Not only do I want this game, I want this technology to be used to make heavy rain 2.
Looks fantastic.
I'd literally get on my knees and suck the dick of the man who provides me this game on PC.
you better swallow too.
Ugh. Chrome or Xenforo is giving me issues with embedded videos not loading. I can't see this one, for example.
My concern before this video was that, with all the focus on the facial construction, the gameplay's quality would be lost in the process.
That concern's all been taken away, now. Looks like a GTA or Red Dead style controls with detective work. Which is just awesome.
Yep, my new TV and PS3 is screaming for this in HD on a big screen. I will be picking this up for sure.
Just wanted to bring this thread up again to point out that has all sorts of videos about this game at the moment, and they're absolutely thrilling:
Honestly, this game couldn't have come out at a better time for me. After reading some of the original Sherlock Holmes stories, I've really gotten back into murder mysteries, and this game is right up my alley. I really hope that the game will be as open-ended as they seem to advertise, that I'm allowed to make mistakes, and really have to use my wits to solve the mysteries.
Well, that, and the facial animations look pretty good.
Due date?
Wow. It will be like living out Chinatown. Incredible.