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It takes a Golden bullet to slay a Dragon




This is a pretty sad, and equally infuriating report that answers the question "What the hell happened to Dragon Technologies"





Ugh. Seriously. There are a lot of people that should be in jail right now.




Ah, yes. Lovely story, that. L.&H. is one big story of fail, and mostly, a few managers and bankers lining their pockets at the cost of good technology. L&H's technology wasn't inferior to Dragon's (at least Scansoft didn't think so - the Dragon packets after version 9 were built on an L&H base, with Dragon added in; not the other way around....But they were no doubt good stuff, I've used both older programs and what they make now), but the successes in Korea and Vietnam were mostly built on paper. Cost the Belgian taxpayer billions (franks - still, hundreds of millions of dollars), and a lot of private pension funds and such as well.




Wow, I hadn't realized what had happened. That's pretty terrible.




I love how Goldman Sachs' defense basically boils down to 1) Dragon (the company) is the only one allowed to sue us, and we made sure they don't exist anymore, and 2) They didn't explicitly say "Please don't fuck us over," so we thought it was okay to fuck them over.




Yeah, their "success" is described as "Hey they closed the deal, that's a success."

I mean....WOW. NO OTHER INDUSTRY WOULD THIS BE ACCEPTABLE. It would be like at a restaurant, where people got salmonilla and died, and the chef was like "Hey, they ate their food, I consider that a success".




Yeah, their "success" is described as "Hey they closed the deal, that's a success."

I mean....WOW. NO OTHER INDUSTRY WOULD THIS BE ACCEPTABLE. It would be like at a restaurant, where people got salmonilla and died, and the chef was like "Hey, they ate their food, I consider that a success".
"They ordered the chicken. They did not specify they wanted it cooked properly."
