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Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman discussion (yes, it's old)





The thing that gets me is all the nuts who jump to the conclusion that Phoenix is pulling a Kaufman. People are lining up on the web to defend him, saying it's all part of some promotion for his brother-in-law's documentary, or that he's fooling the audience, whatever. Sometimes a grocery bag blowing in the breeze is just a grocery bag blowing in the breeze. Sometimes a drugged-out douche is a drugged-out douche. Even the "real" authors are so afraid of not "getting" the joke, that they all ride the middle, not committing to a definitive opinion of real or hoax.

(I should also mention that I'm not an anti-humor fan. I think it's pseudo-intelligent, and frankly the easy joke to make. It takes a lot more effort to make people genuinely laugh than to essentially psychologically bully them and call it sophisticated humor.)



Frankie Williamson

Didn't he break character somewhere while doing this shtick?




I just watched it, and sure didn't see anything.



Frankie Williamson

fade said:
I just watched it, and sure didn't see anything.
I didn't mean in that particular interview, but others when he was acting really weird or talking about starting his rap career.








:confused: So I'm a little behind. He's just been behaving strangely, doing hip hop music, and is hiding behind huge glasses and a beard or something?

If it's on purpose and not the result of some mental/drug issues, I can't say I blame him. If I was that famous, I might play around with my identity just to mess with people.



If I were David Letterman I would kick his ass. This is why I'm not a talk show host.




And if you were Crispin Glover you'd kick Letterman.




Cajungal said:
If I was that famous, I might play around with my identity just to mess with people.
If you were that famous you would be compelled to mess around with people just to get that high that comes with being well known and famous.

Yay narcissism!





If I were famous I'd be doing everything in my power to marry Scarlett Johansson. Including having to kill Ryan Reynolds.

And I LOVE Ryan Reynolds.




I'd settle for a kinky three-way. With or without Ryan Reynolds. :ninja:




stienman said:
Cajungal said:
If I was that famous, I might play around with my identity just to mess with people.
If you were that famous you would be compelled to mess around with people just to get that high that comes with being well known and famous.

Yay narcissism!

:confused: Not exactly. I just don't think I'd respond well to millions of people thinking they have me figured out based on what they've read and heard. Hearing people talk about celebrities is one of the strangest things in the world. One of my friends back home can't think of anything better to discuss than Tyra Banks or Jon and Kate. Every time she goes off about it I think about what it would be like to know that people all over the world are discussing my private life.

I'm not saying that's why this guy is doing it. I'm just saying that I think fame has the potential to affect people in very odd ways, and I don't think I'd be immune.



Cajungal said:
:confused: So I'm a little behind. He's just been behaving strangely, doing hip hop music, and is hiding behind huge glasses and a beard or something?
Basically he had a bet somewhere that he could whore out the celebrity tabloid scene, and decided to act out a crazed ex-actor who now is a drugged-out rapper.

The thing is being well-played, to the extent of any video of him not in-character on Youtube being pulled out within a day or two, and his agents, press people and him leaving interviews should anyone insist that is fake.

I'd love to do the same thing, watch a few million idiots lap up anything I pretend.




JCM said:
I'd love to do the same thing, watch a few million idiots lap up anything I pretend.
For now you'll just have to make do with the people on this board...



@Li3n said:
JCM said:
I'd love to do the same thing, watch a few million idiots lap up anything I pretend.
For now you'll just have to make do with the people on this board...
Good idea.
I'll be honest, im really a lesbian girl with serious psychological problems.




JCM said:
I'll be honest, im really a lesbian girl with serious psychological problems.
Nice try, but we all know you're actually an alt of Gas Bandit...


I thought everyone was an alt of Gas Bandit?




Yeah, there's that too...

-- Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:24 am --

Yeah, there's that too...



@Li3n said:
Yeah, there's that too...

-- Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:24 am --

Yeah, there's that too...
See? @Li3n is even TWO alts of GasBandit.



Mr_Chaz said:
[quote="@Li3n":2irqy9uf]Yeah, there's that too...

-- Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:24 am --

Yeah, there's that too...
See? @Li3n is even TWO alts of GasBandit.[/quote:2irqy9uf]

That's nothing. Remember when they banned that alt of GasBandit because he killed those children?

I am those children!




Actually i'm 3 alts, but one was busy putting subliminal messages into radio transmissions...



@Li3n said:
JCM said:
I'll be honest, im really a lesbian girl with serious psychological problems.
Nice try, but we all know you're actually an alt of Gas Bandit...
Technically impossible for 2 reasons.
a) He joined three years after/two forums after, in the pvp forums.
b) Im already Kurtz´alt.




That I could believe. You're stalking some Brazilian dude's MySpace for all the photos of "yourself" that you keep posting.




:bush: ....I don't remember posting in this thread a second time. When.... when was I awake that early? O well, I still mean what I said. Have I taken to sleep-surfing???




JCM said:
Technically impossible for 2 reasons.
a) He joined three years after/two forums after, in the pvp forums.
That's the genius of it, it's a pre-made alt... brilliant really. Unless this is a double double cross and GB is actually your alt and you're just pretending to be his alt to confuse us... :Leyla:

JCM said:
b) Im already Kurtz´alt.

Everyone here is Kurtz´alt, except Ed, he's Straub's alt, who is an alt of Kurtz also... your point?!



@Li3n said:
JCM said:
b) Im already Kurtz´alt.
Everyone here is Kurtz´alt, except Ed, he's Straub's alt, who is an alt of Kurtz also... your point?!
Everybody cant be Kurtz´ alt, as they are actually alts of Tim Buckley, except you, my alt for monologues and such, and Ed, who is older than the internet.




I'm a mexican alt.

I'm an El Alto




JCM said:
Everybody cant be Kurtz´ alt, as they are actually alts of Tim Buckley,
Pfft, every webcomic is run by an alt of Buckley... also, he sometimes turns into a cat and downloads child porn on unsuspecting peoples PC... fact.

JCM said:
and Ed, who is older than the internet.
Which is easy when you have a time machine like Kurtz does...



@Li3n said:
JCM said:
Everybody cant be Kurtz´ alt, as they are actually alts of Tim Buckley,
Pfft, every webcomic is run by an alt of Buckley... also, he sometimes turns into a cat and downloads child porn on unsuspecting peoples PC... fact.

JCM said:
and Ed, who is older than the internet.
Which is easy when you have a time machine like Kurtz does...
Thats the catch. Ed is beyond time and space.




This reminds me of that time we all found out Calleja wasn't really Mexican because the only Spanish he could speak was "Me gusto tacos y burritos." and "¿Donde esta el sanitario?".




JCM said:
Thats the catch. Ed is beyond time and space.

Or maybe that's what he wants you to think, if he really was why would he want the 4 Elemental Orbs? I say we try to hugg him to death and find out...




fade said:
This reminds me of that time we all found out Calleja wasn't really Mexican because the only Spanish he could speak was "Me gusto tacos y burritos." and "¿Donde esta el sanitario?".
De que estás hablando, pinche gringo loco? Mi español no es sólo completo, si no correcto. Cercano a perfecto. Mi ortografía, redacción, gramática, y dominio del lenguaje son absolutos. Si en inglés soy un nazi ortográfico, en español es el doble.

De hecho esa primera frase es errónea. Lo correcto sería "me gustAN LOS tacos y burritos". Aunque aún así tienes que considerar el innegable hecho de que los "burritos" ni siquiera son un platillo realmente mexicano. Es una creación Tex-Mex, a lo mucho. No encuentras puestos ni restaurantes de burritos en ninguna parte del país que no sea fronteriza.



Calleja said:
fade said:
This reminds me of that time we all found out Calleja wasn't really Mexican because the only Spanish he could speak was "Me gusto tacos y burritos." and "¿Donde esta el sanitario?".
De que estás hablando, pinche gringo loco? Mi español no es sólo completo, si no correcto. Cercano a perfecto. Mi ortografía, redacción, gramática, y dominio del lenguaje son absolutos. Si en inglés soy un nazi ortográfico, en español es el doble.

De hecho esa primera frase es errónea. Lo correcto sería "me gustAN LOS tacos y burritos". Aunque aún así tienes que considerar el innegable hecho de que los "burritos" ni siquiera son un platillo realmente mexicano. Es una creación Tex-Mex, a lo mucho. No encuentras puestos ni restaurantes de burritos en ninguna parte del país que no sea fronteriza.
Dont trick us Calleja, we all know that is copied off a Dorito´s bag.




Calleja is a nazi... you heard it here first, in his own words...

ni siquiera son un platillo realmente mexicano.
it is if we say so...




@Li3n said:
it is if we say so...
"we"? Who are you, the world's cuisine organization?




My name is Legion, for we are many... our stupidity can blot out the sun...




The awesome thing is, I don't know a word of Spanish (beyond "une cerveza por favor"), but I could actually understand everything Calleja wrote,because the base of all of the words is so easily noticable. Spanish really is the easiest Latin language to decypher if you know others.




Calleja said:
fade said:
This reminds me of that time we all found out Calleja wasn't really Mexican because the only Spanish he could speak was "Me gusto tacos y burritos." and "¿Donde esta el sanitario?".
De que estás hablando, pinche gringo loco? Mi español no es sólo completo, si no correcto. Cercano a perfecto. Mi ortografía, redacción, gramática, y dominio del lenguaje son absolutos. Si en inglés soy un nazi ortográfico, en español es el doble.

De hecho esa primera frase es errónea. Lo correcto sería "me gustAN LOS tacos y burritos". Aunque aún así tienes que considerar el innegable hecho de que los "burritos" ni siquiera son un platillo realmente mexicano. Es una creación Tex-Mex, a lo mucho. No encuentras puestos ni restaurantes de burritos en ninguna parte del país que no sea fronteriza.
Hey, don't correct me, it was your Spanish I was quoting. Poser. I smell Babelfish.




lame escrotos :angry:




Eww. I like you, but not that much.




How's my Spanish now, huh?!




Sounds photoshoped... i can tell coz the shadows are all wrong.
