Leveling Guides

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Since we're all starting out new on this server I figured some leveling guides would be helpful. This is what I use, if you have some post em here.

http://wow-pro.com/ - They have a great 1-80 guide here. I used this on my horde characters and it works great. They also have guides for leveling up your professions.

I also just found out they now have an addon you can use that tells you exactly what quests to grab where to go and what to do, all in game. I installed it last night, and did went from 58.5-60 in about 1.5 hours. They have 2 versions, I used the tour guide style. Haven't tried the other one yet.


Ive gotta second that site. Jame's Alliance leveling guide rocks. I used it quite a bit leveling my Warlock and it speeds things up a ton, his "circuits" are often faster than what can be accomplished with QuestHelper.

It looks like Alliance side only has levels 1-12, though. Is that incorrect for the addons?
Looks like the Custom add-on only has 1-12. I used the tour guide style, and that does have all of them.

Also, when loading a guide there is no scroll bar to scroll through all the guides. You need to use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll down to the one you want.

CynicismKills said:
I used his guide for my Draenei at the start of BC, and got to 70 in about 11 days /played. It's really useful.
I've always wanted to try following the wow-pro guides, so I think once my shaman is out of the *myst area I might give it a shot.
I looked at the alliance guide, and it is definitely different than what they had me doing in the game. At least I think so :oops: . I was cranking through them pretty quick. It may be updated for the decrease in XP.
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