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It's "Laugh at Seej" Day!




This is so dopey I just had to share. So, last night, I went to the reunion concert of my Uncle's old band, The Bluerunners. I went outside during intermission to make a call. The doors are all glass... very CLEAN glass. So when I made my way back inside, I walked right into one of them. There was a huge crowd of people outside. All I could say was "Wow, and I'm sober too... if y'all can believe that!" A nice man helped me up, and the security guard kept chuckling at me all evening. I now have a tiny bruise on my cheek and a cut on my eye. :laugh: Observe.




I'd be surprised if anyone on this board hasn't run into a glass door/window before.

Cuts near your eyes are very annoying though!

You should go back and see if they can pull up the video footage from the security cameras. Put it on youtube and get your 15 minutes of fame!




I feel your pain. I once got stuck in a revolving door at a high-end hotel because my luggage didn't go fast enough to make it inside my little turnspace, but the person in front of me did the same thing...So I was trapped until she stopped pulling forwards. Meanwhile, about 100 people are staring at me laughing :(




My parents live in a condo block, and they have a small balcony that is just big enough for a family of four to eat on if you don't mind scrunching up a bit. When the weather is nice on the weekends, my parents like to sit out on the balcony and read (or just vegetate in general).

One summer, maybe 5 years ago, I'm back visiting, and my mother asks from the balcony to bring her some bug spray because the mosquitos are getting to her.

Like a dutiful son, I promptly find the bug spray, stride confidently through the balcony door....and smash right through the insect screen door that was still closed.

My dad and my sister laughed so hard that they both had to sit down.




I'd be surprised if anyone on this board hasn't run into a glass door/window before.!
That would be me. I've run into a streetlamp, though.




Shame it comes but once a year. :awesome:


General Specific

General Specific

I ran into a tree once.




I've run into a tree as well. Durkon's right, those fuckers are out to get us.




Shame it comes but once a year. :awesome:
It should be EVERY DAY, just like the generous spirit of Christmas! :p


Element 117

In Gusto's case, it is.




Well he might have more on me than anyone else here does.




Oh I got stuff on you. Stuff even you don't know about yet.

Because, you see... I'M FROM THE FUTURE.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Espy, what am I going to be when I grow up?




Aw man.... Espy, I'm planning a slow-mo post-makeover walk-down-the-stairs in about 6 months. Am I going to fall? I'm going to fall, aren't I? :(




Not only have I walked into a glass door, I've once walked into a SCREEN door. So I won't laugh at you. But if I had been there I probably still would have.




Totally. The thing that made it so wonderful is how slowly I was walking. So it wasn't like I didn't have time to look up and see. It was like a slow-mo "THUD" followed by a gradual crumple to the ground.




Espy, what am I going to be when I grow up?
Not to give anything away but I would rephrase that sentence to be something more like , oh, I don't know, "what am I going to be when I grow up if I'm not run over by the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile next month?"

Aw man.... Espy, I'm planning a slow-mo post-makeover walk-down-the-stairs in about 6 months. Am I going to fall? I'm going to fall, aren't I? :(
You are going to fall... IN LOVE.




Don't you guys remember when about a year ago I did the same thing at work?




Don't you guys remember when about a year ago I did the same thing at work?
Fell in love?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Don't you guys remember when about a year ago I did the same thing at work?
Get run over by the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile?




Ran into a glass door, you nobs.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Espy, give it to me straight. Will I ever be able to play baseball again?




Espy, give it to me straight. Will I ever be able to play baseball again?
Were you able to play baseball before?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Yes, but I need to find out if I'll be able to after my tragic wienermobile accident next month.




I thought you were going for the Marx Brothers'...

"Doctor! will I be able to play the piano after the operation?"

"Why yes, I don't see why you could not."

"Because, I could not play the piano before the operation..."


Chad Sexington


Ran into a glass door, you nobs.
Stop being so self-centred, Dan. No one remembers that time you did a thing with a whatever.
