[Question] Issue with auto-tweeting Facebook posts

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So, I've got a bit of an issue that I'm wondering if anyone can help me with.

One of my job's duties involves looking after our company's social media presence. One of my predecessors set up a system where anything that we post to our Facebook fan page gets automatically posted to our Twitter account. I'm not sure who set this up (I've got a suspicion, but it's not someone I want to contact if I can avoid it), or what Facebook app or twitter service was used to put this in place.

Does anyone know of a way to find out what system is in place that auto-tweets our Facebook posts? Thanks!


Staff member
First thing I'd check would be the associated Facebook applications. It's probably sitting in there somewhere. Barring that there's a lot of different apps that do this so you'd have to look very carefully at the PC you are using for a possible browser app. After that would be looking for a Twitter app.

My bet is on the Facebook app, though.


I doubt it would be a browser app considering that it continues to work even when the computer is shut down, but then again I'm not too familiar with how browser apps that do this would work so I could be wrong.

The Facebook page only has the basic apps added (photos, questions, links, video, events, notes) so if it IS a facebook app that's doing this, it's via somebody else's account, though I have no idea how I'd figure out whose.

I have no idea how I'd even begin checking if it's a twitter app.


Staff member
If this is a group or business, check and see who the Admins are. They might have something attached to their account.

Just a quick question, though. You post something to the Facebook and it gets Tweeted, right?


Yeah, posts to the Facebook page get automatically posted to Twitter. The main issue is that the person who set it up is no longer with the company and not an admin for the page.
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