Invincible (shpoilars!)

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So, I picked up the last couple of issues of Invincible the other day (as in like a month ago) and actually got around to reading them today.

Holy fuck!

I never thought Kirkman would go this far with the violence. Like, every page must've used half a gallon of red ink. And Eve! What the hell!? In the letters section he says to give him one more issue before getting too angry. Is he just going to bring her back to life immediately? Man, I still love Invincible.

I think the new issue is already long out. I really need to get cracking and go to the comic store more often.
She's probably the most powerful being next to Invincible as far as Earth is concerned, she can materialize and change any matter she wants. I'm not sure how (wasn't explained in the last issue I read) but she even healed herself after being pretty much cut in half by Conquest (not to mention two broken legs and all sorts of damage to her face and body besides). She also burns away most of his skin just before Mark headbutts him to death.

I just picked up the latest trade, which covers the crossover with Wolfman, right up to the issue with Powerplex. I firmly believe it's the best damn superhero book being published today.

That said, I think all the gore is a bit excessive. I remember when the series first started, I thought it would be a great kid-friendly book...right up to the slaughter of the Global Guardians. If it wasn't so gory, I think it'd be more accessible to a wider audience.

At the same time, it really is a relatively realistic look at what super-powered fights would be like. People with super strength? It would be bloody and it would be gory.
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