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Learning to breakdance...or the get your ass up and learn new shit thread..



So this afternoon my wife and I took a hip hop dance class together. Holy fucking shit was it fun! I learned how to pop and lock with the best of them... well not yet, but we plan on going again. It's always nice to be that guy at a wedding with awesome dance moves. Ha!

This thread is to rave about something new that you learned or are in the process of learning. DO EET!


Rob King

Rob King

I am learning how to ballroom dance. I thought that was pretty cool. In my circle of friends, all the women know how to dance, but very few of the guys. If I can learn to dance before the next ball, I am sure I'll be busy the whole night.

The whole night.



I am learning how to ballroom dance. I thought that was pretty cool. In my circle of friends, all the women know how to dance, but very few of the guys. If I can learn to dance before the next ball, I am sure I'll be busy the whole night.

The whole night.




After you dance the whole night, you'll be tired for the grateful sex that is sure to follow!




Ballroom dance is over-rated. Or at least it is here...

- NR, who feels his sophomore year ball was ruined by the fact that his partner treated him like a leper.

PS Admittedly, Lambeth Walk is kick-ass.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'm learning how to sew. The way things are looking, I'm well on my way to having an adequate skill set to get hired in a sweat shop.




Man, I'd love to take a dancing class! After watching belly dancers, I wanted to take a class just for fun. But there were done that worked with my schedule. The fella and I would like to take some kind of dancing lessons when I move back. I bet hip-hop lessons were really invigorating.




I just started learning Mandarin, and I forgot how much fun learning a new language is. I'm doing it mainly to help facilitate communication with my girlfriend's parents (her parents both speak English, but not very well), but it's nice because my girlfriend's acting as my private tutor, and I'm looking forward to being trilingual!




I'm learning how to heavy fight in the SCA. It's kicking my ass right now due to it being winter (less meetings, less practice), loaner armour being scarce (sometimes stuck with legs that I can't walk in) and me being left-handed (depending on people that have center-grips to lend me a shield, etc).

It's trucks and trucks of fun, tho.




I'm learning how to play Eve online. Does that count?

And if you don't post a video of yourself breakdancing, Chaz, I'm going to hunt you down.



I'm learning how to hunt down and corner state legislators, so they will actually give me a quote or two.

I'm not very good at it so far. Those guys know how to avoid the press like crazy.




I'm working on picking when I play ukulele and not just strumming. It's hard, but I can kinda get through this song:

... but not that fast or that good. The one I learned was a lot simpler.




It's not breakdance if none of the moves involve spinning on your head...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I never learn anything.



Things I want to learn to do before my soul is crushed

I want to learn more physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology,
I want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jutsu so that I can say, I'll use my BJJ skills to make your eyes roll back and make you scream... hmmm maybe not.
I want to learn how to make a video game like Legend of Zelda and put it on the DS.

but right now all I'm learning is how shitty people are
Why do people always want to learn physics, math, chemistry, and biology....? If I had to do it over again, I'd learn about finance, accounting, and economics so my rich ass could go sailing around the world when I retire a millionaire at 40.



I'm not currently taking any dance classes....I used to though and it was a shit load of fun. I learnt Hip hop, Ballet jazz and Irish dancing. Good times!!!

So anyways what I'm learning right now with my husband being gone is, the art of patience and communication....So I suppose that never hurts !




Things I want to learn to do before my soul is crushed

I want to learn more physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology,
I want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jutsu so that I can say, I'll use my BJJ skills to make your eyes roll back and make you scream... hmmm maybe not.
I want to learn how to make a video game like Legend of Zelda and put it on the DS.

but right now all I'm learning is how shitty people are
Why do people always want to learn physics, math, chemistry, and biology....? If I had to do it over again, I'd learn about finance, accounting, and economics so my rich ass could go sailing around the world when I retire a millionaire at 40.[/QUOTE]

Obviously, 'cause science is more interesting and compelling. I may have had an opportunity to make my Ph.D in econophysics or however you wanna call it (there's these two guys at my faculty that are apparently somehow good at it and make good money on the side from it, just investments and that shit) and I didn't because what I'm doing is much more interesting.



Things I want to learn to do before my soul is crushed

I want to learn more physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology,
I want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jutsu so that I can say, I'll use my BJJ skills to make your eyes roll back and make you scream... hmmm maybe not.
I want to learn how to make a video game like Legend of Zelda and put it on the DS.

but right now all I'm learning is how shitty people are
Why do people always want to learn physics, math, chemistry, and biology....? If I had to do it over again, I'd learn about finance, accounting, and economics so my rich ass could go sailing around the world when I retire a millionaire at 40.[/QUOTE]

Obviously, 'cause science is more interesting and compelling. I may have had an opportunity to make my Ph.D in econophysics or however you wanna call it (there's these two guys at my faculty that are apparently somehow good at it and make good money on the side from it, just investments and that shit) and I didn't because what I'm doing is much more interesting.[/QUOTE]

I like it too, but I usually try to discourage people cause once you get to graduate level science, it gets much different from Discovery Channel specials. Eh, I'm pretty jaded at the whole Ph.D. market which is why I'm bitter.


Rob King

Rob King

Going to my friend's house to learn more dance steps, then coffee with her roommate.

Learning new things is fun.




I have to disagree with Chazwozel. I love my science. I love digging deeper into it. He's write about the Ph.D. job market, though. It sucks. And worse, you don't really get to pick where you want to live. There are places that I would love to live, but I can't. I'm in a state and town that are ... incompatible with my desires and personality. Not that there's anything bad about it (sorry CG), it's just boring as hell.

As for the OP, I'm learning Shotokan Karate. It's actually kind of hard, because I have to unlearn some habits I have from other martial arts. Fencing, especially, which has almost exactly opposite stances, etc.




I've been trying to learn the Melbourne shuffle. It looks like you're gliding across the dance floor.


Wasabi Poptart

I'm learning how to factor polynomials.:thumbsup:




I have to disagree with Chazwozel. I love my science. I love digging deeper into it. He's write about the Ph.D. job market, though. It sucks. And worse, you don't really get to pick where you want to live. There are places that I would love to live, but I can't. I'm in a state and town that are ... incompatible with my desires and personality. Not that there's anything bad about it (sorry CG), it's just boring as hell.

As for the OP, I'm learning Shotokan Karate. It's actually kind of hard, because I have to unlearn some habits I have from other martial arts. Fencing, especially, which has almost exactly opposite stances, etc.
Yay shotokan. 10+ years of training for me and I love it. One tip for you if you stick with it though, get yourself Best Karate by Fumiro Demuira. It's basically a whole series and each book has 2 or 3 kata in it. Except vol 4 I think, which has all the basic Kata up to around 5th kyu depending on your sensei. Only about 30 bucks I find it makes learning new Kata piss easy.



Frankie Williamson

I've been learning jiu jitsu for the past while when I can make it to the class in order to better oppress people.



I'm learning how to factor polynomials.:thumbsup:
F.O.I.L. it out bitches!


Rob King

Rob King

I want to learn Krav Maga, but that's not the kind of shit that they teach at your community center around here.




I'm learning how to factor polynomials.:thumbsup:
F.O.I.L. it out bitches![/QUOTE]


FOIL is for multiplying binomials, not factoring.
