Looking for a game.

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Staff member
As many of you know, right now my wife is out of work. Because of this, we've basically been taking each of my son's paychecks to help us pay the bills, buy gas, etc. So when he got paid today I told him that we were very appreciative of his helping the family out and that if there was a game wanted to let us know.

He said there was, but it is kind of hard to find....

Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the Wii.

Holy smokes is this thing hard to find! You CAN find it, but when you do it's upwards of $90-150!! For a $40-50 game. Well, that kind of defeats the purpose of commandeering his checks if we blow it all on one game.

Can anyone help me find it for a reasonable price?


Staff member
I was able to find a cheap one from a foreign GameStop. Cost $40 but they actually had it in stock and it's on its way.
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