Life's small pleasures

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Sometimes, it's the little inconsequential things which make you feel happy.

Springing to mind immediately for me:

-successfully cooking a new recipe
-solving random logic problems
-unwrapping things
-re-arranging my computer desktop (not cleaning it up, just re-arranging it)
-scaring the kitty with the vacuum cleaner (but not intentionally)

What little things make you guys happy just doing them?
Having a conversation with my daughter. With school going and her little brother demanding attention all the time, it seems like all we do is rush around. When we get a chance to just sit and talk, I love that.
Here are a few quick things

Drinking a cold club soda when your tired

Putting a fresh build on a system

Finding a rare game at a garage sale/thrift store

Getting a new game

Having your cat sleep next to you as you watch Star Trek on your laptop
This is going to sound super nerdy but...

When I set a growth goal for a branch, having them meet it. :( Especially if I set the goal really high.

Or maybe that's on top of my mind right now because it's goal season and I just sent out more goals! hahahahah, poor buggers.
Having the cat fall asleep on my stomach. Being woken up by the cat on the weekend and then have her following me around the apartment pleased that I'm not at work.

Wasabi Poptart

The smell of coffee brewing in the morning.
Having a few quiet minutes every day when I can play a game.

And a whole bunch of sappy things.
My kids being ecstatic when I come home from work.

A night out with my wife, knowing the kids are in good hands.

Getting up early on the weekends and knowing I have a couple hours all to myself.


Staff member
Watching a good movie you haven't seen in ages.

Finding a classic film in the DVD sales bin.

A good sandwich.

The feel of delightful pain after a good work-out.

Finishing a painting or a drawing.

Sleeping in.

The scent of ripped mandarin leaves.

Winter's first snow.

A good rain after a long drought.

Kitty Sinatra

Having the cat fall asleep on my stomach. Being woken up by the cat on the weekend and then have her following me around the apartment pleased that I'm not at work.
Oh yeah. Getting a cat - even your own cat - to just notice you when it's not meal time is like the ultimate "I'm awesome" feeling.


Getting a compliment from a stranger, or watching a stranger walk off with a grin after giving them one.

When a seemingly intimidating challenge turns out to be a cake walk.

Walking under flowered trees that are raining down pedals.

That time right after you wake up but haven't really gotten all systems up and running. If I don't have to go anywhere, I like to just lie there and dream while awake.

For me, true nirvana is some good pizza, a fruit slushy, a book, and a nice spot in the shade. For some reason, when I manage to get into a situation like that, I'm just incredibly happy.


Spending 20 minutes picking your nose trying to get a sharp-ass booger that jabs you in the sinuses and finally getting the fucker out.


Oh yeah, like Jake, I love it when my kids flip out when I come home and dogpile on me (including the dog).

I love waking up to a really cool, crisp autumn morning, on the weekend, with the breeze coming in through the window.

Ice cold water after an hour workout tastes like sweet nectar from the gods.

Every fall we go this one farm for hayride to the pumpkin patch and the kiddos pick their pumpkins. I don't know why, but I look forward to that more than Christmas.

I actually love the awe you get from starting out playing a new 'epic' videogame. By epic I mean something like Zelda, Mario Galaxy, World of Warcraft where the world is huge.

My absolute little favorite thing to do is to sit on my deck on a cool, crisp evening, drink a beer, and do some star gazing with the ol' telescope, which is ultimately shattered anymore by the fucking ghetto assholes who moved in two houses down from us. I can't wait to move into a detached house in a month or two.
MacIntosh apples, I can eat a dozen a day.

Fall, I love this season the most. Crisp, cool air, the temperature is just right, the sweet decaying smell of flora and fauna, and the colors the leaves take when they fall.

Finding a new song to get yourself lost into for hours.

Taking a shower everyday.


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I just discovered a small pleasure-- getting by Youtube's auto copyright detection by tweaking the audio's pitch a bit.
Making my nephew laugh. I must admit my life is pretty miserable (although more because of others making it so than through my own fault) but he's pretty much the brightest spot in my life. He's 2 years and a few months old and he's changing so quickly and he's very fond of me which is a reward in itself.
waking up in the morning and realizing i have 2 or 3 hours left before i have to get out of bed.

beating the shit out of someone online at SC IV

hearing songs i like in public places (i have "underground" tastes. doesn't happen alot)
Unexpected foot rubs.
My mom's cooking.
"I love you aunt Casey!"
Crawling into bed all warm from a shower and being completely exhausted!
Getting special loot or when I get exalted with a faction.
Getting 100 hugs a day from my students.
New pack of stickers.
Christmas music.
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