ITT: Awesome flying machines.

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Kinda reminds me of Manhacks. It has six propellers and can move pretty quickly. Fairly silently, too, once it's up there.

Unlike this one, which is pretty insane:

(They don't have to be small, this is just what I saw today.)
That first one was really cool, and more than a little bit scary. Made me wonder where the heck I'd put my gravity gun.
Yeah, that first one is pretty awesome. I can imagine using one of those and a computer to automatically update traffic pattern snapshots in any high-snarl area. Just have the computer send one out for a photo op for 5 min of video, then auto return to charger, then repeat 10 min later for 4/hr updates.

Then again, I can also see a fleet of a dozen of them being released independently to automatically/autonomically deliver 12 separate 1kg nail bombs set to detonate when all 12 swoop in and arrive simultaneously at the GPS-programmed destination.

Dunno. I see both good and bad uses for it.



See, that's the kind of stuff I had in mind to add to the OP, but I couldn't remember what they were called. Thanks for posting!

You do look like one of those old school pilots in your picture, actually...
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