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I'm having a bunch of people over to watch 4 movies back to back. (to back to back)

And we're eating Indian food.

Friday niiiiiiiiiiiiight
Well it isn't quite Friday night for me (a few more hours to go) yet but I am still looking forward to it. I plan on going home and playing some games and watching some movies off of Netflix instant watch. I may head out and grab a bite to eat with some friends later on as well.

Steven Soderburgin

WHICH MOVIES GOdjlkasdjlhafueuhhadslfhnd

edit: the notebook hasn't had any sequels The Lovely Boner :|


EDIT 3: I have actually never seen The Notebook.


Syfy channel and ordering out. Now that is a good time for me on Fridays!


Im watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and drinking fake champagne with Robin.

I am just generally happy it is Friday.
I'm sorry, we were busy. Watching movies. You understand.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but Layer Cake, Inside Man, Bullitt, and Chinatown.

Was a good night. And now I am tired.
My folks just moved, and my dad got a 103inch projector screen. I watched the good hulk movie in HD.

It was so good I'm pretty sure it was illegal. Or at least a major sin.
I'm sorry, we were busy. Watching movies. You understand.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but Layer Cake, Inside Man, Bullitt, and Chinatown.

Was a good night. And now I am tired.
Yo I know "kissinger" was slightly trying to bait you into a terrible movie list but all of those movies own (haven't seen Layer Cake though)


I'm sorry, we were busy. Watching movies. You understand.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but Layer Cake, Inside Man, Bullitt, and Chinatown.

Was a good night. And now I am tired.

Yo I know "kissinger" was slightly trying to bait you into a terrible movie list but all of those movies own (haven't seen Layer Cake though)[/QUOTE]

I kinda got a semi when she mentioned Bullitt.
Whatevs, I like some truly bad movies as guilty pleasures or just nostalgic bits of fun, but the point of Friday was to expose my friends to some good films, as they don't watch nearly as many movies as I do and I want to encourage good taste and classiness.
In only 4 short days I'm off to Costa Rica for two weeks. That'll be MY friday night, spent in Phoenix airport waiting for my connecting flight to San Jose! WOOOO


Staff member
Every time I hear The Cure, I hear Butthead saying, "Why does that guy always sing like uhUHuhUHuhUH?"
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