A friend of mine (a fellow professor) got "wrong carred" once. He was on his way home from teaching a night class. He got pulled over by about 5 cop cars, yanked through the window of his car, thrown to the ground (tearing his clothes, and scraping his chin). They didn't tell him anything other than that he failed to stop. (that part was true. the lights came on at the beginning of a bridge, so my friend slowed down and rolled to the end of the bridge, thinking he was doing the cop a courtesy) They put him in the back of a cop car before finally letting him go. He said there must've been 20 cop cars there by the end. They still gave him a "failure to stop" summons. My friend documented the damage and went to the station the next day, where he got a half-hearted apology from the cop. He's in legal action now.