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Long time lurker, rare poster. Think I'll come here more often. AMA?



Hey guys. I've been with this forum a while, usually lurking -- I think I was more active in the Halfpixel forum than I was here. And even that wasn't very much. So.

I'm gonna try to post more.

Anyway, this is the intro forum, so I had better do that.

The earliest thing I remember is my first thread on the Halfpixel forum, which focused on Channel Frederator releases. I was thought by some to be a "plant" account at first. I knew what it meant, but I still can't give it a clear, helpful definition, so I'll borrow this one from Urban Dictionary.
A movie critic; one who is paid off from a major movie studio to give a fake positive fluff review. Sometimes the said "critic" doesn't even exist at all, and is just a fake name with a fake quote. Studios use this tactic as damage control for a potential flop. "The 3% of critics who gave positive reviews for Battlefield Earth on Rotten Tomatoes definitely had to be plants from Warner Bros. studios. No one could ever voluntarily praise that movie without being bribed."
After a while, though, I lost interest in that. I think part of it was the stupid titles they kept picking, and the other part was that people didn't really comment on topic much.

So... what else is there to say... Oh. I saved the Halfpixel meme "Leapin' Lawyer" from extinction by saving all the images and putting 'em up on my old site. I eventually put 'em on the Wiki here. (I'm really not sure what caused me to use obscure Claymates for mine. Honestly, no idea.)

I read a ton of webcomics. Right now, the count for somewhat-regularly-updating webcomics that I follow is up to 64. Speaking of which, I should go update the list, have a few to add now.

When I'm not hating it, I really like technology. Desktops, displays, game consoles, cameras and sound boards and mics and general A/V equipment... I just really enjoy hardware. Software, too. I've used Linux a lot -- it was the basis for my primary operating systems until the Windows 7 RC came around. I now have Fedora with LXDE on my Eee PC, and openSUSE (KDE 4) and Windows 7 on my desktop. I enjoy customizing stuff - thus why Opera and Firefox are my primary browsers, and why I like Linux. I use Windows mainly because I like games. It is a pretty good OS though.

Let's see... Oh. Gaming. I use my Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube, and PC. My top favorite of all time is Earthbound, followed closely by Mother 3. Some others are Donkey Kong Country (all 3), HL2, Portal, Deus Ex, Jedi Outcast, SSB Melee, LoZ Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, Megaman X, Super Mario Kart, and others.

Lots of different music, too. Pretty much I don't like most pop or country, and apart from that, if it's unique in some way, chances are I might enjoy it. Metal, jazz, hip hop, symphonic... I listen to a lot of Pandora stations, if that helps.

As for my personal life. I just left college last month (not graduated), as I was tired of experimenting with majors I didn't end up liking (chemistry, physics, computer science -- in that order). Now I'm attempting to get a job -- my first non-student-worker job, hopefully full time -- so I can afford a cheap used car (and start paying off the loans), then I'll be able to go to a media arts school and learning something I actually like, with their radio, video and film program. Much more affordable and much less time consuming than doing the same thing at the liberal arts college I was previously attending, and there'll be better equipment, too.

I guess I'll make this an AMA - Ask Me Anything. (Apparently Charlie Don't Surf already introduced you guys to that.)

Yeah, ask this ex-college kid anything.


Kitty Sinatra

That you in the picture?




Pandora dude! Here's mine.

Glad to see ya here...still.

Which college were you at? (I notice you are very guarded about your location so you don't have to answer.)




How do you keep your beard so neat and tidy?



That you in the picture?

Nice. Hey, have you tried any of the shared genre stations? They have quite a variety now.

Which college were you at? (I notice you are very guarded about your location so you don't have to answer.)
I don't go there anymore, so I might as well. Spring Arbor University, a somewhat small, private liberal arts college about 20 minutes from Jackson, MI. I really liked it there, but by the time I had figured out what I wanted to do (junior year) it would've taken far too long to do it there (another 4 years) and been far too pricy.

How do you keep your beard so neat and tidy?
Electric shaver (uses a shaving foil with a popout "trimmer" thing). I also now have a Wahl "goatee trimmer" that I didn't have at the time the picture was taken. Makes things even easier. :)
