Let's do this.

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So hey, I'm BananaHands. Stumbled upon this site because my roommate, ElJuski, frequents this site often (Feel free to ask for any fun/embarrassing story involving ElJuski, I've got plenty. :) )

So yeah. I'm graduating this year and I currently intern at a PBS station in Central Illinois and the station recently won an Emmy, so huzzah! I'm a freakin' wizard with anything relating to shooting and editing. Also, I enjoy the following: Comics, Nintendo, Venture Brothers, Orange Juice, Bubble Bobble, Zombies and Wes Anderson.

So yeah. Also, expect ElJuski to follow any of my posts with "fuck you" or something along those lines.


Staff member
Sir, a few questions.

1. Is she hot?
2. Is she british?
3. what's in the frog?
4. Is the frog British?
5. Is the frog hot?
6. Is she the frog?
7. Is Seth Rogen British?



Staff member
No, this probably won't end well. It's fun though, our rooms are about ten feet from each other, yet we communicate mostly through AIM.
I have two questions for you:

1) How many Nazis did you scalp the other night?


2) Did I or did I make a fucking awesome zombie?
Does Juice ever sit bolt upright in bed in a cold sweat screaming something about the people from the moon?


Staff member
Does he AIM even in the bathroom? If he doesn't who has to clean it up?
Heh, the house isn't exactly the cleanest place in the world... our bathroom is pretty gross on a bad day.

I have two questions for you:

1) How many Nazis did you scalp the other night?


2) Did I or did I make a fucking awesome zombie?
1) Twelve. Oh, and one bunny.

2) You had some awesome zombie make-up techniques, so yeah... you looked fucking awesome.

Does Juice ever sit bolt upright in bed in a cold sweat screaming something about the people from the moon?
There's been many-a-night where I've heard "DAMN YOU MOON PEEEEOOOOPLE!" coming from his room. I can only assume he's shaking his fist in the air while doing so.


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I bet myself fifty cents you would make a comment about dog piss in reference to the bathroom. Stupid dog.


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Feel free to ask for any fun/embarrassing story involving ElJuski, I've got plenty. :)
Ok, Go ahead.[/QUOTE]

Well, I realized all too late that he also knows plenty of embarrassing stories about me... so I'm gonna play it safe.

I bet myself fifty cents you would make a comment about dog piss in reference to the bathroom. Stupid dog.
That'd be too easy. I also didn't say anything about Lithuanians.


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....no, it's not after that. I got this title because my hands are always ridiculously warm... and after many hookah sessions, my friends started to notice that my hose was always uncomfortably warm. So, being high... my friend exclaimed: "Lay off of it, Banana Hands!"

Made me chuckle? They'll still call me that if I have to share a hose with them while smoking... sigh.


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What's it like to be the Wonder Boy to Juski's Captain Sunshine? Did you remember the Glyde?


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Hey fella.

What's your favourite episode of Venture Brothers?

And yes, I'm making you choose.
Twenty Years to Midnight. Love the episode, especially the "IGNORE ME!" part. Dr. Impossible is also a great character (lost the flair when Colbert stopped voicing him). H.E.L.P.eR and H.U.G.G.I.E. was just adorable.

How about yours?

What's it like to be the Wonder Boy to Juski's Captain Sunshine? Did you remember the Glyde?
I'm clearly the Monarch to his Captain Sunshine. Especially when it comes to that friggin' dog of his. I WILL KILL IT, JUSKI!
My favourite episode is ALSO Twenty Years to Midnight. :O

"YOU try gettin' a job when the only thing on yer resume is 'Fake Ghost Pirate'. "


I'll add my vote in agreeance that Twenty Years is the best.

I also do a decent "Ignore me!"


Staff member

By the way there's another thread with another roomate that joined. You're like, the trendsetter roomate of a forum guy. FEEL PROUD, MY SON


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---------- Post added at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------



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How much would you want in salary if you were hired to sexually satisfy Dame Elizabeth Taylor AND Rosie O'Donnell?
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