Killing Time

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Well, I've spent the better part of the day updating software on my company's server and the workstations.

It's been boring as all get out, but on the plus side I haven't done any actual work.

Luckily Halforums is there to keep me entertained.

So, anybody just goofing off? Join me in a collective yawn.


Hey now! My supervisor is out of town for 3 weeks. That means I do her job in addition to my duties (heh). And she makes 2.5 times what I do! Today was a necessary break from the fuck storm that last thursday and friday were and what tomorrow will be.
I usually post from work, too.

Though I work tech support and so am usually on a call when I do. I'm waiting for a system to reboot or the user to get a clue, so I typically have a lot of time to fill.


Goddammit that made me yawn.

I feel like a putz. I took my computer into the bar with me today while I worked and just looked at shit online.
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