Look out Texas...

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'cause shit is about to get awesome! That is right, my wanderings are taking me off to Dallas on Friday, where I will be spending the next 11 days before going to Tennesee for Bonnaroo! Vacations are fun!

Any locals care to reccomend stops I should take while down in Dallas from you


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Meh, Dallas kind of sucks. And by "kind of" I mean it totally sucks.

If you can swing by Fort Worth check out the Kimble and Modern Art museums. Pretty amazing stuff there. Also a pretty good zoo there.


Nothing much IN downtown Dallas, there are night clubs and such to go but all the "arts" stuff are in Forth Worth.


Staff member
Two clubs that I remember being good in Dallas are

The Lizard Lounge : Techno and stuff, fun club

Trees : Venue. Seen some great shows there (Flaming Lips with Looper opening)


Congrats on going to the worst part of Texas. :smug:
Sadly I have to agree (IMO) you should hit Austin or San Antonio. They actually have good visiting places. Not much in Dallas really. Which is one of the hard part to get Japanese Guests to come to A-Kon since not many would want to visit Dallas. Los Angelos, New York sure!! but not Dallas :(


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Going to the others cities is not an option. Staying at a friends place in Dallas. Worst case scenarios would be me poolside at the bar all week relaxing (which is fantastic within itself). I just wondered if anyone knew of any good local places I may want to stop by during the day, etc.
If you want to drive south eastish about six hours you can come see me the wife and kids and be bored here then drive another six hours south Westish and say hi to Shego before she violently makes you a woman against your will and you become her new bitch (unless she's in Dallas already in which case watch your back)


If you want to drive south eastish about six hours you can come see me the wife and kids and be bored here then drive another six hours south Westish and say hi to Shego before she violently makes you a woman against your will and you become her new bitch (unless she's in Dallas already in which case watch your back)
She is in Dallas? yikes *hides*


Staff member
shit, in texas there are about a million. I don't know dallas well enough for that though.

Rule of thumb for me and BBQ though. If it cost more than 10$ to eat at and the people working there are wearing uniforms then it probably isn't that good.
I'm actually gonna be in Denton this weekend, but I don't think I'll be able to get too far away, since I'm seeing a friend that's moving away forever in some weeks' time.


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Yar, Texas is a big state, and I am relegated to the Dallas/Fort Worth area for my wanderings over the next week and a half before going on to Tennesee.
See if there are any events at http://www.fairpark.org/attractions.html

The State Fair of Texas grounds normally has the roadshow museum exhibits passing through. Or concerts, musicals etc. Not to mention the Aquarium there was decent the last time I was in there.

May be worth your time to visit Neiman Marcus, the flagship store down town. Just to check out how the top 1% live.

Definitely look for a local BBQ hut.

There's always baseball. Get some cheap seats and drink expensive beer. Baseball is always a blast in person.


Staff member
Yeah, I am missing Iron Maiden by a day, they are playing there at fair park on the 9th. Pissed me off when I realized I was going to be a day off :mad:. But I will probably see them in Toronto on the 4th of July weekend (I hope :) )
Oh, try the Fort Worth Stockyards, there are many fine bars there. It is also the home to Billy Bob's Texas. I've not been to BB'sTX, but it should be a fun place.
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