Late to the game again, I know. I have small kids, and this finally popped up on Netflix streaming.
This movie was very good. I liked the weird contrast of realism and farce wrapped up in one film package. Fledging superhero gets his butt kicked first time out...but ends up flying a gatling gun armed jetpack. I didn't particularly care for Hit Girl's potty mouth or the sexualization of her costume, especially since those things seem to be in stark contrast to the way Big Daddy coos over her. I also found it strange that KA went from non-lethal to lethal without so much batting an eye. It was especially odd considering the distress he showed earlier just watching HG take down the drug dealer and co.
I was okay with most of the changes from the comic. They were relatively small. I kind of like that he hooked up with Katie in the movie, because it gave them a chance to explore a valid reason to quit patrolling. I know Mark Millar signed off on the changes to Big Daddy, but I also think it severely diminished his character.
Overall, a good watch, and well-filmed. I lost track of the number of movie homages, but I loved every one of them.
Let's just say when it took the "very serious turn" it went from "good" movie to "amazing" movie for me.
I enjoyed the heck out of it. It's not perfect but it hit a lot of great comic beats and was a hell of a lot of fun.
Hailey Knight
The only part of it I hated was the scene with Big Daddy and Kickass in the chairs on camera. I loved every scene, but I enjoyed Big Daddy's character so much that I didn't want him to die, especially not burning alive.
Otherwise, I think it juggled serious and humor very well, the characters were enjoyable, and it turned that ratty comic into a fun, interesting movie.
I agree that he was a favorite escushion but it really was the scene that I was mentioning before. Amazing, unexpected turn, really put things into a serious tone for most of the end.
The Lovely Boehner
This movie was pretty bad. It had seemingly no idea what tone it was going for. Aaron Johnson is just terrible. The only part I wholeheartedly enjoyed was the sight gag with them going to see "The Spirit 3". I never really felt invested in anyone. It seemed to pull the carpet out from under you when it seemed like there would be any stakes. It felt like there were 3-5 half-baked ideas in there, and none of them really developed. Nick Cage slept-walked through his part more than usual. Chloe Grace Moritz (sp?) is pretty talented, but no one could have made Hit Girl interesting.
I couldn't disagree more. I think Aaron Johnson played the role exactly how it was should have beeen played. He was a dork, plain and simple--which is what he was supposed to be! Any more dorky would've been a cartoon stereotype. Any less would've been the equivalent of Mary Anne Ugly.
Did I miss all the "Sexy Children"? I went and looked up Hit Girl again to make sure I wasn't remembering it wrong and nope, nothing sexy about her costume.
This movie was pretty bad. It had seemingly no idea what tone it was going for. Aaron Johnson is just terrible. The only part I wholeheartedly enjoyed was the sight gag with them going to see "The Spirit 3". I never really felt invested in anyone. It seemed to pull the carpet out from under you when it seemed like there would be any stakes. It felt like there were 3-5 half-baked ideas in there, and none of them really developed. Nick Cage slept-walked through his part more than usual. Chloe Grace Moritz (sp?) is pretty talented, but no one could have made Hit Girl interesting.
Yes, that is one example of a movie better than Kick-Ass.
Are you kidding? Mystic River was a horribly paced, sleepily acted, weak cinematography, over hyped by ancient critics, film that was obviously put out by a large majority of the cast that didn't even want to be part of the film. Are you trolling on purpose again?
Did I miss all the "Sexy Children"? I went and looked up Hit Girl again to make sure I wasn't remembering it wrong and nope, nothing sexy about her costume.
Are you kidding? Mystic River was a horribly paced, sleepily acted, weak cinematography, over hyped by ancient critics, film that was obviously put out by a large majority of the cast that didn't even want to be part of the film. Are you trolling on purpose again?
Nah, it's good. Clint Eastwood is a talented director.
He has as many, if not more, really bad films he's directed than good. So I'm going to have to say he's not. He does decently when he does well, creates a boring, uninspired snooze fest when he doesn't.
1. Are these 11 year old schoolgirls on your block superhero's?
2. tight leather deal?
I dunno man, I just don't see any sexualization happening here.
I'm trying, I really am, but I can't think of any other way to think of tight shiny leather (not sure why the question mark...that looks like a tight leather bodysuit to me) and miniskirts.
As for your question, no none of them are superheroes, but it was you who said it was a normal schoolgirl outfit.
Frankie Williamson
What's up with the forum's constant hate of Mystic River?
On topic, I was pretty ok with Kick-Ass but I checked out so hard when they revealed what was in the package that that was it for me. Didn't give a shit after that point.
What....weapons cannot be bought off ebay?
Frankie Williamson
I mean, even after all the ridiculous shit that had been shown up to that point, that was the straw of awful that broke the camels back. It was so fucking stupid that it seemed like an idea written by a 10 year old.
And then, and then, and then, Kick Ass has a..a...a..A ROCKET PACK!!! YEAH!! and and and and it has MACHINEGUNS ON IT! YEAH!! and and and he shoots EVERYBODY!!!
The Lovely Boehner
The entirety of Kick-Ass seems like it was written by a 10 year old that finished at the bottom of his class.
I mean, even after all the ridiculous shit that had been shown up to that point, that was the straw of awful that broke the camels back. It was so fucking stupid that it seemed like an idea written by a 10 year old.
And then, and then, and then, Kick Ass has a..a...a..A ROCKET PACK!!! YEAH!! and and and and it has MACHINEGUNS ON IT! YEAH!! and and and he shoots EVERYBODY!!!
Again, kind of the point in a way. I thought you of all people would've appreciated that. It was supposed to be a loser's fantasy. He sucked hard as a superhero. He was eclipsed by the greater heroes.
Much as the entirety of Mystic River was written by a senile man that couldn't remember where the plot was going, how to inspire his cast or to have an ending that created any kind of awe?
Poe and I were talking about the point in the movie when she actually DID wear a normal school girl uniform.
Philosopher B.
See my thoughts on this movie here. I agree with Boehner that the movie was balls, but disagree on the B-plot. Personally, I didn't give a hoot about the A-plot or anyone in it; consequently, I would have much preferred it if someone with talent had gotten a hold of the B-plot and expanded it into a straight-up parody of Leon and cop revenge plots; sadly, however, that was not the case, and instead we ended up with this mess of a film.
That's how I feel about the vast majority of Mark Millar's independently owned work (Kick-Ass, Wanted, etc). His mainstream stuff (Ultimates) is oddly fun in a dumb, summer blockbuster kinda way. But his independently owned stuff reads like a twelve year old doing a writing assignment and suddenly deciding he's going to be "mature" by adding as MUCH swearing and Middle School-level maturity into it.
I'm trying, I really am, but I can't think of any other way to think of tight shiny leather (not sure why the question mark...that looks like a tight leather bodysuit to me) and miniskirts.
As for your question, no none of them are superheroes, but it was you who said it was a normal schoolgirl outfit.
On an adult woman, that might be a miniskirt. On an 11 year old girl, that's just a skirt. And if you can't help but find 11 year olds sexy, maybe that's your problem man, not ours.
On an adult woman, that might be a miniskirt. On an 11 year old girl, that's just a skirt. And if you can't help but find 11 year olds sexy, maybe that's your problem man, not ours.
Yeah, I was puzzled by those comments. I found nothing sexual or sexualized in that costume, so I have to wonder if some people still here have more in common with Iaculus or Icarus, whichever it was, than was previously believed.
Yeah, I was puzzled by those comments. I found nothing sexual or sexualized in that costume, so I have to wonder if some people still here have more in common with Iaculus or Icarus, whichever it was, than was previously believed.
Really? I'm honestly baffled by this. I for one will not be allowing my daughter out of the house in a shiny leather outfit. If you don't find this sexual, I encourage you to compare the number of shiny leather full-body outfits in a normal department store versus the number in a lingerie/sex toy store. I suppose we'll have to disagree on this one. Added at: 15:53
For the record, I don't have to be personally sexually attracted to something to find it a sexualization. I don't find Borat's mankini personally attractive, but it certainly is sexual in nature.
Well, I'm not going to let my daughter murder people and call them "c*nts" either but you know... Alternative response: I doubt Big Daddy is supposed to be viewed as a shining example of good parenting, but thats just me so...
If you don't find this sexual, I encourage you to compare the number of shiny leather full-body outfits in a normal department store versus the number in a lingerie/sex toy store. I suppose we'll have to disagree on this one.
Yeah, I hear you keep saying that, and believe me, I know what you're getting at. I think it's the very context you're citing that added to what I don't like about the movie. I suppose alone the costume wouldn't be that bad, but I can't separate it from the very adult killing and language she was using, too. I guess I don't see "superhero" as a good enough excuse for black shiny leather--which to me associates less with "superhero" (outside of the X-Men movie franchise) and more with sex.
Wait, who thinks Hit Girl's costume is sexy? And why aren't they having a seat over there?
Okay, look. - there's the costume in question, literally posed with spread legs. I have no idea what you'd consider sexualized or sexy about this. The "tight leather" which is neither leather nor, as the wrinkles show, all that tight?
I don't know, man. You're not babysitting my kids.
Yeah, I was puzzled by those comments. I found nothing sexual or sexualized in that costume, so I have to wonder if some people still here have more in common with Iaculus or Icarus, whichever it was, than was previously believed.
Wait, who thinks Hit Girl's costume is sexy? And why aren't they having a seat over there?
Okay, look. - there's the costume in question, literally posed with spread legs. I have no idea what you'd consider sexualized or sexy about this. The "tight leather" which is neither leather nor, as the wrinkles show, all that tight?
I don't know, man. You're not babysitting my kids.
Now, now, calm down. Fade's opinion is his own and he has a daughter so I'm not going to even consider that it's appropriate for you to say something like that to him.
Your analysis of the costume however, as mine was on the previous page with a picture, is right. I don't understand how anyone could find anything even remotely sexualized about that costume. Unless everything made of "leather" is sexual to someone.
Your analysis of the costume however, as mine was on the previous page with a picture, is right. I don't understand how anyone could find anything even remotely sexualized about that costume. Unless everything made of "leather" is sexual to someone.
I keep looking at the costume, trying to see Fade's point of view, and I don't. Even on an adult woman (there is plenty of cosplay), the outfit isn't sexual. It's just there.