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It's Official! AT&T Sucks!





Respondents in the annual survey hammered AT&T in just about every category, from voice service to the frequency of dropped calls. The big winner: AT&T's nemesis, Verizon Wireless.

Covering about 50,000 wireless chatters in 26 major cities, the Consumer Reports survey had little in the way of good news for AT&T, which has been taking a shellacking in recent weeks from Verizon and its devilishly effective "There's a map for that" ad campaign.




dang.... then again, I live in Dallas and I'm happy with their service so far :)

consider the popularity of the iPhone, it would be smart of AT&T to start really expanding their 3G network



I've never had problems here in Nevada, either.

Though when I travel to the midwest, there are issues.


Wasabi Poptart

I had AT&T in the mid-90's, prior to them being Cingular Wireless (when it was also called AT&T - confusing, I know). They sucked then. I thought service would be better once I got out of East Bumblefuck NJ. Wrong! Their service when we got to Southern CA was still spotty. I thought it was my phone, so I got a new one. Nope. Shitty AT&T service. Never had a problem since we switched to Verizon other than our bill is $30 higher than we used to pay.



What I am surprise about is that Apple tech support are usually superb (imo) we own two iMac and a Macbook. We always get top notch support for them when we have issues. iPhone is an Apple product and have a contract with AT&T, I would figure AT&T would try to cater to the customer like Apple did.

Also with the MASSIVE sales numbers (and huge demand for them) I would think AT&T would go, "Hey! we better make our network strong or someone else will come in and take it" while AT&T has exclusive rights to iPhone, newer phone similar to iPhone capabilities are cropping up (like 3G network phones) and killing AT&T's stake.

this is what I call poor management on their part. AT&T brought this upon themselves by not expanding when they had the lead. Verizon is using this weapon against AT&T to sell their own phones.




Huge shock. Huge. Really.

No. Not really.




Here's my AT&T story. I went to work one morning (after having the previous day off) and a coworker said "did you get my message? I called you yesterday." I didn't get the message and figured he might have mis dialed. Then another coworker came to me and said "I called you yesterday and left a message about the softball game we were suppose to have today. Did you get it?" Now she does have my number programmed in her phone but I didn't get that message either. Two weeks later I am getting ready for work and turn on my phone when it goes off and I get the message "you have two new voicemails." It was the two voicemails my coworkers left 14 days earlier. Yeah, Verizon is looking better and better.




What I am surprise about is that Apple tech support are usually superb (imo) we own two iMac and a Macbook. We always get top notch support for them when we have issues. iPhone is an Apple product and have a contract with AT&T, I would figure AT&T would try to cater to the customer like Apple did.
AT&T doesn't give a shit about Apple's brand or customer image. I seriously think that they ran some numbers, and decided that it would cost too much at this point to upgrade their network because the iPhone is going to jump ship to T-mobile or Verizon in 2010, and are just trying to sell as many contracts as they can until then and fuck the long-term consequences.
