[Question] Java VI Editor

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Hey there, fellow tech geeks. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good off-line Java VI editor. For my programming class we're using putty, but that doesn't have an off-line mode. I'd like to be able to code and compile without necessarily being connected to the school servers.

Any suggestions?
So you mean a vi editor, as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vi ? Or a java 6 editor?

Most people use eclipse as their java editor. It runs on all major platforms, and is a good choice for java in particular.

If you do want a vi editor, check out vim - there should be a version for the computer you're using.
I have used both NetBeans and Eclipse. I actually like NetBeans a little better than Eclipse but I've switched back to Eclipse for Android development. If you want to do any app development in the future for android devices, Eclipse is what you're looking for.


Staff member
NetBeans or Eclipse are the ones I've used. Also I vaguely remember something called Bluejay or something like that. It was a neat one because it wasn't for making fully compiled projects, but for testing methods/classes/etc in a stand alone setting. Was more a teaching tool.
Eclipse is ten tons of sweet. I wish I had known about this last semester. It would have saved me hours of homework time. We were basically just using a text editor on a linux server.

Also, we're moving into C and C++ soon, anything similar for those languages?

Whoops, disregard, I see that Eclipse also has a C/C++ module.

Thanks a billion guys!
Eclipse is nice, but there's nothing wrong with just using a text editor and the cli. Particularly if you're just learning. Eclipse is great for large projects, but I'm not a fan of it for intro classes.

vim is excellence incarnate.
Well, now that i know how the architecture works, eclipse will sure save me a ton of time looking up syntax stuff.


Staff member
vim is the only IDE that exists. Everything else is a lie. And grab the Solarize color scheme while you're grabbing vim.
So, lately, I've become a big fan of the Microsoft Visual C++ studio. Unfortunately, I only have access to the full version in the computer labs at school. I'm going to try the express version on my home PC, but I have a feeling that it isn't going to have my favorite feature, the step by step debugging. I LOVE being able to see in real time as it's running what is happening to the variables. It helped me out immensely in understanding how stacks work in C++. I can't afford to plunk down, like 700.00 for the full version.
Well, hurry up and build your next-indie-sensation game while you're at school so you can afford the full version when you graduate!

Actually, now that i have it installed, it does have the step by step debugging, so I'm good with the free version.
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