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A venue is considered a federal site when the Secret Service is protecting the president
From an article on people demonstrating with guns where the president is speaking.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/ ... index.html

What have you learned today?





There is nothing like making overt threats to get your point across?

I wonder just how many .308 rounds were pointed at that guy's head.

I can't believe the idiot carried an AR-15 into a crowd with a clip in it. He should have the decency to have his weapon unloaded in a crowd like that. All a stranger would need to do is flip the safety and pull the trigger and there will be a few injured people on the street.




sixpackshaker said:
There is nothing like making overt threats to get your point across?

I wonder just how many .308 rounds were pointed at that guy's head.

I can't believe the idiot carried an AR-15 into a crowd with a clip in it. He should have the decency to have his weapon unloaded in a crowd like that. All a stranger would need to do is flip the safety and pull the trigger and there will be a few injured people on the street.
I would be surprised if it was loaded. My understanding is that gun organizations ask people to demonstrate with unloaded weapons for a variety of reasons.

Given that the President was never anywhere near the demonstration out in the open, and the police at this particular event were well versed in the open carry law, I imagine that as each demonstrator with a weapon was identified, they were watched, but no weapons were ever pointed at them. No need to.

Besides, anyone with good weapon training would know that you don't sling a loaded gun over your shoulder like that. There are very specific ways to carry live weapons, especially in crowds, and an assault rifle enthusiast would likely be aware of that - if only for their own safety and to avoid having the weapon stolen.





Every gun is loaded.

That is especially true of every gun with a 20 round magazine and closed breach.
