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Is the WoW Alliance stupid or something?



benny baloney pi

Okay, is the Alliance on WoW stupid or something, or is it only on my server? In Wintergrasp, my hunter is able to pull Feign Death successfully - not JUST on the Ally NPCs and the hunter/warlock pets, but on the Ally PvPers themselves! This shouldn't work on them at all! Yeah, yeah, you might say that it might work on those that have never seen it, but most of the PvPers in WG are at level 80 or close to it, so surely somewhere along the way they must have heard of the hunter's FD trick.

Instead, my guesstimate is that it works close to 60% of the time. In fact, I've killed Allys that have bought my fake so much that it's embarrassing. I think there should be an achievement titled "Psyche!" for hunters who fake out their target with FD, and then follow up with the kill.

Anyway, have any of you discovered this as well?


A friend of mine and I have a theory about Alliance/Horde and why Alliance is GENERALLY less experienced.

When you first start playing WoW, you tend to go to Alliance due to that faction having what is normally perceived as the "good" races while Horde is looked at as "evil" races. It is not until they have some game time that they decide to try Horde. So it stands to reason that Alliance is generally less experienced than the Horde in WoW.




yes. the alliance is painfully stupid.

Edrondol said:
A friend of mine and I have a theory about Alliance/Horde and why Alliance is GENERALLY less experienced.

When you first start playing WoW, you tend to go to Alliance due to that faction having what is normally perceived as the "good" races while Horde is looked at as "evil" races. It is not until they have some game time that they decide to try Horde. So it stands to reason that Alliance is generally less experienced than the Horde in WoW.
this theory has been carted around a lot. normally it is said that all the twelve year olds go to the alliance, for this reason. i'd believe it.



benny baloney pi

Like I said, if these were very new Allys - level 10 or below - then I'd understand that they might not have heard of the hunter FD. But after 79-80 levels, hunter FD should be old news to them - even if they're 12 year olds. And hey, don't dismiss their skills too quickly just because they're 12! Many of those kids play circles around me!




Way to generalize. Seriously. I started as Horde, and moved to Alliance when I realized the huge imbalance of Horde to Alliance PVE end game guilds.

Why is Alliance considered "stupid"? Because it has a bigger pool of players to pick from. There is just as much stupidity on Horde, just fewer to notice due to the smaller player pool.


Shegokigo said:
Way to generalize. Seriously. I started as Horde, and moved to Alliance when I realized the huge imbalance of Horde to Alliance PVE end game guilds.

Why is Alliance considered "stupid"? Because it has a bigger pool of players to pick from. There is just as much stupidity on Horde, just fewer to notice due to the smaller player pool.
And they all stay in the Barrens. Chatting about Chuck Norris.




Edrondol said:
And they all stay in the Barrens. Chatting about Chuck Norris.
Barrens is Horde there Ed. :slywink:


I know. I was saying the Horde idiots all stay in the Barrens. I have toons on both sides of the aisle. Or had at least.




Edrondol said:
I know. I was saying the Horde idiots all stay in the Barrens. I have toons on both sides of the aisle. Or had at least.
Swinging both ways, eh? :unibrow:

From the limited experience I've had with WoW, I found it to be different depending on the server; sometimes Horde was overwhelmingly stupid, sometimes Alliance, sometimes both equal. Most of the time Horde had the majority of the server though.



benny baloney pi

All I'm saying is that FD works too much in WG when it shouldn't work at all.:Leyla: At least on my server (Eitrigg). But hey, I'm not complaining! :whistling:

Still, I should get an Oscar based just on how often my acting works. :rcain:

-- Tue May 26, 2009 2:50 pm --

Wahad said:
Edrondol said:
I know. I was saying the Horde idiots all stay in the Barrens. I have toons on both sides of the aisle. Or had at least.
Swinging both ways, eh? :unibrow:

From the limited experience I've had with WoW, I found it to be different depending on the server; sometimes Horde was overwhelmingly stupid, sometimes Alliance, sometimes both equal. Most of the time Horde had the majority of the server though.
Yeah, we got proof now that Ed swings both ways - straight from his own mouth! :unibrow:



I'm fairly certain that the 'dumbass' demographic is evenly split between the factions. Said dumbasses are typically the ones going to Wintergrasp in mass quantities and, thus, are easy prey for the few smart players that show up.

I see just as many Horde rushing blindly into massive swarms of Alliance and getting ganked before they can do anything just as often as I see Alliance do the same thing. Said people also tend to bitch over various channels about lack of heals or how the other side is gay or stupid.




My server heavily favors horde on the population side, and I can definately say that horde has just as many dumbasses as alliance does. ;)




I pvp in the lower brackets, and there are stupid ones on both sides. In Arathi Basin I keep seeing Horde jumping off cliffs to avoid getting killed by me. With out using levitate or parachute cloak. Or Allies not charging past the person capping or carrying the flag. The Horde is only coming from one direction, lets stand 10 yards behind the person we need to cover. :rcain:

I see low level people, and non-twinks thinking they can compete at these levels (both factions.) They just end up hurting their own teams, especially the low levels. :slap: Seriously I keep running into Horde that are so low level in the brackets that I can two shot them, get a kb but no honor for killing such a lowbie that attacks me.



Frankie Williamson

I used to jump off of the cliff in Arathi then what I call the SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER maneuver I would intercept back up the cliff into the face of whoever I was running from.




Fucking alliance. how I hate them.




I think people are just stupid in general. FD works just as well against Horde PCs. I think it is because it drops their target and they pick up a new one and forget about you. People just don't look at why they lost their target.



I think people are just stupid in general. FD works just as well against Horde PCs. I think it is because it drops their target and they pick up a new one and forget about you. People just don't look at why they lost their target.
Pretty much this. If you're out in WG, then chances are you've got a lot of people around to choose from. A hunter that FDs has 6 minutes to lay there, granted, they can kill you while you lay there faking it, but if they lose their target, they are just likely to move on to the next closest thing. Probably even with the thought of "well, someone else will get him as soon as he jumps up". However, if it's just the 2 of you off by yourselves, then they are just being stupid to not check.
