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Last research paper of the semester is done with pew



Just wanted to say that a few moments ago I just finished my final research paper of the semester.

I've had to do three of them this semester each one being about 25 pages long excluding small writing assignments, and the regular quizzes and tests.

Funny thing was I had already finished it earlier,but last week my laptop decided to crash on me and I had to fix everything and in the process lost all my earlier work.

Well at least this paper to state categorically.

So this past weekend I've had to retype the whole damn bloody thing.

My head hurts my fingers have a cramp but overall I feel good about it.

Its a 25 paper on the significance of red and black figured Greek pottery. Part opinion part hard data.

Luckily next semester will be more studio courses.

I'm taking Latin as my languages for this semester and next. I should have chosen something a tad less easy but nooo I wanted to learn how to read and translate.




I hope your research papers are the same quality as your posts here.



No they're better actually since I know my posting quality here hasn't been exactly stellar.

Most of my courses are in the 400 range and above so I have to be a whole lot more concise.

Hence whey I don't post much here




I want to see it.
