It's always the 3rd goddamn reviewer!

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Staff member
For real. There's always one who thinks that review means "unnecessarily attack everything in your submission, even common knowledge".
I love these parodies. I was in tears watching the "Hitler banned from Xbox Live" one.

I'll pass this on to my friend, who will soon be that dreaded first year post-doc.
Oh shit that was awesome! That has been the best use of this video, yet! I'm in tears.

I shall forward this to the whole department.
The hitler meme is freaking everywhere... they even did one about the local presidential elections, and it was actually funny, too bad you guys don't speak my language...
My favourite io this one (MAJOR INGLORIOUS BASTERDS SPOILERS - if you haven't seen the film go watch it as soon as you can):

BTW, is the xbox one the original, coz it seems to be by the dates.
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