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Inmate attacking prison guard video.




This could have ended very, very badly. A prison guard alone at his post is attacked by an inmate who grabs him around the throat and attempts to kill him. This would have ended much much worse, but other inmates came to the aid of the guard and basically saved his life.

Pretty amazing.

---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ----------

Oh yeah, you can see 1 inmate immediately get on the radio and call for help.

These guys are in for murder, robbery, etc.




One guy goes and bangs on the door that later you can see guards coming out of.

I wouldn't expect that kind of response, but I'm rather happy to be wrong in this case.




Wow. Just wow. It's surreal to watch that.

And the first inmate that gets there owns that dude so hard.




Wow. Just wow. It's surreal to watch that.

And the first inmate that gets there owns that dude so hard.
Yeah, the first guy there to help brought the pain!




They're smarter than that first guy was.




Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?




Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?

No...Which scene? Are you talking about
when the inmate throws the bomb trigger out the window?



Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?

No...Which scene? Are you talking about
when the inmate throws the bomb trigger out the window?


Liked that bit where one of them helped the guard to his feet.




I think he's talking about the part where Batman beat on some people.

I can only assume that the attacker was all "I enjoy getting the drop on someone!"

and the first helper was like "Then you're gunna love me!"




That runs counter to how that normally happens in jails. Level heads prevailed. Then again, it really sucks to get gassed.



Man, that first guy to help was all, "Surprise!"

The attacker was then, "Aww man, why am I on the ground?"



This is the next county over from where I live. Pretty amazing stuff.




Man, that first guy to help was all, "Surprise!"

The attacker was then, "Aww man, why am I on the ground?"
Then they had pancakes to celebrate, and they were all "OMNOMNOM! OMNOMNOM!"




Here's the news write-up on it:

Shocking footage of an inmate strangling a guard at a Florida jail before other prisoners battled to save him has been released. Skip related content
Surveillance cameras spotted Douglas Burden, 24, charging at 64-year-old Kenneth Moon in Orient Road Jail, Tampa.

Mr Moon was the sole guard in a prison block that houses 62 inmates, when Burden pounced, Central Florida News 13's website said.

The attacker quickly swung an arm around the jailer's neck, put the older man in a choke hold and started strangling him.

Jerry Dieguez Jr, detained over an armed home invasion charge, was the first rescuer to reach Burden and hit him with a "haymaker" punch, according to Tampa Bay Online (TBO).

The blow sent all three men crashing to the ground.

Two more inmates, an alleged killer and a man accused of drug trafficking, then helped prise Burden's arm off Mr Moon's throat, before another prisoner radioed for help.

Guards eventually restrained the attacker, who has been held since March 14 over driving and drug trafficking charges.

The prisoners who stopped Burden were credited with saving their jailer's life.
"Their past acts aside, you know, you've got to applaud them for what they did," Jim Previtera, of Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, told TBO.

He said Mr Moon was in a martial arts-style choke hold that "cuts off the blood supply and, if it's applied properly, can actually crush the windpipe or the trachea".

The sheriff's office is to send letters to the rescuers' lawyers to be used in court on the inmates' behalf.

Prison guard Anthony Brown said: "You would think that they would walk away, so somewhere in their hearts, there must be some goodness."

Burden is facing a new charge of battery on a law enforcement officer, following Monday's attack.




Good story, but I'd like to point out this bit:

Two more inmates, an alleged killer and a man accused of drug trafficking...
Shouldn't it be "Two more inmates, one convicted of murder and the other jailed for drug trafficking," or are we just trying to put as much of a positive spin on this story as possible?




Good story, but I'd like to point out this bit:

Two more inmates, an alleged killer and a man accused of drug trafficking...
Shouldn't it be "Two more inmates, one convicted of murder and the other jailed for drug trafficking," or are we just trying to put as much of a positive spin on this story as possible?
This was a holding area. None of them have gone to trial yet.



Why the hell aren't you doing homework?

And I actually know which jail this is. It's the one by the Casino. It's tiny-ass, and is little more than a holding cell for detainees and people heading to circuit. In fact, I'm kinda surprised that there was an alleged murder in there.

In other words, this is the jail you don't stay at long. Presumably these guys haven't been convicted and are awaiting trial, so right now they're not "Convicted" and they're only accused or alleged. If they WERE convicted they'd go to Hillsborough County Jail.




Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?

No...Which scene? Are you talking about
when the inmate throws the bomb trigger out the window?

Yeah that one.

These men may be murderers, robbers and rapists, they may wear the orange suits that label them as criminals and convicts, but dammit they can be decent human beings too.



Frankie Williamson

cuts off the blood supply and, if it's applied properly, can actually crush the windpipe or the trachea
Except opposite. If it's applied improperly it crushes the trachea.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

cuts off the blood supply and, if it's applied properly, can actually crush the windpipe or the trachea
Except opposite. If it's applied improperly it crushes the trachea.
Well, I guess "properly" or "improperly" depends on what you intend to do!



Yes, I thought of that scene on the two boats instantly.




Yes, I thought of that scene on the two boats instantly.
Really? I had to really think about it. Maybe that's just me.



Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?
I loved that scene




Good stuff from the other guys there.

And was anyone else reminded of that scene from The Dark Knight?
I loved that scene[/QUOTE]

As did I. But it still didn't spring immediately to mind.



Kinda reinforces the thought, when you are a corrections officer you are at times alone with 10-50-100 people, and that they don't always run the jail so to speak.

Also kinda wonder what kind of guard, if he was an asshole would the other inmates have ran to save him? I am banking on that he was a fair guard.

Either way always nice to see people running to save another persons life.




Good story, but I'd like to point out this bit:

Two more inmates, an alleged killer and a man accused of drug trafficking...
Shouldn't it be "Two more inmates, one convicted of murder and the other jailed for drug trafficking," or are we just trying to put as much of a positive spin on this story as possible?
This was a holding area. None of them have gone to trial yet.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that's it. I was gonna do more research into the "prison," but didn't feel like it. I guess the whole "...who has been held since March 14..." part would have been a good giveaway.

And TFO: I'm not doing homework because my caffeine hasn't kicked in yet :p but seriously, the material for the homeworks haven't been covered in my classes yet (all 3 classes just assigned the homework today), so I'd have no idea what I'm doing, anyway.




Kinda reinforces the thought, when you are a corrections officer you are at times alone with 10-50-100 people, and that they don't always run the jail so to speak.

Also kinda wonder what kind of guard, if he was an asshole would the other inmates have ran to save him? I am banking on that he was a fair guard.

Either way always nice to see people running to save another persons life.
Like somebody else said, it was a holding area where people don't stay long. It's too hard to gauge somebody's personality with such limited and brief contact. Even if they knew he was an asshole they probably would've helped. After all, we know plenty of assholes but we wouldn't stand by and watch them get strangled.

Good on these inmates.




Kinda reinforces the thought, when you are a corrections officer you are at times alone with 10-50-100 people, and that they don't always run the jail so to speak.

Also kinda wonder what kind of guard, if he was an asshole would the other inmates have ran to save him? I am banking on that he was a fair guard.

Either way always nice to see people running to save another persons life.
Like somebody else said, it was a holding area where people don't stay long. It's too hard to gauge somebody's personality with such limited and brief contact. Even if they knew he was an asshole they probably would've helped. After all, we know plenty of assholes but we wouldn't stand by and watch them get strangled.

Good on these inmates.[/QUOTE]

And you wanted to needlessly throw people in prison. It's hard to group everybody in the same category when they do things like this, isn't it? :p




And you wanted to needlessly throw people in prison. It's hard to group everybody in the same category when they do things like this, isn't it? :p
Not needlessly, and only a certain breed of criminal (the rapists). Like I said in that previous thread, I support rehabilitation for most non-sex offenders.




And you wanted to needlessly throw people in prison. It's hard to group everybody in the same category when they do things like this, isn't it? :p
Not needlessly, and only a certain breed of criminal (the rapists). Like I said in that previous thread, I support rehabilitation for most non-sex offenders.[/QUOTE]

They still need to re-write the sex crime laws and take out public indecency, public urination, and other such crimes. You shouldn't be put on a fucking sex offender list because you fucking got drunk and pissed in an alley.




They still need to re-write the sex crime laws and take out public indecency, public urination, and other such crimes. You shouldn't be put on a fucking sex offender list because you fucking got drunk and pissed in an alley.
Of course, but...




That guard must have had A LOT of respect with the fellow inmates in how he conducted himself while on shift in order for them to help out like that.
