So, I'm taking a class at the moment. I'm going to let you guess what kind. Anyway, today I built my first website in a few years - just good old Hello World stuff in html. Over the coming days we'll be dipping our toes into a lot of things, though all very very shallow. "Setting up a server" turned out to be "download and install MAMP", so, you know. Css, PHP, they'll all pass. Anyway, I do need to choose an IDE and find a topic to write a website about.
As for an IDE, most of the class is using Sublime or Atom, I settled on RJ TextEd for the moment. If anyone wants to give a sensible suggestion, tomorrow's pretty much the last day I want to switch. Free, easy, fit for this basic task and not needlessly opaque or advanced.
As for a topic, I'm all out of ideas. Any SFW suggestions welcome.
As for an IDE, most of the class is using Sublime or Atom, I settled on RJ TextEd for the moment. If anyone wants to give a sensible suggestion, tomorrow's pretty much the last day I want to switch. Free, easy, fit for this basic task and not needlessly opaque or advanced.
As for a topic, I'm all out of ideas. Any SFW suggestions welcome.