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Limit Raised for Cross-border Shopping




The news: http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/...ping_120601/20120601/?hub=BritishColumbiaHome

Basically they're raising the limit on cross-border shopping trips for the amount you can take back home with you from the 'States. From $50 to $200 for overnight, and from $400 to $800 for more than that.

Now I don't live near the border, but I consider this a good thing. I thought "Free Trade" was supposed to make it easier to.. you know.. TRADE! But that doesn't seem to apply to the end consumer. Personally, I'd eliminate it for individuals, and just keep track of # of crossings and such, and look for smuggling or businesses just "traveling" when they're really getting inventory.

That being said, there's a comment near the end of the article that I agree with:

Local chambers of commerce across the country and the Retail Council of Canada are calling for Ottawa to make immediate changes that would help them combat cross-border shopping.

They said Friday the the federal government should immediately eliminate the tariffs charged on imported finished goods which, they say, add to the costs that Canadian retailers must deal with when they set consumer prices.
I agree with this. Make it a competitive market, with the governments getting out of the way of both businesses and consumers. Making it an uneven playing field for businesses on either side of the border is bad.




Well this will be good for the Buffalo economy. Less good for Buffalo drivers.
