List your favorite Firefox Add-ons and Themes.

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Mine are listed below

Gradient iCool
Chromifox Extreme Carbon

Adblock Plus
Lazarus: Form Recovery
Rehost Image
Video DownloadHelper
IE Tab 2 (FF 3.6+)
No themes, but Adblock Plus, NoScript, Torbutton, and FoxyProxy are must haves if you want protection and access to content (I'm looking at YOU, BBC iPlayer and Hulu!)
laughing man theme(from GiTS), anything and everything to shoot down banners, flash crap, and pop-ups
I can't live without Ubiquity, Adblock, Tab Mix Plus, Greasemonkey and Stylish... I have several others but they're not as indispensable.

I'm really happy with Kempelton as my theme... BUT I also have an extension called GlasserPojo which makes the frame around Firefox look Aero-ish, so it looks AWESOME in Windows 7.

Oh, yeah, I also have everything but the navigation and tab bar hidden.. I like my screen real estate.


For home, I LOVE adblock plus, site launcher, greasemonkey and greasefire, just to name a few.

For work (I am in IT) I absolutely love my Nagios Checker. It parses data from my Nagios network monitoring software and puts it into a small space in my statusbar. Basically it's green for no problem, yellow for a non critial problem, and red for critical. I can filter out things I don't need like machines that are turned off every night (otherwise shows up critical) and change how info is displayed. I click it and it takes me straight to the alert page on my Nagios web interface. Very nice for alerting me to network and system issues before I even get a call about it. Most of the other add ons are for little things, nothing major, like when viewing the page source for a website, it opens in a new tab rather then a new window.
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