Looking for an SD To USB adapter

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Staff member
Not a card reader.

What I want is something I can plug into an SD drive (like on a camera), and then plug a USB drive into.

Do those exist?


Staff member
Drifters thing is close, but I don't want it to be a storage device, I want it to be an interface adapter.

This is for a tool at work that uses an SD card reader, not for a camer.

Actually I think this might work:


Edit2: I think this actually might be one of a kind. I haven't seen anything else like this out there, and any search that shows this guy is a review talking about it like its the only one out there.
I've seen one years ago. Look instead for a device that allows you to copy from one flash drive to another. Then use an sd USB adaptor on one side, then the regular flash drive on the other. They are often used by photographers to backup photographs on flash media onto flash drives or hard drives.

I'm not at my computer right now, but I'll poke around tomorrow if you don't find anything from these clues.

Good luck!


Staff member
The purpose of this is that we have a new piece of equipment that only uses SD cards. Every at work uses USB drives. The solution they came up with was to buy a single SD card reader that people would borrow when needed.

My goal was to have some adapter (like the one above) plugged into the new piece of equipment 24/7 and the user would just come in and plug their USB drive into it. Makes it more painless.
Ah, what you need is a device that makes a USB flash drive look like an sd card.

That is something I have not seen.


Staff member
yeah, that would be the obvious route. Thing is that if I buy these people something they only use for a single system, they're going to loose it. Its important to remember that scientists are like children, and should be treated as such.
That Mobiadapter was the only thing I could find, too. I suppose searching in Japanese might yield some more results, but I don't speak it.

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