Hi all! I am usually in the cosplay thread when I'm here. I'm asking for your help in the Major Spoilers costume contest where I could win an iPad2!! I've never been in a contest to win something this substantial before, and currently I am going back and fourth between first and second by a few votes tied with Deadpool. I just can't seem to hang onto the lead.
SO if you guys would like to help a girl out, please vote for Lady Blackhawk! Voting ends on Halloween night. I'm so close!!
If anyone wants to see more about this, you can check out the Cosplay thread too.
Lets help our resident cosplayer out! Make sure to bump this on Monday when there is more regulars hanging around on the board
Done. Good luck!
Also thanks for participating in a contest that doesn't require me to register to vote. Super easy voting process gets a thumbs up from me!
Theory, posting the pics used in the contest might help draw eyeballs.
I voted for you! Good luck!
Just Me
I voted, the gf voted and I told a few people to vote for you, too. Good luck!
2 votes behind currently.
Just Me
Just checked and at this moment it's a draw (662/662)
I'm was in first, then second! lol Oh boy this is so close
I do want to thank everyone for this, by the way. I tried to see if anyone would vote for me on cosplay.com and they all jumped down my throat for asking for votes and that I wasn't doing it for the sheer thrill of costuming and blah blah. I'm sorry, but I've never been apart of something this substantial. Never thought my costume would be recognised in any sort of capacity. So what if I got excited? So what if I ask ppl for votes? They don't HAVE to vote.
I do want to thank everyone for this, by the way. I tried to see if anyone would vote for me on cosplay.com and they all jumped down my throat for asking for votes and that I wasn't doing it for the sheer thrill of costuming and blah blah. I'm sorry, but I've never been apart of something this substantial. Never thought my costume would be recognised in any sort of capacity. So what if I got excited? So what if I ask ppl for votes? They don't HAVE to vote.
I think it closes Halloween evening but I'm not sure of the time. I assume midnight.
Once again, I do thank everyone, even if you just blew by to have a quick read.
I think the thing that ticks me off about the other place is that I assume they'd be doing the same thing if they were in our position!
We are 1% behind! Come one people! Lets bring it!
It's real frustrating actually... any time in the lead, he pops ahead within the hour!
Have you shared it on FB yet?
That was my main avenue, actually, but I ran out of people to ask LOL
I voted for you on as many computers as I have! Good luck!! =^^=
Hitting up my buddy, JewWario, for a few votes. Hopefully he sees it in time!
Also stretched my tendrils out to Linkara.
Just commenting on Cosplay.com's "jerkiness"-- those people cosplay and they take cosplay very seriously, as it is an art. Cosplays are recognized for their work and quality, and they don't play "popularity contests". When asking for votes on anything, always stick with friends, like here. They like you enough to look past the "I'm voting on a bias" mindset, whereas strangers say "Why should I vote for you when I like ____ better?"
Well, I think it's over... My husband and I have spent the whole evening driving around trying to get votes... An old work friend was helping me out at his college/place of work with about 50 different computers and still I'm behind. So it's over.
I do thank you all for your help for an almost stranger to you and posting and reposting on your facebooks and other forums. I feel quite loved and humbled that you would do that for little ole me.
I would like to know Major Spoilers criteria for picking said finalists though... As far as I know, 5 out of 7 are pretty unknown? I sent in my Mary Marvel and 70s Supergirl (personally my best costume and most fun to wear) but they picked Zinda Blake. It was awesome I was actually in the final but I wonder how it ended up like that.
Allen who is Quiet
My theories about how they chose the finalists are all conspiracy theories ._.
Everybody did a great job though. Mad props to all of them.
Well, we sure tried. Congrats to Deadpool!
A for Effort huh? Good try Mary, sorry you didn't win.
I voted because I stick behind my forumites. also, because I would rather have you in my bed than deadpool. now, don't read into that, I'm not asking you into my bed, I'm just saying, if I had to choose....
.... also, look forward to my To drunk to post right post in the I'm too drunk thread....
Ah, Deadpool wins by playing the ol' Marvel vs DC trick...
Your mistake was not hitting a few DC fan sites and playing on their hate for marvel...
Also, Super-Adaptoid and Warlock where the most awesome costumes... but B:TAS Mr. Freeze is the only one that made me squee...