Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Overflight Anything!

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Well, seeing as this is becoming so popular, might as well create an AMA thread. As other have claimed in their threads I reserve the right to ignore questions as I see fit.

So...give me your best shot.


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

What is your favorite thing about Halforums?


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

I think it's the fact that most people here have similar interests to mine, and apart from a few exceptions, everyone is pretty nice. I have followed this community since the Image Comics days and despite having joined other forums in the meantime, I always end up coming back here. I talk to the people here mostly on IRC so you may not notice this in the forum itself, but I guess you can call halforums where my "Internet friends" hangout.


Staff member
Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

If you had to go back and live in another era, which would you live in?


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

If you had to go back and live in another era, which would you live in?
I'm a pretty progressive guy so the thought of living in the past doesn't appeal to me. If I absolutely HAD to choose, I'd pick the most recent one possible. I have considered picking one where I could convince people I was an evil wizard and thus become their ruler but as certain media demonstrates, in great enough number, Rock Beats Laser

Would you murder me if you had the chance?


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

What is your biggest dream in life? And if you had to give up something to have it come true what would you give up?


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

First question: I want to feel like I made the world a better place for being here. Do something I feel is important and had a positive impact.

Second question: ...well, I guess the hard work on my course has made me give up a bunch of stuff: my self esteem, lots of leisure time, some of my sanity... And I aim to use what I learned there to achieve my dream. So there's that.


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

What's your favorite Dessert?
What's your favorite kind of food ?


Jumping on the bandwagon...Ask Psyclone Anything!

My favorite dessert is a three way tie between cheesecake, chocolate mousse and caramel mousse.

My favorite food: meatballs. Definitely.
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