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Inside words




Do you have words that you and your wife/husband/friends/GF/BF/etc know and use regularly that only really hold meaning for you? What are they?

I used one in general conversation today before I realized it and had to explain.

We have a bunch--some more obscure than others. I used "silkwooded" as a verb today, for instance, which means to "scrub vigorously" after the scenes in the movie Silkwood. Which apparently no one I was talking to had seen.

Anyway, what are yours?




When me and my best friend part ways after drinks/lunch/game session, we always say "Toodle-pip". People think it's weird.

Also, we have plenty of nicknames among the active actors of the Turku Medieval Market, mostly because people tend to use the characters' names quite a lot. I've been called "Lätty" ('pancake') and "Wentzel". One guy is known as "Beardy Jesus" because of his role in an Easter play ;)




Not so much words as phrases and acronyms.

"You have rabies," is an accusation that the fellow and I make to one another all the time, but it refers to an in-joke and not the actual disease.

We also say C.L.I.K.




My immediate family has a series of hand signals that mean things that we shouldn't say in polite company.




My roommate and his GF were arguing in the next room. Through the wall I heard "BITCH!" "ASSHOLE!"

I called back to them in my sweetest voice... "Awwwwwe, Pet Names."

Once the quit laughing, I don't think they remembered what they were fighting about. They are still together 20 years later. I think it is my fault that they are.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I know I have some personal words I use just with myself. The last one I can think of is "Nosferating", wich means making an adaptation of something, with a few subtle changes, without actually having the rights to. I was about to use it yesterday when I remembered it's not a real word, just a word I use to think with.



My friends and I have a hand signal that means lesbian sex.

My wife and I will hiss at each other when people are being Twilight level fanboys. It comes from all the terrible hissing in the movie.




My sister and I are both fairly gifted with the utilization of the English language (which makes court a lot of fun, too! ). Unfortunately, this means that when the two of us talk, it tends to devolve into bouts of onomatopoeia combined with l33t-sp33k and lolcat. *headwheel*




A bit of translated comedy... In different Finnish dialects, there are different ways you can say "folding clothes". Viikata, laskostaa, pallia... all mean exactly the same thing, but are used in different regions. In my family, we use the verb pallia, which is fairly close to the word pallit, meaning 'balls' AKA the dangly bits. Mom told me that one time at work she was talking with a co-worker, and she asked how does she pallia the clothes after ironing them. The co-worker stared at her with wide eyes and said "Umm... I iron them from the butt-side, too." She had never heard the word before and took it to mean my Mom only ironed trousers from the 'balls side' ;)

To add to the confusion, palli as a singular also means a chair or a footstool. Another similar word is vaha, which in old use meant a boulder or a rock - but in modern use is only used to mean 'wax'. So when there's a neighbourhood whose name originally meant "Footstool Hill", or Pallivaha, there's plenty of people who can't stop laughing when they hear it as "Ball Wax".




I thought of another one! When I'm really in the mood but Jake and I aren't in a place where I can say that openly, I say I feel like playing checkers.

I also have a noise I make when I want to express that someone is stupid. Every time I make it, my mom doubles over laughing. :D




My last GF and I used something similar, Going to Walmart. She was divorced and living with her Mom. The first time she came to my house she told her mother that she was going to Walmart... So it stuck.

Later I introduced her to my friends at dinner, the restaurant was across the street from Wal-Mart. I mentioned that I felt like going to Walmart (both meanings) after dinner, and she blushed. Then my friends, knowing my past, went on this long spiel about how much I hate going to Walmart. They mentioned a couple of "episodes" I've had with their incompetent employees. She turns beet red and drops her head on the table laughing. She gets up and goes to the restroom. My friends give me a dirty look and say, "what have you been doing to that girl?" She was 29.




I thought of another one! When I'm really in the mood but Jake and I aren't in a place where I can say that openly, I say I feel like playing checkers.

I also have a noise I make when I want to express that someone is stupid. Every time I make it, my mom doubles over laughing. :D
I communicate both of these things with my eyebrows.


I wonder how many times I talk when I don't really need to. I have a pretty expressive face.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

this eyebrow thing happens to me too, and I have a lot of language related to coughing and touching my glasses... But I do it unconsciously.



We have a few. One is snarp. It is a replacement for swear words (we don't use it often if any at all) the other is "seriously" from Kim Possible. When anyone says "seriously" We go "Seriously?" dude seriously. :)



Frankie Williamson

Here's a common RCMP one.


or C U N T.




we have a few. Like if we want to get together and drink we'll just say "hey, it's time to do some hoodrat stuff with our friends" or alternatively "lets get it bumpin' "


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Of course! How could I forget the term "Cisco data" we use in my little group of close friends? It's the kind of data wich is, simply put, made up. They may also be "Cisco percentages", if an invented percentage is involved, or simply "Cisco", as in "This sounds a little Cisco..."




We take different languages and just mash them together.

Schnuggles/Schnuggling - snuggling

Schmittens - Cat

Kuschels - See Schnuggling. Or Comfortable

Gamels/Gamelling - Playing computer/console games.

Pineapple - "I want to get the hell out of here"

Humpings - Sexy time.

Grenouille - French person.

Kop Kop. "Yeah yeah, okay, leave me alone".
