It's a game where you try to build a working rocket out of parts and successfully launch a space mission. It's wonderful how easily the rocket can go wrong and seeing the look of abject terror on the faces of your crew before launch makes it all worthwhile. I've been banging out some awesome rockets. One of the just up and exploded during my first separation sequence.
I can't believe how much fun I am having with it. Also, it's free to play the older version or you can donate and play the up to date one.
The challenge this week was to build a plane out of stock parts with exception of no "rocket" engines. Then proceed to take off from the Kerbal Space Center and land on the continent to the east safely.
If you are playing with the paid version check out a mod called MechJeb. It automates alot of the tasks such as making stable orbits, munar transfers, and landings. You still need to do some minor correction work manually but otherwise you can concentrate on designing/building.