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Insanity !



So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Insanity is a pretty fitting name...

Good luck!



Insanity is a pretty fitting name...

Good luck!
Yeah I'd say :) Thanks Silver Jelly .....I'm off to walk so I don't smoke better then eating hehe !




Smoking is bad for you.

Stop it.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Smoking is bad for you.

Stop it.
.... says the pot to the kettle. (me, not Dave)
I so need to quit smoking




Quit the way my dad did.

He put 1 cigarette in his pocket. Whenever he felt the need he'd pull it out, look at it and say, "I'm stronger than you."

After a while he threw it away.



Smoking is bad for you.

Stop it.
.... says the pot to the kettle. (me, not Dave)
I so need to quit smoking[/QUOTE]

I'm two hours in...I had to smoke the morning one but if I can just smoke that one for the next week every morning I'll be happy but yeah 2 hours in and I'm wanting to cry real bad but I just keep focusing on this damn Insanity workout. I may go buy some gum or losanges to aid me.




Jesus! How long have you smoked?



Jesus! How long have you smoked?
15 years :(




Quit the way my dad did.

He put 1 cigarette in his pocket. Whenever he felt the need he'd pull it out, look at it and say, "I'm stronger than you."

After a while he threw it away.
My dad quit when I was like 10. He punched a lot of things and spent all his off time in his garage. But the awesome thing about cold turkey was that in a week he was fine, and never touched the stuff again.



I'm trying hard....I smoked one this morning and prolly will have to take a haul at some point today but if I can make it thru today like that then I'll proove I don't need it as much as I thought I did......Then tomo I can have my one morning one again and work on from going to less hauls in a day to just that one cig in the morning then eventually to nothing . It's already hard but I'm a fighter I'm real damn determined I want the damn money thats being wasted on it !





This site is a good start. Talks to you about the symptoms and how to help curb your cravings naturally.


General Specific

General Specific

Jesus! How long have you smoked?
I didn't know cigarettes were around back then.




Good luck kicking the habit. It's a tough one to kick. And I'd advise you to talk to a doctor before taking on a workout that hard after quitting.


Wasabi Poptart

Don't smoke that cigarette in the morning! It's a crutch. You'll just have that one to get you through. Then it'll be another during the day. Next thing you know, you'll be smoking full-time again. Trust me. I did the same thing so many times. The only way I quit was to throw out the pack and never look back. I've been a non-smoker for almost 8 years now. It isn't always easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.




Don't smoke that cigarette in the morning! It's a crutch. You'll just have that one to get you through. Then it'll be another during the day. Next thing you know, you'll be smoking full-time again. Trust me. I did the same thing so many times. The only way I quit was to throw out the pack and never look back.
Same happened with my sister. Now she doesn't smoke in the morning, but after her daughter goes to bed. She's never completely quit.


Kitty Sinatra

You're gonna have one awesome body. :(



You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ?

And Don't worry Cajungal I am going to the doctor when my hubby comes home to ask about this workout and be tested to make sure my heart and lungs can take it. I also will be a seeing a dietician for my stomach problems and ask about that workout to make sure I receive enough nourishment for those 60 days.
I just need something to change my life for the better....I wanna be healthy and fit and the only way for this to happen is to work hard.

So anyway I have smoked 3 cigarettes today but I went to get Losanges that helped my grandmother kick and I have only had half of one and it's been 3 hours and I have no urge to smoke .....I agree with the morning one being a crutch but I understand how It can make you fall back but my grandmother did that for 2 weeks before completely letting go and it helped her out alot. So i'm gonna give it a shot like that . But I'm glad about the losanges and that I already workout cuz everytime i wanna smoke I just go for a walk , workout , nap and shower lol .

Thanks for all the good luck messages and I promise to keep yall posted. If I am physically healthy enough after I've quit smoking to do Insanity I will blog about it and post that here to But that is stilll awhile a way :).




If/when you are able to do the Insanity workout, I'll look forward to hearing about it. It looks... well, insane.



If/when you are able to do the Insanity workout, I'll look forward to hearing about it. It looks... well, insane.
If and I pray I am .....to be honest I think I will be cleared to do it I'm pretty fit as a smoker and was an athlete all my life . I"m gonna start preparing for it though by stepping up my cardio and maybe intensifying some of my workouts.

I promise to set up a whole blog with videos and the works. That's what everyone does with this workout.......I wanna earn my tshirt that says I DID INSANITY lol !
I have to keep watching that video above so I don't smoke. My hubby said he wants to buy it so I can carry it around the house with me so I don't smoke lol !

Anyhoo i promise to keep u posted but it could take awhile prepping for that thing it is well INSANE ~!



You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ?

And Don't worry Cajungal I am going to the doctor when my hubby comes home to ask about this workout and be tested to make sure my heart and lungs can take it. I also will be a seeing a dietician for my stomach problems and ask about that workout to make sure I receive enough nourishment for those 60 days.
I just need something to change my life for the better....I wanna be healthy and fit and the only way for this to happen is to work hard.

So anyway I have smoked 3 cigarettes today but I went to get Losanges that helped my grandmother kick and I have only had half of one and it's been 3 hours and I have no urge to smoke .....I agree with the morning one being a crutch but I understand how It can make you fall back but my grandmother did that for 2 weeks before completely letting go and it helped her out alot. So i'm gonna give it a shot like that . But I'm glad about the losanges and that I already workout cuz everytime i wanna smoke I just go for a walk , workout , nap and shower lol .

Thanks for all the good luck messages and I promise to keep yall posted. If I am physically healthy enough after I've quit smoking to do Insanity I will blog about it and post that here to But that is stilll awhile a way :).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you're not quitting anytime soon.

I call 20 bucks you're off the wagon by next week.




What kind of athlete? Just curious.




Chaz is a genius. He's a dick and says you can't do it. Prove him wrong so you can rub it in his face.

"Still not smoking after 1 week! Screw you, dick!"



Hi, Dark Angel. We've not met, but you seem very nice. I want you to quit, so I'm just going to be a bit of a jerk here and post this video. http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/webseries_howto/watch/v15998108rDnkjGs5

Every time you feel like lighting up, watch this, then just go for a walk. Good luck.



Chaz is a genius. He's a dick and says you can't do it. Prove him wrong so you can rub it in his face.

"Still not smoking after 1 week! Screw you, dick!"
Well that'll work too.

I think it's kinda funny. "Hey guys I'm going to totally stop smoking...right after this last cig....ok this is my last I swear...ok one more....alright, this one I promise....

Just fucking do it if you're going to do it, instead caving in one by one.

FYI. I don't want to hear bullshit about how hard it is. I light up a cig every once in a while (like one week every two to three months). It's not that hard. The addition is 100 fold more mental than physical.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

see, now if I said I wanted to quit (which I need to) Crone would have posted something like this :p









Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer




he's talking to me. I would analyze it further and probably make a better post about it but I pretty much care less and less with every contact of the stick unto the bloated horse's corpse.

*edited for simplicity*


Fun Size

Fun Size

Here's another bit of useful advice: if you absolutely must have a cigarette, go ahead and smoke it, but only rectally.

Takes the cool right out of it...





I was making fun of how a couple of other people drew a parallel between his avatar and Little Sin's, and how he didn't like it.


Wasabi Poptart

Yeah, you're not quitting anytime soon.

I call 20 bucks you're off the wagon by next week.
I give it 2 weeks. I used to completely cave after 10 days.




Pudding you can smoke all you want, but only for forty-five minutes after having sex.



[STRIKE]Dear HGCLSN, HSCGLN .......[/STRIKE] Dear HackGland You cannot say "pudding" without a Sean Connery Avatar, and esp not with a Destro (Or, I dunno, Silver Sufer with Melonoma) avatar. Standards!




Point well taken, I now return to my original avatar.



What kind of athlete? Just curious.
I was a figure skater and Did ballet jazz most of my life.

As for everyone else on here placing bets on when i will cave. There isn't a chance that is going to happen. And as for you CHaz I aint gonna bitch that it's hard cause I'm all about something being hard and it being a challenge and I rarely cave or give in. I'm a fighter so really i don't forsee this to be very hard. I'm just flat out gonna go about what I'm doing and let it go. I have big plans for the future and smoking just isn't something that will fit in with those plans. Such as Insanity 60 day challenge and getting pregnant . So thanks I suppose for attempting to break me down but It's not gonna work considering my mind is made up !



Yeah, you're not quitting anytime soon.

I call 20 bucks you're off the wagon by next week.
I give it 2 weeks. I used to completely cave after 10 days.[/QUOTE]

And no offense if you caved that quickly then you really weren't ready nor did you wanna stop to begin with . I want it and I want it bad and when I want something. You best believe I get it hehe . I'm damn determined so I'll raise your 20 bucks to 100 that In a month I still won't be smoking :) we can raise it every month after if you'd like as well ?! Just saying!



Yeah, you're not quitting anytime soon.

I call 20 bucks you're off the wagon by next week.
I give it 2 weeks. I used to completely cave after 10 days.[/QUOTE]

And no offense if you caved that quickly then you really weren't ready nor did you wanna stop to begin with . I want it and I want it bad and when I want something. You best believe I get it hehe . I'm damn determined so I'll raise your 20 bucks to 100 that In a month I still won't be smoking :) we can raise it every month after if you'd like as well ?! Just saying![/QUOTE]

You'll be sucking down a pack by tomorrow.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

What kind of athlete? Just curious.
I was a figure skater and Did ballet jazz most of my life.

As for everyone else on here placing bets on when i will cave. There isn't a chance that is going to happen. And as for you CHaz I aint gonna bitch that it's hard cause I'm all about something being hard and it being a challenge and I rarely cave or give in. I'm a fighter so really i don't forsee this to be very hard. I'm just flat out gonna go about what I'm doing and let it go. I have big plans for the future and smoking just isn't something that will fit in with those plans. Such as Insanity 60 day challenge and getting pregnant . So thanks I suppose for attempting to break me down but It's not gonna work considering my mind is made up ![/QUOTE]

Getting pregnant isn't a challenge. I knocked up my wife in 2 days! SUPER CHAZ SPERM AWWWWWAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your just a waste of time !lol




Be careful around Chaz. He can impregnate you with a thought.





Kitty Sinatra

You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ? [/QUOTE]

I should pretend I hit the wrong button, but alas I didn't. I'm sad because my body isn't awesome.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

[STRIKE]smoking[/STRIKE] tobacco is so gross.



[STRIKE]smoking[/STRIKE] tobacco is so gross.
Actually tobacco is pretty awesome. What's gross is all the shit cigarette companies put in their tobacco to get you more addicted and help the thing burn longer.



Be careful around Chaz. He can impregnate you with a thought.
EEEEEEEK ! that is scary hehe :) Day two doing better then yesterday and even skipped the morning one.....I may just workout all day to keep myself occupied lol !

---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ? [/QUOTE]

I should pretend I hit the wrong button, but alas I didn't. I'm sad because my body isn't awesome.[/QUOTE]

Do Insanity .....You'll be fit in no time lol ! :)

---------- Post added at 08:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

[STRIKE]smoking[/STRIKE] tobacco is so gross.
Yep , Yep it is.

---------- Post added at 08:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 AM ----------

[STRIKE]smoking[/STRIKE] tobacco is so gross.
Actually tobacco is pretty awesome. What's gross is all the shit cigarette companies put in their tobacco to get you more addicted and help the thing burn longer.[/QUOTE]

That pic you posted makes me never wanna smoke again lol Thank you for that :)



Maybe you can just switch smoking something that has never directly been attributed as a cause of cancer?
Or vaporizer cigs?




[STRIKE]smoking[/STRIKE] tobacco is so gross.
Actually tobacco is pretty awesome. What's gross is all the shit cigarette companies put in their tobacco to get you more addicted and help the thing burn longer.[/QUOTE]

I hate to admit it, but chewing tobacco is actually pretty tasty. Some friends and I used to have some after a big hike. If you don't smoke or chew, it's pretty awesome because it's like an insta-high. Of course, if you chew it too long, and you're not used to it....say hello to lunch a second time.



sharing is caring, fade, but please,




Wait, chewing tobacco is more disturbing than Dave peeing all over a cat?



So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !
Hey, I just realized that insanity workout pretty much looks like football,wrestling, and track practice all rolled into one. Actually it fucking looks really good. Reminds me of weight lifting circuits we did for hockey. There would be a puke bucket at the end.

*Edit* Well I'm in with you. I'm thoroughly impressed with the plyometrics and core aerobics this has to offer. I ordered up the dvds.



So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !
Hey, I just realized that insanity workout pretty much looks like football,wrestling, and track practice all rolled into one. Actually it fucking looks really good. Reminds me of weight lifting circuits we did for hockey. There would be a puke bucket at the end.

*Edit* Well I'm in with you. I'm thoroughly impressed with the plyometrics and core aerobics this has to offer. I ordered up the dvds.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't just look like the most amazing workout of a lifetime. Every second of that video makes me wanna smoke so I can have my own puke bucket at the end lol !
But seriously You ordered it? Please let me know how it goes and what it's like I can't order it till I've kicked my nasty habit that is part of the reward of me quitting in the mean time...I've stepped up my cardio to 45 minutes a day since i barely did any before. I almost died today but I figure by the time my hubby gets home I can convince him to order this for me....

Glad you thought it looked good.....I think this is a real challenge for once compared to all the gimmicks out there!.


Wasabi Poptart

I'm afraid to show that to my husband. He'll either want to order it or try to find it by other means. It looks like something he would go crazy over.



So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !
Hey, I just realized that insanity workout pretty much looks like football,wrestling, and track practice all rolled into one. Actually it fucking looks really good. Reminds me of weight lifting circuits we did for hockey. There would be a puke bucket at the end.

*Edit* Well I'm in with you. I'm thoroughly impressed with the plyometrics and core aerobics this has to offer. I ordered up the dvds.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't just look like the most amazing workout of a lifetime. Every second of that video makes me wanna smoke so I can have my own puke bucket at the end lol !
But seriously You ordered it? Please let me know how it goes and what it's like I can't order it till I've kicked my nasty habit that is part of the reward of me quitting in the mean time...I've stepped up my cardio to 45 minutes a day since i barely did any before. I almost died today but I figure by the time my hubby gets home I can convince him to order this for me....

Glad you thought it looked good.....I think this is a real challenge for once compared to all the gimmicks out there!.[/QUOTE]

Just order it. Why would you treat a workout video like a reward. This shit looks more like bootcamp. I don't like how it's all aerobics, so I'm going to combine it with my normal boxing routine. Looks like I'll be devoting about 2 hours a day, but summer awaits!



So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !
Hey, I just realized that insanity workout pretty much looks like football,wrestling, and track practice all rolled into one. Actually it fucking looks really good. Reminds me of weight lifting circuits we did for hockey. There would be a puke bucket at the end.

*Edit* Well I'm in with you. I'm thoroughly impressed with the plyometrics and core aerobics this has to offer. I ordered up the dvds.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't just look like the most amazing workout of a lifetime. Every second of that video makes me wanna smoke so I can have my own puke bucket at the end lol !
But seriously You ordered it? Please let me know how it goes and what it's like I can't order it till I've kicked my nasty habit that is part of the reward of me quitting in the mean time...I've stepped up my cardio to 45 minutes a day since i barely did any before. I almost died today but I figure by the time my hubby gets home I can convince him to order this for me....

Glad you thought it looked good.....I think this is a real challenge for once compared to all the gimmicks out there!.[/QUOTE]

Just order it. Why would you treat a workout video like a reward. This shit looks more like bootcamp. I don't like how it's all aerobics, so I'm going to combine it with my normal boxing routine. Looks like I'll be devoting about 2 hours a day, but summer awaits![/QUOTE]

Yeah your right I've been watching this shit all day long I'm gonna bug my hubby when he gets off work to just do it......We should start on the same day and record progress lol....Fuck it I'm in I'm so ordering tonight !

Wildsoul Let your hubby have it.....It's a healthy want! :)



Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!



Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!
BAHHHHHHH u suck i'm so gonna record my progress......I ordered it 10 minutes ago and I'm soooooooooo fired up :D




Aww, that would have been so cute... darkangel and chaz's workout buddy blog... FRIENDS FOREVER IN FITNESS!



Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!




Aww, that would have been so cute... darkangel and chaz's workout buddy blog... FRIENDS FOREVER IN FITNESS!
Yeah exactly lol how fucking random is that shit lol ! hahahaha :)~ I'm blogging my progress it's a promise i'm buying a heart monitor . I Did a workout today to prep for it and I did rather well so I'll do what i can but not kill myself. Hope yall will check in with my blog. Should be fun. I'm super excited and more motivated not to smoke hehe :D


Wasabi Poptart

Wildsoul Let your hubby have it.....It's a healthy want! :)
He already does 3 full workouts on most days of the week. He does his own routine in the morning before work. He's the PT Coordinator for his command, so he runs their PT every afternoon and works out with the people who don't meet physical standards during his lunch. Then he does a few sets of sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups after dinner while we're getting the kids ready for bed. I did show him the video, though. He said it's too much money to buy, but if he can find someone with a copy he'd give it a shot.




If you'd really like it, I can have it for you in a day or so.






Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!
Did yours ship out yet? mine hasn't and it's beginning to piss me off!



Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!
Did yours ship out yet? mine hasn't and it's beginning to piss me off![/QUOTE]

Got it yesterday (did next day air, mailed to work- no shipping fees!). SUCKS TO BE CANADIAN!



Chazwozel works out--- ALONE!
Did yours ship out yet? mine hasn't and it's beginning to piss me off![/QUOTE]

Got it yesterday (did next day air, mailed to work- no shipping fees!). SUCKS TO BE CANADIAN![/QUOTE]

U suck !




Dear HGCLSN, HSCGLN ....... Dear HackGland
I've taken to calling him Hugglins.




Wow... now that's a weight loss infomercial that actually makes sense and doesn't look like total bullshit. First one I've ever seen. It goes so far as to SAY it's gonna be hard as shit. Good for them.



Wow... now that's a weight loss infomercial that actually makes sense and doesn't look like total bullshit. First one I've ever seen. It goes so far as to SAY it's gonna be hard as shit. Good for them.
I completely agree.....Looks like you start and then die shortly there after. Should be a good time :)




Good luck quitting. It doesn't sound like fun. That exercise program doesn't seem like a good idea. It looks too harsh. Moderation is key. Don't overdo it.



Good luck quitting. It doesn't sound like fun. That exercise program doesn't seem like a good idea. It looks too harsh. Moderation is key. Don't overdo it.

It says in the guide that the program is intended for people that are already in shape, but want to tone their bodies up. It's not intended for fatties that can't do a single push up.



Good luck quitting. It doesn't sound like fun. That exercise program doesn't seem like a good idea. It looks too harsh. Moderation is key. Don't overdo it.

It says in the guide that the program is intended for people that are already in shape, but want to tone their bodies up. It's not intended for fatties that can't do a single push up.[/QUOTE]

Well suppose it's a good thing I'm already in shape, not fat my only downfall is smoking but It's been 5 days so far so I'm pretty sure I can keep going:) Let me know how it goes when u do it Chaz.

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Good luck quitting. It doesn't sound like fun. That exercise program doesn't seem like a good idea. It looks too harsh. Moderation is key. Don't overdo it.
Don't worry I'll do what I can :) I won't push it too far. But I really did need more of a challenge!



So Chaz...How was it ? Did you try it yet? I'm anxious to hear how bad this workout is !



So Chaz...How was it ? Did you try it yet? I'm anxious to hear how bad this workout is !
I've just been watching the videos and getting the techniques down. No sense in blowing out a knee. It's pretty crazy, but it's just a high speed aerobics/resistance workout.



So Chaz...How was it ? Did you try it yet? I'm anxious to hear how bad this workout is !
I've just been watching the videos and getting the techniques down. No sense in blowing out a knee. It's pretty crazy, but it's just a high speed aerobics/resistance workout.[/QUOTE]

Ok Cool...I'll make sure to watch it first so i don't fuck up a knee lol ! I yelled at them yesterday and got refunded for the tax and shipping. They are taking their sweet ass time sending it out and It's pissing me off. Atleast I got a refund.



Well I promised I would blog this 60 day experience and I'm just starting today and have the blog up.......not much on it yet but if you wanted to follow along here is the link........


Today is day 1 wish me luck :)




Buena suerte! Have fun with it.



Buena suerte! Have fun with it.
Thanks I'm all done and I did super well :) Hope you'll follow my blog i'm going to add pics and video's today . It was so awesome I can't even begin to describe how empowering that workout felt hehe !
