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Leaving on a Jet Plane




Right, about to leave from LAX to FRA. If you don't hear back from me my plane probably crashed during take-off due to interference from the smoke and ash currently hovering around LA.

Either that or I'll be in the middle of the Atlantic. Maybe I'll end up on a mysterious island with smoke monsters and polar bears? :D




I wonder how many people who are about to board a plane don't use the lyrics "Leaving on a Jet Plane" as the title for their blog.
So far I think the count is surprisingly low...




Right, about to leave from LAX to FRA. If you don't hear back from me my plane probably crashed during take-off due to interference from the smoke and ash currently hovering around LA.
Yes... that's right... smoke and ash... :ninja:




I'm sure if you do crash it will probably be into my apartment.




Should you crash and find your self on a deserted island, may it be filled with Amazonian women craving the snoosnoo!




Well that was short-lived... only been here 4 days and my girlfriend decided we've grown too far apart and broke up with me, and is buying me a flight back to the US.

I'ma go manbawl somewhere.

EDIT: And damn you Scarlet Varlet for my signature




Ladies of Halforum... this man demands a hug.

Administer in 3... 2... 1...




Well that was short-lived... only been here 4 days and my girlfriend decided we've grown too far apart and broke up with me, and is buying me a flight back to the US.
Aw man...I am so sorry about that!





Well that was short-lived... only been here 4 days and my girlfriend decided we've grown too far apart and broke up with me, and is buying me a flight back to the US.

I'ma go manbawl somewhere.

EDIT: And damn you Scarlet Varlet for my signature
Change 'manbaw' to a solid night of booze, gambling, and hookers!




Dude, that is so brutal, even -I- want to give you a hug.

But I won't, because that would be awkward... or at least more awkward than I've already made things.


Kitty Sinatra

That's happened to me, before.

There's a huge bright side,here, so instead of a hug, I'm giving you a backpack. Bubble's just a little northeast of you. North Ranger's just a little way beyond that. Enjoy Europe, Dude.








Thanks for the hugs, everybody. Unfortunately, last night we pretty rashly called the website I booked through and changed my itinerary so I'm leaving on the 10th, I hadn't even thought first of what I could do by myself with all the time I would have had in Europe. If I don't catch that flight I'd pretty much be stuck here.

We're trying to make the most of it as friends; after she gets back from work tonight we're leaving to spend the rest of the week sight-seeing together. At least now she's actually talking to me rather than giving me awkward silences all day long.




Might want to change your sig too.




Might want to change your sig too.
Shegokigo: Master of pushing the bullet in deeper.




What you must do is clear.

Red Light District.

With the ex watching.

Your enjoyment shall be the vehicle of your revenge.




That's happened to me, before.

There's a huge bright side,here, so instead of a hug, I'm giving you a backpack. Bubble's just a little northeast of you. North Ranger's just a little way beyond that. Enjoy Europe, Dude.
Northeast? He's welcome to come over here, but if he's going northeast from Frankfurt, he's not coming anywhere near me. I'm almost dead west of him.

That aside, damn, dude :-(


Kitty Sinatra

Oh. I was just assuming that FRA was short for France. Otherwise, yeah, I would have said you were a quick jaunt west. There's probably a train that could take him right into your waiting arms.

I knows me some European Geography. What I don't knows is Airport Call Signs. I knows songs named after Airport Call Signs, though. That's somethings, right?

Frankfurt, I'm sorry

Pushers and junkies and cheap hotel flunkies
Pulled the day down through the floor
Arrival, departure, and, very soon after
No one knows Stanley Cup scores

We can't stay here where the sheep are all black
Dogs are all strays and they run in a pack
We can't stay here there are clothes on the floor
The bed's still warm, and there's no lock upon the door

Frankfurt I'm sorry for the telling of lies
Cursed all your children and blackened their eyes
Frankfurt I'm sorry may we make amends
We drank to your pleasures and danced in the end




*big bear hug from me*

I'm not gonna let go until you feel better, so feel better soon, m'kay?




(following post contains emotional ranting, be warned)

Yeah, looking at all the options I have now looks like I really should have slept on it before calling the booking agency to say "switch me to the soonest flight you can." Already done and too late to change again. She's gone back to not caring less that I happen to be just sitting around her house with nothing to do, so if she doesn't carry though with taking me out I'm just going to pack my things and hop on the train to a hotel in Frankfurt for my last two days here, try to find as many things to do as I can. I can't imagine I'll be wanting to go back Europe for a long, long time after this. She's going to come to the US to visit other friends here once in a while so it's up in the air whether I'll see her again, but the way she's acting right now makes it really hard to want to stay in touch with her. Since I came all the way over here just for her she could at the very least acknowledge my existence and talk to me.

On the brighter side of things, at least going home on the 10th means I'll be home just in time to go to my niece's first birthday party... and I'll also now be home in October when they start hiring temp work for the holidays, so maybe I can actually find a job this year.



*naked hugs for the David*
