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iPhone Multitasking in 4.0



The demand for iPhone OS multitasking is nothing new. People have been looking for ways to do more than one thing at once on their iPhones for some time. For example, let's say you're chatting on IRC in one application, and you want to hop out to check a Web page. Should you have to disconnect from your IRC session just so you can sneak into Safari? Maybe you want to listen to Pandora radio while shopping at the App Store. Should you have to stop the Pandora music?
read the rest here




Watching the Gizmodo liveblog. I'm pretty pleased so far.




The demand for iPhone OS multitasking is nothing new. People have been looking for ways to do more than one thing at once on their iPhones for some time. For example, let's say you're chatting on IRC in one application, and you want to hop out to check a Web page. Should you have to disconnect from your IRC session just so you can sneak into Safari? Maybe you want to listen to Pandora radio while shopping at the App Store. Should you have to stop the Pandora music?
read the rest here
I'm not investing in an iPhone until July when my contract is up with Sprint so I haven't been following the details on this. When does 4.0 hit?




[UPDATE] Hot Damn they added unified inbox to their mail app. I'll no longer need to do the hot shuffle between my school and personal accounts!


Fun Size

Fun Size

No multitasking for us 3G iPhone users. Oh well.



No multitasking for us 3G iPhone users. Oh well.
Yea.... bummer!




No multitasking for us 3G iPhone users. Oh well.



Will we itouch users get it as well or no?




Droid does.


*hides his verizon employee badge*




Will we itouch users get it as well or no?
Only those with the third generation device.



Droid does.


*hides his verizon employee badge*
How much does lucasfilm get for every time y'all say that? :)




Yep. This will be looked back upon as the point where iPhone 2.0 really started. For the fanatics, it will be the second coming of the Jesus phone. Oh, I'm excited, sure. I'm glad to see the iPhone platform go from being merely useful to truly useful (and even more so once iPhones start being built with multi-core processors). But I'm not going to start with the fist-pumping until carriers stop being ridiculous with their pricing and I can actually afford one.





Droid does.


*hides his verizon employee badge*
How much does lucasfilm get for every time y'all say that? :)[/QUOTE]

Pfft, we license that shit. Only fools pay-per-word.

*All previous statements and opinions are those of Poe INC and not necessarily those of Verizon Wireless, Lucasfilms, or any of their affiliates. Certain portions of this forum post were edited for content and for space allotment, and some portions not affecting the overall message have been removed completely.




Lookkit Mr. Poe with all his fancy boilerplate. Mr. Hoity-Toity Legal Man.




Droid does.


*hides his verizon employee badge*
Talk and browse.

And WTF is up with your CEO:
Finally, if you're a high-bandwidth user of Verizon's smartphone data services, the company will soon hunt you down and throttle you. (The company has long had a maximum transfer limit on monthly data plans.)

Seidenberg: But when we now go after the very, very high users, the ones who camp on the network all day long every day doing things that—who knows what they're doing—those are the—

Murray: It's video, right? I mean, it's video.

Seidenberg: But those are the people we will throttle and we will find them and we will charge them something else.
So much for unlimited data usage...

*hides his Verizon phone.*
