1. What is your favorite video game of all time (or top three if you have a hard time deciding on one)?
2. Monty Python's Quest of the Holy Grail... totally awesome or sucktastic beyond belief?
3. When are you coming to Calgary to hang out and have some drinks?
4. What are you going to be for Halloween this year and are you going to host another awesome party?
5. What's the first thing you notice about a woman?
6. If you had to cosplay a character of the opposite sex who would it be?
I think that's enough nonsense for now
1. It's unfair to choose only one, however, I'll try my best with 3.
System Shock 2. Nothing will come close to this game. Bioshock? It's good but it's System Shock 2 lite. Anyone who argues differently is wrong. Every other game that tries to copy this genre is a cheap copy of this original game. Nothing has come close and many games stole a shitload of ideas from System Shock 2. Words cannot describe how awesome this game is for me. I probably finished this game at least once a year since it came out in 99. Probably finished it 15 times. Love the COOP/Impossible mode of this game.
Anything Baldur's Gate. The storyline is potent and draws you in, the difficulty doesn't pamper to the casual gamers and your options are near limitless. Probably the best D&D game ever put in a video game. My only problem with the game? Consistency spells for enemy mage NPCs make your clerics/mages "debuffers" in your group. Anything Icewind Dale are pretty damn good as well.
Chrono Trigger. I won't even bother to discuss this one more than it should. It's probably the best RPG that ever came out of Japan.
Honorable mentions go to : Skyrim, the Romance of the 3 Kingdoms Series (particularly #3 and 7 or 8), Mount and Blade series and Pirates (every remake).
I'm a huge fan of non-linear sandbox game worlds. Anything with this gets my thumbs up. So when games like FF 13 come out with tube vision, they get special hate from me.
2. It's been a few years since I've watched
Monty Python's Quest of the Holy Grail. It's a movie that obviously doesn't take itself seriously and that in itself and the classic jokes makes it a great movie to watch. So, yeah, pretty damn awesome.... but not as good as say.... the Princess Diaries?
3. Not anytime soon I'm afraid. I recall mentioning going to Calgary for an installation but I managed to convince them to allow me to remotely access their site for the installation. I'm just not a fan of flying such a long distance for "work".
When are you coming to Montreal?
4. Absolutely! Though the Halloween party will be far on the smaller scale of things (and no tequila this time, 5 people were SMASHED). As I won't have as much time to prepare this year due to my wedding and honeymoon there will be less games to play and due to effort probably put up less decorations as well but I'll still have my wheel of misfortune and prizes of course. I'll probably use my home made smoke cauldron and witch too. As far as costumes go, I'm hoping to do something marriage themed with my wife... probably something undead
if I have it my way. However, it's possible I might throw a Murder Mystery night instead this time around. I'm excited to see how that will work out. Anyone have any experience with this?
5. Physically or when I talk to them? Well the proper answer would be, "I'm married now, I don't notice anything in other women".... but to answer honestly... I've always been a leg man, so any woman with nice legs wearing a skirt, hose and heels will definitely get my attention. If I'm talking to them? Probably if they are normal or not. Women are generally to approached with caution (like EA). A lot of them are
bat shit insane with temperments that can vary depending on far along they are in their ovulation cycle or not.
You talk to a woman and your eyes wander naturally because they practically let you see their nipples and most of their well supported soft cushiony pillows with low cut tops and they get upset at you. HEY, don't upset at me woman, get upset at the person who unbuttoned the first 3 buttons of your blouse.
The eyes. Yes, the eyes. I'm particularly fond of green eyes and light brown eyes (hazely).
6. Nope. Just nope.