inland Revenue's Christchurch building ... I am concerned that your conduct may be inconsistent with the Code of Conduct.\"
Further comments were:

Only maybe? I wonder what definitely would be?

Perhaps a session of lying on a couch and having 'counselling' will
make it all better.
Immediately followed by:

\"We are informed that you slaughtered the 4th Floor staff and
ritualistically set fire to their remains, cackling all the while.
Now, come on David, this behaviour really isn't acceptable. We
require you to attend a performance review meeting, the date
of which will be communicated to you in the near future by your
late supervisor\"

Rob King said:
"May be inconsistent." But only possibly.
Well to be fair, there's probably nothing in the code of conduct specifically forbidding driving your car through their building.
mroosc1979 said:
Rob King said:
"May be inconsistent." But only possibly.
Well to be fair, there's probably nothing in the code of conduct specifically forbidding driving your car through their building.
Oooh, I hope they get sued, and use this excuse. And then if they won, I'd know for certain that it's time to give up on that country.

I'm sure I've posted here about the story I heard about the kids who were suspended for exchanging sexual favors in the back of a school bus? The parents brought it to court, on the grounds that the school had no specific rules about oral sex on school busses.
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