[TV] Kevin Spacey gets it.

Kevin Spacey giving an excellent lecture/speech on television, the internet, and the relationship between creatives and executives. It's a really interesting speech and I highly recommend watching the whole thing.

He really has a strong understanding of everything, and a finger on the pulse of audiences that you don't expect to see out of an old school actor.
I've been seeing this everywhere, lately. But at 46 minutes, I haven't set aside the time to listen to it all.
Maybe if someone did an animated recap of the bullet points, or something? Otherwise it's gonna wait until I can sit in front of the computer for an hour.

There's certainly precedent. The recording industry wanted people to buy CDs. As many CDs as possible. But then digital distribution came along and we see what happened to the CD, right? Same thing with DVDs, Cassettes, Laserdiscs, Videodiscs, VHS/Betamax, etc. As each easier-to-use/distribute medium came along, it displaced the one before it. Well, now the content itself has been divorced from the media, and the industry can no longer deny that their product is becoming device-agnostic, merely data to be shuffled around. So far they have fought it with data caps and DRM (and other forms of "Artificial scarcity"), but this can't last forever. However, the industry will defend/continue their actions until you pry the content from their cold, dead fingers.

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Excellent speech. I've heard that he's an arrogant man, but really, sometimes people are arrogant simply because they're good enough to justify it.